

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Drel is a Triceraton Solartrooper from the third battalion. He is one of the main antagonists of the Lost Causes storyline in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe.


Drel is boarded as a refugee to Burnow Island under Ma'riell's plan to broker peace between her people and the Triceratons. While stating that he is with the third battalion, the Utrom processing him yells at him that they lost their home to that battalion, and gets in an argument with Drel that needs to be broken up by Ma'riell.

Later, Drel complains to Tarsa about their living conditions, including their subpar food distribution. Noticing Kleve's disdain toward the Triceratons and active efforts to disrupt their living situation, Drel chooses Kleve as a target for assassination. Before he can finish the job, he is chased off by Utrom security. Kleve claims he never saw his attacker's face and that he could have been any of the Triceratons.

Donatello, who had been summoned to help to hash out the details of the peace treaty, noticed a discrepancy in Kleve's statement, as he was attacked from the front and definitively fought his attacker face-to-face, which was corroborated by security footage. Lost Causes, part 1 Don confronts Kleve, fighting and capturing him for interrogation. Don at first thinks that he has in mind to assassinate Triceraton leader Zom to disrupt the treaty, but then realizes he had it all wrong - it was Ma'riell who was the target.

Don races to the ridges overlooking Unity Field and finds Drel and Tarsa there with sniper rifles, ready to take aim. He attacks them and tries to get them to cease their attack, and Tarsa realizes that Drel lied to them about Zom giving the orders to shoot Ma'riell. Drel says that after his failed assassination attempt, he was approached by Kleve to take out Ma'riell and accomplish both of their goals. Tarsa reminds him of "honor and obedience" - the motto of the Solartroopers. Drel expresses regret for his actions and tosses away his rifle. Although Drel does not believe peace will last, he now realizes that he refuses to be the one to destroy it. Drel eventually confesses to his crime. Lost Causes, part 2

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