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[The episode starts with Ulixes flying to the Milky Way, finally returning to Earth.]
Donnie: Oh, look at it. The Milky Way in all of her ineffable glory.
Casey: Yes! We're heading back to Earth!
Mikey: Master Splinter, New York City, pizza, Ice Cream Kitty! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!
April: I'll finally get to see Dad again. Feels like it's been a lifetime.
Leo: Guys, this isn't a celebration. We've got one last shot to stop the Triceratons, or we're not gonna have a home to go back to.
Fugitoid: Leonardo is correct. This is our final chance to capture the Black Hole Generator. We cannot travel back in time again. If we fail, Earth is doomed.
Raph: We'll do whatever it takes to stop them, even if it means sacrificing our lives.
[Chompy squeaks]
Raph: Ah, don't worry, little guy. I'm not going anywhere.
Casey: We're gonna go mad crazy on these alien freaks, right?
April: For Earth!
Donnie: Say it, brother!
Mikey: Let's do this! Yeah, boy!
[At the mothership,]
Zorin: Warp complete, Captain Mozar. We have arrived in the Orion-Cygnus arm of the Milky Way, in Earth's solar system.
Mozar: Excellent. Sergeant Zog has located the last Kraang outpost. All hail Mozar!
Triceratons: Mozar! Mozar! Mozar! Mozar!
Mozar: Within mere nextons, Earth, home to the vile Turtles, will be destroyed.
[Theme song.]
[With turtles almost on the Earth.]
Raph: So how are we gonna take down the Black Hole Generator if it's invulnerable to everything?
Fugitoid: There is a way. But the entire Heart of Darkness must be destroyed. Not a single piece must remain.
[April looks at Fugitoid.]
April: What's wrong, Professor? I can sense you want to tell us something.
[Fugitoid turns away, feeling guilty before told the group the truth about himself.]
Fugitoid: My friends, I must confess something to you, something I couldn't reveal until you got to know me better as a humanoid- err... android.
Casey: What are you talking about, Fugidude?
Fugitoid: You see, it was not the Kraang who invented the Black Hole Generator. It was .....I... who created it.
[Everyone was shocked to see that Fugitoid had revealed the truth about himself, that he invented the Black Hole Generator.]
All: What?
Leo: It can't be!
Donnie: No way!
Mikey: It doesn't make sense!
[Flashback shows, where scientist named Zayton Honeycutt works on his project, but Kraang Subprime enters.]
Fugitoid: I originally developed the Black Hole Generator as an energy source. But when Kraang Subprime offered me a huge price to buy it, I gave in. I was greedy. I didn't care what they wanted to use it for. It was all about money, all about financing my research. And then I realized what a terrible decision I had made.
[End of flashback, as we cut to the present.]
Fugitoid: I mean, seriously, come on. They're the Kraang!
[Everyone was shocked.]
Casey: [angry] That is messed up, yo.
Leo:[furious] Fugitoid, how could you!? You.... you lied to us. Everything was a lie!
[Donnie tried to stop Leo.]
Donnie: Whoa, hold up, Leo! The Professor's saved our lives over and over.
April: He gave us another chance. His heart's in the right place.
Raph: He doesn't have a heart. He's a robot!
[Fugitoid lowered his head.]
Leo: Earth wouldn't have been destroyed, this insane space chase wouldn't be happening if you didn't build that thing in the first place!
Fugitoid: [guilt-ridden and a bit irritated] I-I was a different humanoid all those centuries ago. I've changed. I'm trying to make up for my mistakes.
Mikey: Calm down, bro. Give Fugitoid a chance. Isn't that something we've all learned by now? To give someone a second chance?
[Leo watches at Fugitoid, with silent, cold fury.]
Leo: I don't want to be a part of Fugitoid's plans anymore. I'll come up with my own plan to take down the Triceratons.
[Leo leaves angrily. Fugitoid looks down in shame as the dejected whir was seen. Back with the Triceratons.]
Mozar: Faster. We must get to the Earth.
Zorin: Captain Mozar, the Turtles approach.
Mozar: Are they cloaked?
Zorin: No, sir. They are coming in fast. Your orders?
Mozar: Hold your fire until we round Mars. And then we will unleash our entire fleet. Let us be done with these pests.
Fugitoid: Don't you understand? A direct assault is futile! And odds are we'll be the ones assaulted.
Raph: We got no choice, Fugitoid.
Casey: Yeah. Thanks to you.
Fugitoid: [sadly] I understand.
[The Raptors attack them and Donnie sees that Leo is not here.]
Donnie: Leo? He never came back!
April: Leo, come in. Answer your comm! [realizes in horror] Oh, no. He's about to do something really stupid.
[Leo gets into the scout ship.]
Mikey: Dude, Leo, don't do this, bro! We need you up here!
Leo: [putting on his helmet] Don't you guys get it? Fugitoid's just using us to get his Black Hole Machine. I know what needs to be done.
[He begins to leave and goes after the mothership.]
Donnie: Leo, think rationally. You can't bring down their mother ship with the scout ship.
[He ignored Donnie and started to attack the Raptors.]
Leo: Oh, yeah! Eat it!
[He goes forward to the Mothership and starts to fire at it, destorying the cannons. Mozar begins to summon lasers at the scout ship as Leo loses control. He went up to the top of the dome and the raptors attack him.]
Leo: Uh-oh.
[They destroyed the Scout Ship. Leo screamed as the ship exploded. causing it to self-destruct, leaving Leo stranded in space. Worse, his helmet started to break. Leo starts gasping for breath fearfully and panicking, and then it shatters, causing him to suffocate and exposing him into space.]
April: LEO!
Mikey: NO!
Donnie: After him!
Fugitoid: Quick! Rock rockets coming in fast. Full power to shields! Brace for impact! Oh!
[The missiles hit the ship as it goes down, Leo still floats there unconscious.]
Raph: Ah, come on! Work!
Mikey: We got to save Leo!
Donnie: Professor, do something!
Fugitoid: [panicking] Don't you think I'm trying?! Or do you think I enjoy plummeting straight for the surface of Mars?!
Mozar: Excellent. Engineers, full speed ahead. We have a planet to destroy.
Donnie: Oh no. Controls are frozen!
Fugitoid: Dark matter convertors failing. Power depleting. Brain spinning!
Casey: Leo was right. He's useless.
[Fugitoid stops spinning.]
Fugitoid: Activating secondary systems. Overriding controls. Sending dark matter to the thrusters!
[They dodged and finally moved away.]
April: Yes! You did it, Professor!
Raph: Now come on! We got to save Leo!
Donnie: I've got him on scanner. He's right up ahead.
[They went back to the unconscious Leo back to the ship. He wasn't breathing.]
Raph: [desperate] Do something, Donnie!
Donnie: His heart.. Stand back!
[He used his defib and electrified him back to life. Leo jolted awake.]
Mikey: [relieved] Leo! You're back! I thought you were a goner, dude.
Raph: You got to chill out, man. Enough with the crazy one-man missions. Leaders are called leaders because they're supposed to lead a team!
Leo: Sorry.... guys.
[Raph hugs him]
Raph: Just don't do that again.
Donnie: I'm just glad you're alive, bro.
Leo: Come on. No time. Help me get to the bridge. Still got to.. stop... Mozar.
Donnie: The Triceratons have probably made it to Earth as we speak.
[Back on earth, similar to the last episode of season 3, the past turtles came up to the Triceratons. Mikey's past version stepped on the guard's tail.]
Triceratons: Earth creatures! Attack!
[The Triceratons started to shoot as they fight the Triceratons. Bishop gets hit by the Triceratons.]
Past Mikey: Bishop! No!
[One of the Triceratons is about to shoot Past Mikey but his blaster is struck by a ninja star.]
Splinter: We heard you might need some assistance.
Past Leo: Splinter!
Past Mikey: And reinforcements! Yes!
Past Donnie: Guys, um, you do realize we're still in extraordinarily horrendous trouble, right?
Past April: So what do we do?
Past Mikey: We kick their Jurassic. Cowabunga!
[Mozar watched in shock.]
Mozar: [Shocked] Impossible! How did the Turtles get back to Earth before us? I want answers!
Rockwell: Great Scott, more are about to beam down!
[Mozar arrives and knocked Rockwell and grabs Past Mikey]
Mozar: Foolish little one. You are coming with me.
Past Raph: Mikey!
Splinter: Michelangelo!
[Past Michelangelo screams as has been taken away as more Triceratons teleporting. Cut back to the Ulixes.]
Casey: There's still a chance we can stop the Triceratons, right?
Fugitoid: Well, we will arrive on Earth approximately five minutes sooner than the last time I arrived. Mm, five minutes ain't bad.
Leo: Are you crazy? That's not enough time. I don't get it. We had those Black Hole Generator fragments. Why didn't we just drop them into a star when we had the chance?
Fugitoid: [offended] I designed the generator so it is only vulnerable to a combination of fusion and dark matter. So if you will calm down and allow me to-
Donnie: Um, guys? Look! I'm tapping into Earth's satellite footage.
[The videro feed shows the Triceratons ready to set off the black hole generator.]
Donnie: The Triceratons are ready to set off the Black Hole Generator again!
Mikey: Dudes, look at this. I'm zooming in.
[It shows how the Past Leo, Raph and Donnie are on their way to save Mikey the last time they fought the Raptors.]
Mikey: That's you guys, right? In the Stealth Ship, coming to rescue me? You remember that?
[The scout ship explodes]
Mikey: Aah! You guys blowed up! Ahh!
Raph: Mikey, calm down. We had a teleporter.
[Their past selves arrive in the mothership.]
Past Leo: We're alive!
Past Raph: You snagged a teleporter? You mean we could've just beamed here?
Past Donnie: There's only one charge, and I… Oh, man, we're in trouble.
Past Mikey: Guys, that was awesome! Thanks for the sweet rescue. So who's gonna rescue us next? April? Casey?
Mozar: The little one does not seem to recognize me. Let me ask you a question. Do you Turtles know me?
Past Leo: Actually, no. Never seen you before.
Past Raph: Nuh-uh.
Past Donnie: Nope.
Mozar: Fascinating. It looks like I must eliminate all of the Turtles to be done with you.
Fugitoid: Here is my plan. While you six aid your past selves in stopping the Triceraton guards, I will capture the Black Hole Generator with my tractor beam.
Leo: So you drop us off on Earth and fly off with the Generator alone? Forget it!
April: I can sense you're hiding something from us, Professor. You're lying to us.
Casey: Cough it up, Fuge! What's the deal, yo?
Fugitoid: There is no deal. It is imperative that you all follow my exact plan without question!
Donnie: We can't make that promise, Professor.
Raph: We're going to Earth, all right, and you're coming with us.
Fugitoid: [angered] No, I am not. And if you will not implement my plan, then you are no longer wanted on this ship.
[Infuriated by their refusal to not to listen to him, and saddened by them hating him now, Fugitoid ejects them away. They scream, falling to their deaths but Fugitoid uses a tractor beam to save them from a serious injury.]
Casey: Whoa! Tractor beam, dudes.
Mikey: Fugitoid saved us.
Leo: No. He just felt guilty. You just wait. He's gonna steal the Black Hole Weapon before the day is done.
Donnie: Let's move, guys. Washington Square is right around the corner.
[They leave for Washington Square, as we cut to the past turtles, teleport back to Earth.]
Past Mikey: Man, that Mozar was one crazy weirdo.
Past Raph: Come on. We got a world to save!
[A laser hits the garbage truck as the past turtles scream in shock and surprise. We cut to the hole of the garbage truck, we see Shredder's mutants fighting with the Triceratons. The present turtles appear to jump from past Raphael, past Michelangelo and Triceraton. They are shocked to learn by seeing their future selves, while Triceraton stands there for a moment and glares at past Raphael and Michelangelo, dumbfounded and speechless.]
Past Raph: Those guys are us?
[Leo runs up to see Splinter rushing after the timer with Shredder behind him.]
Leo: Master Splinter, no!
[Leonardo's words echoing as Shredder did just like last season but this time...Splinter avoids it.]
Splinter: What's this?
[Splinter locked Shredder's left arm as the latter tried to break free vigorously. Shredder attempts to go for another strike but Splinter avoids it and breaks Shredder's arm causing him to scream in pain. Splinter lets go of Shredder's twisted arm and kicks him, livid that Shredder wants to sacrifice the Earth to kill him as he reclaims his sword cane.]
Splinter:[enraged] I knew you were a snake, but stopping me from saving the world?!
Shredder:[angrily] It is because of you,[Raised his blade.] KARAI IS GONE!!
[As the two bitter enemies fight, Leo destroys the generator, damaging it so badly that it self-destructs. Earth is saved.]
Donnie: Yes! The timer is down. We're gonna win!
[Mozar teleports down behind Donnie and hits him.]
Mozar: So you time-traveled back to save your world, which means I destroyed it the first time around, did I not? Now Mozar will win the second round.
[He starts to fire his blaster.]
Past Mikey: Dudes, I get it. Those guys are us from the future!
Mikey: No, dudes. You're us in the past.
[They begin to attack and throw their weapons at him.]
Mozar: Foolish reptiles.
[Mozar's blaster is destroyed by Leonardo.]
Mozar: No matter. I only need these.
[Mozar cracks his knuckles and brutally punches and defeats the past and future team, after throwing Michelangelo to the ground. The past and future Donatello's team up and attack Mozar. They both hit the evil Triceratons with their bo staffs as we cut back to Splinter fighting Shredder. They ferociously cross blades against each other while blocking each other's attacks. Splinter rushes toward Shredder and tries to attack overhead with his sword cane but missed as Shredder slide away from the attack. Then Splinter jump onto the building's wall and tries to attack Shredder in the air. Shredder blocked the attack then grabs Splinter's leg and throws Splinter away toward the opposite building wall. Splinter stands up. Shredder growls in anger draging his claws on the ground creating sparks while slowly walking toward Splinter hellbented on killing him. Splinter dodges Shredder's claw as it ends up lodged in the building.]
Shredder: [Vigorously tried to pry his claw out of the building.] I will rid the world of a vile monster.
[Splinter grabs Shredder's incoming freehand as he strikes him with his pressure point attacks before pushing him off. Shredder staggered and winced in pain while holding his injured arm but looked up in defiance.]
Splinter: The only monster here is you, Saki!
[Shredder is given a well-deserved thrashing by Splinter before being sent skidding across the floor by Splinter's double handed punch. The armored assassin staggered then dropped to his knees screaming. Shredder looked up at Splinter, exhausted and defeated before Splinter delivered the final blow at the face leaving him immobilized and unable to move while his face remains angry. Shredder's helmet and mask was also knocked off as Tiger Claw ran to his aid.]
Tiger Claw: Master Shredder!
[All Shredder can do is groan in pain and look at Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw bent down to looks at the paralyzed master with sadness, before he growls at Splinter. Splinter looks at his shoulder with sadness and rejoins his sons at the battlefield without a word.]
Tiger Claw: [Carrying Shredder.] You have won this time, but don't count the Foot out for long.
[We cut back to the turtles battling Mozar.]
Past Casey: Hey, you're not too bad for a time clone Goongala!
[Past Casey throws a grenade puck at Mozar.]
Mozar: This is not over!
[He disappears along with the Triceratons.]
Mozar: Take us back to the mothership! Triceratons, we shall power up the mother ship to destroy their city. Then we shall retrieve the Heart of Darkness from its ashes and wipe out the entire Earth!
[The present turtles head to Splinter, glad that he is okay.]
Mikey: Sensei!
Raph: Father!
[Then the Black Heart generator is slowly lifted into the air by the Ulixes.]
Leo: Oh, no! Fugitoid's got the Generator. It's what he wanted all along!
Donnie: I get it now. He said the only way to destroy the Black Hole Generator is a combination of fusion and dark matter.
Casey: Which means?
Donnie: The ship uses dark matter, and the Fugitoid is powered by a fusion core.
Leo: That's why he wanted us off the ship. He didn't want to steal it. He's ...sacrificing himself.
Mikey: No! Fugitoid, don't do it!
Fugitoid: It has to be this way, my friends. If you knew my intent, you would have surely tried to stop me, and for that, I thank you.
Zoran: Sir, we are ready and awaiting your command.
Mozar: Power up the Devastator. Destroy the city.
Fugitoid: [emotional, last words] Let it be known that you are my friends, and I love you all.
[He began to glow as the Ulixes charged.]
Mozar: Oh, no!
[The Ulixes explode, engulfing the Triceraton flagship in a cataclysmic explosion.]
Mozar: NO! [His last words]
[An explosion engulfs creating a bright flash and fades, killing Triceratons, Mozar and Fugitoid. Through the Turtles, April and Casey are saddened by the death of their robotic ally. Splinter walks over to his past and future sons.]
Splinter: I do not fully understand what transpired here this evening, but I thank my sons, both present and future.
Past Casey: So, uh, what are we gonna do about this? The Earth isn't big enough for two Casey Joneses.
Casey: Hey, back off, punk.
April: I don't know. I always kind of wanted a twin sister.
Past April: Wow! Me too! This is actually kind of cool.
[The past Ulixes arrive.]
Mikey: What? Fugitoid? He's back?
Donnie: Wait. If there are two sets of us in this universe, then there would be two Fugitoids as well.
[After past Ulixes lands, enter Past Fugitoid.]
Past Fugitoid: Hello, my dear friends. My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. How would you like to go on a wondrous adventure?
Past Donnie: Wow, space?
Past Raph: Really?
Past Leo: That sounds incredible.
Past Mikey: Dudes, that is so sweet!
Leo: Space is awesome, guys, and if there's one guy in the universe you can trust, it's the Professor..
Past Fugitoid: Thank you, Leonardo. Perhaps we'll all meet again in the future.
Past Turtles: We'll miss you.
[The turtles hug Splinter and leave.]
Past Leo: Good-bye, Sensei.
Past Mikey: Yeah!
Splinter: I think we must talk about this.
[The past Ulxies leaves]
Raph: Later!
Mikey: Don't eat the Vanarian muffins!
Slash: Got to say, I've seen a lot of weird days, but this has got to be one of the weirdest.
Raph: Have I got some stories for you, pal..
Splinter: I would like to hear some stories as well, my sons.
Leo: How about first thing tomorrow, Sensei? Tonight, I need some sleep.
[All leave. Back in the orbit, Fugitoid's head reactivates, indicating that he survived...]