

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

E = MC Zip Lock is a story in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Special issue 11, published in the winter of 1994 by Archie Comics.

Appearing in E = MC Zip Lock[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects and Vehicles[]


From the title page: Our story begins with a nuclear physicist gone mad with guilt from what his invention has done to Earth and its inevitable future…

From a spot on a tower high above the city, the physicist, a billionaire, grumbles and mopes. Suddenly he shouts that he will shrink wrap the world, killing yet preserving its inhabitants.

To that end he has invented a two-hundred fifty thousand pound Wrap Walker, able to jump twenty miles at a time and covering its path forever.

Meanwhile, the turtles discuss the mad physicist and his idea with Splinter, who tells the turtles that they must stop him. The turtles are hyped up for their mission, but Splinter reminds them to be careful.

Hours later, the turtles arrive at the nuclear fortress occupied by the physicist. They note that there are no guards, not realizing that a hidden camera has shown the physicist their approach. He unleashes nets which traps the turtles and then the physicist turns them over to a flying robot, which drops them onto a small island. The net breaks and the turtles are stuck on the island.

Raphael discovers a box of food has been dropped with them, and despite warnings from the others, he chows down. An hour later he begins to feel sick and suddenly grows to twice his size. Donatello looks at the box and discovers that is says it’s highly radioactive.

Don is afraid they are going to have to wait until Raphael explodes, but Leonardo is struck by an idea. Using a section of the net, they forge a sail and ride on top of the very bloated Raphael. When they get hungry, they eat raw fish, but refuse to give Raph any because he looks like a boat.

After two days at sea, the turtles finally approach New York City. Somehow, a man carrying medicine approaches and they buy radiation pills from him. Michelangelo drops a couple of capsules into Raph’s mouth and he immediately spits up a ton of water.

Completely deflated, Raphael is carried by Mike as they race to take to the sky to complete their mission. In the meantime, the physicist starts the Wrap Walker, which means wrapping everything in its path.

His celebration over that achievement is short-lived as he spots the turtles approaching by air on hang gliders. He lifts the controller to the Wrap Walker, but Raphael puts a sai through the remote. The Wrap Walker quickly malfunctions and breaks.

The turtles then proceed to shrink wrap a very disgruntled nuclear physicist.

See also[]
