In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Baron Draxum was the main antagonist of the first season. He wished to take over the Earth's surface for the Yōkai by creating a mutant army from ordinary animals and mutate all humans with mosquito-like creatures called Oozesquitoes. Initially, Draxum was a powerful adversary of the Mad Dogs due to his interference in their plans while working with the Foot Clan to build the Kuroi Yōroi. After losing his power, Draxum was able to find redemption and become a close ally to the Turtles, acting as a "second father" to them.
Baron Draxum is a caprid Yōkai with long straight maroon hair, bright orange sclerae, teal cloven hooves, and a large, muscular figure. He wears a dark teal bodysuit (with a black collar and legs) with teal spots on his sleeves. He wears a breastplate and a large black and teal belt with gold trim and a dark teal loincloth. He wears spiked gauntlets with gold trim and attached to the back of his belt is a teal train. He also wears a gold mask with a turquoise face panel and a pair of gold horns with geometric engravings on them.
Without his mask and bodysuit, Draxum has caprid ears, a dark purple nose, maroon mutton chop sideburns (initially), and orange eyes. He has a dark pink body and dark purple cloven hooves.
Draxum's "standard" season 2 appearance debuts in "Hidden City's Most Wanted". He styles his hair half up in a bun and is clean-shaven. He wears a white kimono-like garment with teal and turquoise trim and blue-green pauldrons. He also wears a black hair tie.
Draxum is a visionary with eccentric ambition and he takes himself and his work seriously. He has a confidence that teeters into arrogance, referring to himself as "the great Baron Draxum" and expecting near reverence from others. He is so loyal to his own ideas that he is willing to conduct outlawed science and kill his own meddling creations to realize them.
Draxum can be cruel and deceptive. He lies to both Warren Stone and Hypno-Potamus and plays them against each other in order to possess a mystic gauntlet in "Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree" and to Splinter about the state of the Turtles in "End Game". Despite his cunning and because of his warrior identity, Draxum often utilizes violence and brute force to achieve his goals.
His care for Yōkai comes at the cost of Draxum resenting humans and wanting to be rid of them in the interests of Yōkai as a whole.[4] He has a self-righteous air in this way. However, Draxum has come to be more sympathetic towards humans since moving to New York City, seen in his developing friendship with April O'Neil.
Draxum's impatient streak is spurred by his high value for efficiency and sense of entitlement such as in "How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will" where he refuses to stand in line to order at a café. He is also theatrical, shown in his dark manner of speech, wardrobe, vast laboratory, and overall dramatic posing.
Due to his pride, it is hard for Draxum to admit he is wrong and to any wrongdoing he may have committed. He often rejects support from others because he thinks he is too good for it such as in "Repairin' the Baron" when Draxum vehemently asserts that he doesn't need Michelangelo's help despite clearly benefiting from it. When he does require help from others, he prefers to order those helping him around.
Draxum makes efforts to maintain an intimidating image thus he is not known for tenderness and is usually physically distant.
More than a decade before the start of the series, Draxum discovered a prophecy that foretold the destruction of the Yōkai at the hands of humanity. Desperate to protect the Yōkai, Draxum implored the Council of Heads repeatedly to take preventative measures against the prophecy and neutralize the danger humans posed in some way while at the same time devising his own methods of prevention through alchemy and mutation experiments. However, the Council disagreed with Draxum's interpretation of the prophecy. They disbelieved humanity was the threat the prophecy described and thus refused to do anything involving humans. Frustrated with the Council of Heads' inaction, Draxum chose to develop a plan to avert the fulfillment of the prophecy on his own, even if it violated Hidden City law.
Draxum eventually formulated ooze to create an army of mutants that would fight humanity on behalf of the Yōkai, but he sought to find a source of DNA to give his army great fighting abilities to do so. He came across Battle Nexus Champion Lou Jitsu approximately 13 years prior to the start of the series and hired Huginn and Muninn as his henchmen to bring him to his laboratory from his Battle Nexus cell, a task in which they succeeded. Draxum then mutated four different species of turtle using Lou Jitsu's DNA and his ooze, creating the Turtles by immersing them in the aforementioned blend. However, Huginn and Muninn soon after their mutation destroyed his laboratory and consequently all of Draxum's work. Draxum went on to assume that the fire had eradicated the Turtles and remade everything that had been destroyed.
Draxum debuted in "Mystic Mayhem". He was about to finalize his recreated ooze when Agent 64 stole its final ingredient. Draxum sent his hired guardsmen Garm and Freki to pursue him and they captured Agent 64 and reunited Draxum with his vial. Draxum added the activator to his ooze, feeding it to his Oozesquitoes, and tested it on a human named Stewart. The experiment was a success, however, his plans were interrupted by the Turtles and April, who fought Draxum and his minions to rescue Agent 64. Draxum was able to defeat all five of them, but after Mikey destabilized the main machine with his mystic kusari-fundō, his laboratory began to explode. Draxum was crushed below a large piece of rubble as his laboratory collapsed, unable to escape. However, the Mad Dogs accidentally released his Oozesquitoes onto the surface where they then began to mutate animals, including humans.
Draxum reappeared in "Bug Busters". Having recovered from the destruction of his laboratory, he broke into Big Mama's Grand Nexus Hotel office after he was informed by Huginn and Muninn that the Turtles were capturing his Oozesquitoes for Big Mama's use. Furious that his Oozesquitoes had been stolen, he fought Big Mama and was able to reclaim them from her and left her hotel to release them back into New York. However, Draxum was followed by Raphael and Leonardo who struggled to capture the Oozesquitoes for themselves. Draxum managed to seize Leo and revealed that he was the Turtles' creator. He used the threat of dropping him off the roof of the Grand Nexus Hotel as leverage against Raph to encourage him to relinquish the Oozesquitoes to him and when Raph doubted his resolve, he released Leo and took his Oozesquitoes from Raph while he dove to save Leo. Draxum re-released them into New York and teleported back to his laboratory where he then realized he needed to somehow free himself from the Turtles' meddling.
Draxum, having been thwarted again and angered by his creations' continued defiance, created the Evil League of Mutants (consisting of Meat Sweats, Hypno, Repo Mantis, Warren, and the Sando Brothers) in "The Evil League of Mutants" to kill the Turtles. During the recruitment meeting at the Radisson Hotel, Draxum informed the League about his history with the Turtles. He later lured the Turtles to a New Jersey warehouse with promises of a magician's performance and after unveiling his ruse, he gave the Turtles a chance to join his cause, an offer they adamantly refused. A battle between the League and the Turtles then ensued and after the Turtles defeated every other League member, Draxum revealed that he used Lou Jitsu's DNA to create them. His hope the information would finally sway the Turtles to his side was quickly dashed and he aimed to kill them, but was forcibly drawn through a portal before he could by Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant. Having a common enemy in the Turtles, Draxum allied with the Foot Clan and agreed to complete the Kuroi Yōroi with them, told he would be given the armor to wear once it was assembled.
In "Shadow of Evil", Draxum uncovered a piece of the Kuroi Yōroi from Middle Park Zoo with the aid of Huginn and Muninn and didn't engage with the Turtles in a fight, teleporting elsewhere. Later that night, he stole a Kuroi Yōroi fragment from April after she tried to escape with it on a subway per Splinter's instruction. Draxum captured April and met the Foot Clan at the station where they faced the Turtles. He unmasked Splinter, who was undercover as a Foot recruit, after hearing the Turtles refer to him as their father, but refused to believe that Splinter was Lou Jitsu until he recognized Lou Jitsu's signature tenacity in Splinter. Soon after, the Mad Dogs attacked the Foot's Origami Ninja and Draxum was struck by Raph's Power Smash Jutsu, losing his grip on his Kuroi Yōroi shard. Draxum and the Foot were able to add the repaired piece to their armor collection at the Foot Shack after Splinter and the Mad Dogs made a sudden retreat.
Draxum became frustrated with his low rank in the Foot in "How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will" and desired to become the clan's leader. He was partnered with Foot Recruit, who shared a similar strife, to make a coffee run at Coffee Légume for the Foot to advance his rank. He used his golem to retrieve the order instead of waiting in line and upon returning to the Foot Shack, Draxum and Foot Recruit were assigned to lookout support duty for the Foot's Kuroi Yōroi retrieval mission later that night at a New York botanical garden. Hoping their initiative would impress Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant, Draxum and Foot Recruit investigated the activity inside the garden's greenhouse and discovered the Turtles. He left Foot Recruit to harass the Turtles and activated the garden's security alarm to sabotage the success of the mission after Foot Recruit stated that one can only become leader of the Foot Clan by succeeding where the leaders have failed. Draxum wielded Oozesquitoes to escalate the battle between the Turtles, the Foot, and the Botanical Gardens Security Force Alpha by mutating groundskeeper Harold. He and Foot Recruit used the distraction to seize the armor shard before the rest of the Foot could and upon returning to the Foot Shack, Draxum promoted himself to clan leader, relegating Foot Recruit to his assistant rather than his partner.
Draxum broke into Hypno and Warren's apartment to seize Warren's gauntlet as it truly belonged to the Kuroi Yōroi in "Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree". He fought them on the New York streets and captured Hypno using his vines. After Warren escaped in the Turtle Tank with the Mad Dogs, Draxum had Huginn and Muninn write message to him promising Hypno's safe release exchange for the gauntlet. Draxum met Warren at a shipyard and accepted Warren's revision of the deal to trade the Mad Dogs for Hypno instead of the gauntlet and Draxum released Hypno. However, Draxum had told Hypno ahead of time that unless he got Warren to give up the gauntlet he would kill him and Hypno used his "Mezmer-roo" spell against Warren. But Draxum reneged on the deal and sought to saw off Warren's arm to take the gauntlet. His attempt was foiled by the newly allied Hypno and the Mad Dogs and they fought to take Warren from one another until April freed him from Draxum and his henchmen's grasp by cutting his arm off. Draxum then teleported away with the gauntlet in his possession.
Draxum was preparing to don the nearly fully assembled Kuroi Yōroi at the Foot Shack in "Insane in the Mama Train" and he later traveled with the Foot to Big Mama's train station to transport the armor to the Shredder's shrine. While waiting for the Foot soldiers to board the armor, he was confronted by Big Mama who threatened to pull her aid unless he told her what he and the Foot were transporting on her train. Draxum refused to tell her and gave her the Mystic Orb to appease her. He later captured the Mad Dogs when they arrived at the Kuroi Yōroi's car.
Draxum teleported April back to New York City in "End Game" and upon arriving at the Shredder's shrine soaked in the armor's mystic energy to ready his body to wear it. Splinter arrived alongside April at the shrine and Draxum fought him, refusing to release the Turtles from their captivity unless Splinter relinquished Skully, the final piece of the Kuroi Yōroi. This forced Splinter to give it up by using the Mystic Ōdachi to make a portal and grab the piece from the lair. Right as the Turtles arrived on the scene, Draxum added the last piece to the armor, donning it so that he could be powerful enough to conquer the surface. He left the shrine and emerged at a baseball stadium where he began his assault on humans, but he was defeated when April hit a baseball into the Jupiter Jim figure lodged in the back of the helmet, causing the armor to finally function as intended and feed on nearly all of Draxum's life force and expel him from the armor.
In "Many Unhappy Returns", Draxum, having realized the Foot betrayed him and effectively ousted from the clan, fled from the baseball stadium with what little strength he had left through the Foot's portal.
Following losing the Kuroi Yōroi, Draxum was on the streets of New York City alone, destitute, and almost powerless. The Council of Heads had criminally convicted Draxum due to what he did with the Kuroi Yōroi, making him unable to return to the Hidden City without risking imprisonment. Mikey found him at some point and helped him heal from the Kuroi Yōroi and set him up with the apartment above April's, trying to inspire Draxum to become a good person. Raph and April learned of his residence in "Repairin' the Baron" and objected to Mikey's involvement with him, but Mikey vouched for Draxum's potential. Once Donnie, Leo, and Splinter arrived at Draxum's apartment believing they were meeting April's parents, Draxum, Splinter, and the Mad Dogs had a tense dinner together. Afterward, Draxum visited Albearto Land with Mikey and Raph to witness positive aspects of humans, but Draxum's opinion remained unchanged. Draxum and the Turtles were then unexpectedly confronted by Garm and Freki with orders from the Council of Heads to arrest Draxum. He attempted to flee from their pursuit, but was protected from them by Raph and Mikey. As the Turtles battled Garm and Freki, Draxum chose to rescue two people from falling from a broken ferris wheel and in the process managed to harness his mystic power a little more. Watching Draxum perform his first act of selflessness in helping humans, the Mad Dogs somewhat began to accept him. Needing a creative outlet, Draxum was given a job at Washington Irving High School as a cafeteria worker.
Draxum was called by Donnie to advise the Mad Dogs on how to reverse the spell of the Arch of Aquinnah in "Air Turtle" after the basketball team Leo was working for as a mascot were altered into demons by it and Draxum informed them that they needed to defeat them in a basketball game.
Draxum was visited by lunchroom superintendent Vivian Slopworth in "Mystery Meat". His work performance was to be inspected by her with the prize of being crowned Lunch Person of the Month if it went well. However, Draxum's approach to serving lunch was quite unconventional, relying heavily on mystic powers, and he worked with April to fix his presentation. An Oozesquito he held in the school's kitchen was accidentally released and in an attempt to prevent Vivian from getting mutated by it he confined it into a pot of sloppy joe, inadvertently creating Sloppy Joseph. Sloppy Joseph was loose in the school pursued by April and Mikey while Draxum distracted Vivian, but when Draxum was about to receive his Lunch Person of the Month award, Sloppy Joseph crashed the ceremony, having grown gigantic. He ate everyone in the room, but Draxum managed to escape, free everyone from Sloppy Joseph, and kill him. Draxum's award was revoked, but he was uplifted by his fellow cafeteria workers in the district. He vowed to not use mystic powers on the surface and cared for Sloppy Joseph who had survived Draxum's attack.
Draxum toured the Hidden City cloaked as a teddy bear upon Mikey's invitation in "Hidden City's Most Wanted". However, Splinter was also there with Mikey and Draxum spent the majority of the outing antagonizing Splinter. After stopping at a fountain, Splinter threatened to remove Draxum's cloaking brooch if he continued to snark, but Draxum was unintimidated and an argument ensued. Splinter allowed a Hidden City Police officer to take Draxum to his home after he expressed his interest in the teddy bear where he was gifted to the officer's child Heather. Draxum was tortured by her until nightfall where he was rescued by Splinter after Heather had fallen asleep. They were discovered by the police officer in the middle of their escape and his anti-mystic device disabled the Mystic Ōdachi and Draxum's cloaking brooch, exposing Draxum's true form. Draxum then fled from the officer's house with Splinter and Mikey and hid inside a dumpster while the Hidden City Police searched for him where he argued with Splinter about their current plight and their past. Eventually, Draxum managed to apologize to Splinter for exploiting him for his experiment. He then confronted the police to allow Splinter and Mikey to escape, but was arrested and jailed.
Draxum was rescued from the Hidden City Prison by Mikey and Splinter alongside the other Mad Dogs in "Bad Hair Day".
Draxum was to participate in a New York scavenger hunt with Splinter and the Mad Dogs in "Battle Nexus: New York", but was transported into Big Mama's Mystic Orb like the rest of the New York City population. He quickly saw through the Mystic Orb's summer illusion and tried to convince the other abductees that it wasn't real. After showing Todd Capybara, Foot Recruit, April, and Splinter that the Turtles were currently in a Battle Nexus match outside of the Mystic Orb, he worked to escape it with April, Foot Recruit, and Splinter. Their escape allowed them to aid the Turtles in their battle against Big Mama and Shadow Fiend to secure the Mystic Orb. When Draxum was passed the Mystic Orb, he had Splinter, Foot Recruit, and the Mad Dogs distract Shadow Fiend while he tried to unlock it, fleeing into Big Mama's Grand Nexus Hotel. However, Shadow Fiend caught up to him in the hotel lobby and Draxum barely managed to stop him from punching him, but was still forced to the top floor of the hotel. At the top, Draxum fended off Big Mama by crushing her with a pillar and was saved from Shadow Fiend by the Mad Dogs' Mystic Hot Soup Hibernator technique. When Foot Recruit stole Big Mama's Mystic Ring to make the Shredder kill everyone else in the room, Draxum escaped through a portal drawn by Splinter with the Mystic Ōdachi.
Draxum conducted a mystic ritual at the lair using the Sands of Time Hourglass to transport the Turtles into Splinter's memory to recall Hamato Sho's instructions on eliminating the Shredder in "Finale Part 1: E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". He inserted April into Splinter's mind to rescue the Turtles once they were overpowered by Splinter's protective subconscious and after learning the weapon needed to defeat the Shredder was located in the Twilight Realm, Draxum accessed it to allow Splinter and the Mad Dogs to retrieve it.
Draxum and April tried to find a way to seal the cracking Mystic Orb to prevent the New York City citizens from emerging from it in "Finale Part 2: Shreddy or Not". Once the lair was invaded by the Foot, he ordered April to leave with the Mystic Orb and fought alongside Splinter against Foot Brute, Foot Lieutenant, and Foot Recruit and eventually restrained all three of them. He tried to stall the Shredder with Splinter in a battle to allow Turtles to flee to safety in the Turtle Tank, but was taken captive by the Shredder.
In "Finale Part 3: Anatawa Hitorijanai" Draxum lead the Foot to his laboratory after learning the Shredder needed Empyrean to harvest Splinter's Hamato essence, promising to share his store of Empyrean with him. Upon arriving, Draxum dropped the act, realizing that the prophecy he worried about had not been declaring humanity as the threat to Yōkai, but the Shredder. He then attacked the Foot with his golem to create an opening to escape with Splinter, but their efforts were impeded by the Shredder.
Draxum was forced to truly lead the Shredder to Empyrean to stop him from hurting Splinter in "Finale Part 4: Rise". Draxum was bound by the Shredder as he accessed the Crying Titan's Empyrean and was unable to stop him from withdrawing Splinter's Hamato essence. The Shredder then decided to kill Draxum without a use for him anymore, but he was saved by Raph. After Splinter's Hamato energy returned to his body, Draxum was relieved of his restraints and with the combined effort of the Hamato Clan, destroyed the Kuroi Yōroi. Afterward, he returned to New York City with Splinter and the Mad Dogs and released the city's population from the Mystic Orb.
In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue 1, Draxum sought to test the Turtles' combat abilities by pitting them against another mutant. He was alarmed that the human Harvey Hokum had followed Huginn and Muninn to his laboratory through their portal, but took the opportunity to mutate Harvey into a rabbit. He ordered him to fight the Turtles while he discreetly observed. Following Harvey's defeat at the hands of the Mad Dogs, Draxum was spotted by the Mad Dogs, so he used a portal to leave with Huginn and Muninn.
In The Reunion Special!, Draxum watched the live footage of the Mad Dogs at Channel 6 that Warren had set up to record. It was then revealed that Draxum secretly had Warren gather the mutants Man-Bun, Albearto, and Meat Sweats to have them face the Turtles in a battle. When the Mad Dogs won the battle, Draxum concluded that he would fight the Turtles again to judge their strength.
In the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 40th Anniversary Comics Celebration story Farewell, 20 years after the year 2024, Draxum cooked soup at the lair while April, Casey Jones II, and the Turtles returned from a mission. Leo traveled back to 2024, where Draxum kept Splinter company along with the rest of the family as he died.
An alchemist warrior mutant from the Hidden City, Baron Draxum is the self-proclaimed protector of all mutant-kind. Baron Draxum plans to mutate all of humanity with his insect-like creatures called Oozesquitoes!
- Expert combatant: Draxum has held his own against Splinter in battle, rely on rapids strikes, kicks and guarded in time from Splinter's attacks; before resorting to blackmail, forcing Splinter to surrender as shown in "End Game".
- Chlorokinesis: Draxum's mystic powers allow him to use hand-held activator cells of varying properties to rapidly grow vines and wield a glue-like substance to wholly restrict his opponent's movement when hit with it. However, Draxum is not beholden to using activator cells, able harness these abilities without them as long as they are mystic plants summoned himself.
- Vine manipulation: Draxum can masterfully choreograph several mystic vines at once to weaponize them, provide him with increased mobility and sight, and grapple and capture objects/opponents. Draxum can also dictate the size of his vines from pencil-thin to gigantic and any size in between.
- Organic constructs: Draxum can fashion himself armor such as gauntlets out of plant-like substances for elevated defense and manipulate their form into a saber shape to be used offensively. His organic gauntlets also magnify the power behind Draxum's strikes, shown to be capable of creating large craters in the ground while wearing them. He can also create organic creatures to carry out tasks as shown in "Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree".
- Golem creation: Using activator cells, Draxum can summon gigantic golems to obey him as seen in "Mystic Mayhem" and "How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will".
- Portal creation: Draxum can create portals to teleport from one location to another.
- Telekinesis: Draxum has been shown capable of mentally manipulating objects: cups in the "The Evil League of Mutants", bricks in "Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree", and a pillar in Battle Nexus: New York". However, this ability seems to be somewhat petty as Draxum struggled to manipulate the pillar.
- Genius intellect: Draxum has an exceptionally high level of intelligence. His ability to analyze subjects and concentrate allow him to invent solutions at an enhanced degree and he possesses a high capacity for learning shown in his wealth of knowledge in mystic powers and science.
- Alchemy: Draxum has acquired considerable knowledge in alchemy, creating his own strain of ooze to mutate animals and humans from their original state that is capable of heightening their previous abilities and bestowing them new ones.
- Strength: Draxum has exhibited remarkable physical strength.
- Speed: Draxum possesses notable speed and has even been shown to be able to keep up with Splinter's exceptional burst of speed in their attack on the Shredder in "Shreddy or Not".
- Agility: Draxum is quite agile, able to easily reorient his body after being struck by Big Mama's powerful strikes in "Bug Busters" and evade Splinter's attacks in "End Game".
- Durability: Draxum has heightened durability allowing him to withstand being crushed under a large piece of rubble in "Mystic Mayhem" and quickly recover from being forced through multiple floors of a building in "Battle Nexus: New York".
- Singing: Draxum explained his history with Lou Jitsu and the Turtles to his Evil League of Mutants through "Todd's Lemonade" in "The Evil League of Mutants".
- Michelangelo: It was because of Mikey's compassion that Draxum was able to regain his mystic powers and have a life outside of the Hidden City. He begrudgingly accepted Mikey's help at first, but took more influence from him over time. Draxum now holds affection for Mikey and considers him to be his son as much as Mikey considers Draxum to be his father. He prevents Mikey and Splinter from being arrested in "Hidden City's Most Wanted", going to jail himself instead.
- Donatello: Draxum doesn't have a close relationship with Donnie as he seemingly still hasn't forgiven Draxum for his past behavior or warmed up to him much. Although by the episode "Air Turtle", Donnie trusts Draxum enough to seek his counsel after Leo's foolhardy dabbling into mystic power transforms the members of a failing basketball team into mystic monsters.
- Leonardo: Draxum's relationship with Leo is strained and distant as Leo resents Draxum for throwing him off a roof in "Bug Busters". Draxum scolds him in "Air Turtle" for using dangerous mystic magic. Draxum, with his vast knowledge on mystic powers, then tells Leo and the other Mad Dogs how to solve the problem.
- Raphael: Raph accepts Draxum as part of his family, saying as much when he and the rest of the his family combine their power to save Draxum from the Shredder in "Battle Nexus: New York".
Friends and allies[]
- Huginn & Muninn: Huginn and Muninn are Draxum's former minions. He was initially skeptical of their competence due to their size, but ended up impressed by their work and hired them. Despite this, Draxum is often rude to them, insulting them and having little tolerance for their lighthearted natures. Once Draxum became a fugitive in season 2, he lost contact with Huginn and Muninn and hasn't seen them since.
- Todd Capybara: Todd was a member of Draxum's Evil League of Mutants although he wasn't aware that Huginn and Muninn recruited him until the recruitment meeting and Draxum enjoyed his lemonade. He encountered Todd again in "Battle Nexus: New York", recognizing him from the taste of his lemonade.
- April O'Neil: Draxum and April were enemies throughout the first season before becoming allies in early season 2. In "Repairin' the Baron", Draxum moved in as her upstairs neighbor and was hired as her high school's cafeteria cook. Over time, Draxum and April became unlikely friends and he came to care about April's well-being and tries to protect her from harm. Draxum usually calls her "O'Neil".
- Mutant silverfish: Draxum employed mutant silverfish to be his kitchen aides sometime prior to "Mystery Meat".
- Sloppy Joseph: Draxum accidentally created Sloppy Joseph in "Mystery Meat" when he trapped an Oozesquito in a pot to prevent Vivian Slopworth from seeing it or getting mutated by it. The Oozesquito injected ooze into the sloppy joe held inside, consequently birthing Sloppy Joseph. Draxum, angered by Sloppy Joseph eating his fish stick statue and other people, defeated him, reducing him to a small, infant-like state. Without telling April or Mikey, Draxum kept now-essentially-harmless Sloppy Joseph and is now affectionate towards him and takes care of him, careful not let him grow too powerful.
- Hamato Yoshi / Lou Jitsu / Splinter: Draxum first saw Lou Jitsu while watching him in a Battle Nexus match and though he learned he disliked his films, Draxum was nevertheless in awe of his formidable might and fiery nature, calling him "the great Lou Jitsu". He coveted Lou Jitsu's DNA to create formidable warriors who would follow Draxum. He eventually helped Lou Jitsu escape Big Mama's servitude in exchange for agreeing to be Draxum's laboratory subject. Upon his arrival, he was both thrilled to be in his presence and shocked by Lou Jitsu's uncharacteristic forlorn demeanor and aversion to combat, coming to see him as someone with no life and a withered will and spirit. Their arrangement quickly soured when Lou Jitsu opposed Draxum's plan for the Turtles and fled with the four of them who he would raise as his own sons. He was led to believe that Lou Jitsu had destroyed his laboratory by its actual culprits, Huginn and Muninn. It wasn't until Draxum encountered Lou Jitsu again in person in "Shadow of Evil" that he learned he had become a mutant rat who called himself "Splinter". However, his opinion of Lou Jitsu did not necessarily carry over to his new identity as Splinter, calling him "gutter trash", and would continue to be disappointed by his current state. Later in "End Game", Draxum captured the Turtles, holding them hostage and demanding Splinter exchange his last piece of the Kuroi Yōroi for their safe release, which Splinter eventually relented to. Following their fight, Draxum admitted that he felt Splinter hadn't completely diverged from his Lou Jitsu self and that he still expressed the same verve he appreciated. Due to Mikey's care and Draxum willingly risking his own life to save the lives of strangers in "Repairin' the Baron" and his gradual love of the Turtles as his own sons, he and Splinter came under an uneasy détente. Later in "Hidden City's Most Wanted", Draxum apologized for exploiting him and showed a desire to be a regular part of the Turtles' lives. He developed a sincere consideration for Splinter and tried to protect him from the Shredder's maltreatment as much as he could in "Anatawa Hitorijanai" and "Rise". By then, Draxum and Splinter came to treat each other more respectfully and accept one another as the Turtles' father.
- Cassandra Jones / Foot Recruit: Draxum temporarily allied himself with Foot Recruit in "How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will" as both sought to rise within the Foot Clan's ranks, but Draxum abruptly stopped helping Foot Recruit once he had risen to Foot Clan leader, much to her disappointment. They briefly cooperated again in "Battle Nexus: New York" in their struggle against Big Mama and her Shadow Fiend, but this changed when Foot Recruit discovered that the Shadow Fiend was, in fact, the Shredder under Big Mama's mind control, and her goals no longer aligned with those of Draxum, Splinter or the Mad Dogs; at this point, though, they did not become enemies. That wouldn't happen until "Shreddy or Not", when the cursed Saki's mind was restored within the Shredder for the first time in 500 years, and he directed his Foot to attack his mortal enemies the Hamato Clan at their lair; Foot Recruit was part of the assault team, and Splinter and Draxum fought to give their sons a chance to escape. Draxum and Foot Recruit finally became decisive allies again in the finale, "Rise", when Foot Recruit turned against the Shredder to protect Splinter, and Draxum and Foot Recruit cooperated with the combined Hamato Clan to destroy the Shredder for good.
- Mayhem: Mayhem was ordered by the Council of Heads to survey Draxum for his suspicious behavior. Draxum's vial of Empyrean was stolen from him by Mayhem, leading to the events of "Mystic Mayhem".
- Big Mama: Draxum strongly dislikes Big Mama and considers her prized Battle Nexus to be vacuous, but little is known about their history beyond that. In "Battle Nexus: New York" Draxum had to try to free the people of New York City from the same mystic orb that he had ironically given Big Mama during their past brief alliance.
- Warren Stone: Draxum initially allowed Warren to join his Evil League of Mutants despite his lack of an invite, but they became enemies in "Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree" when Draxum tried to steal his gauntlet from him.
- Mezmer-Ron / Hypno-Potamus: Draxum recruited Hypno to be a member of his Evil League of Mutants, but later became enemies when he held him captive to prompt Warren to give him his gauntlet in "Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree".
- The Foot Clan: Draxum partnered with the Foot Clan to rebuild the Kuroi Yōroi and defeat the Turtles. It was later revealed they were just using him all along and betrayed him to empower the Shredder where Draxum then was expelled from their ranks.
- Foot Lieutenant: Draxum holds no fondness for Foot Lieutenant and barely tolerated being led by him during his time in the Foot.
- Foot Brute: Draxum holds no fondness for Foot Brute and barely tolerated being led by him during his time in the Foot.
- Oroku Saki / The Shredder: Draxum never intended to raise the Shredder as he was under the impression that he himself would wield the Kuroi Yōroi to fulfill his own agenda. His life force was stolen by the Shredder in "End Game", severely weakening him and leading Draxum to fear him. Draxum pretended to ally himself with the Shredder in "Anatawa Hitorijanai" to make escape from him with Splinter, betraying him when he realized that it was he who was the threat to the Yōkai and not humanity as he previously thought. He was nearly killed by the Shredder in "Rise" after he concluded he had no use for Draxum anymore, but was he rescued by Raph.
- Guardsmen: Prior to the start of the series, Draxum hired bounty hunters Garm and Freki to hunt down Mayhem after he was discovered spying on and stealing from him. However, their employment by Draxum ended in season 2, where they were instead enlisted by the Council of Heads to find Draxum and arrest him for his crimes. They confronted Draxum in Albearto Land and demanded his cooperation, but Raph and Mikey were able to neutralize them as a threat.
- Vivian Slopworth: Draxum was given a career performance check by Vivian and he tried very hard to impress her and respected her status as lunchroom superintendent, calling her "your excellency". With April and Mikey's help, he was able to satisfy Vivian's expectations and was awarded the Lunch Person of the Month trophy. However, after Draxum's fight against Sloppy Joseph during the ceremony, Vivian confiscated his award, much to Draxum's disappointment.
- Heather: Draxum was given to Heather as a toy when he was cloaked as a teddy bear in "Hidden City's Most Wanted" and was repeatedly electrocuted by her as she played with him.
- Stewart: Draxum made Stewart his fully recreated ooze's test subject in "Mystic Mayhem" and it was his mutation that solidified its success.
- Harold / Stinkbomb: Draxum set his Oozesquitoes on Harold in "How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will" to use his subsequent mutation as a distraction for him and Foot Recruit to claim the botanical garden's Kuroi Yōroi shard before anyone else.
- Dale: Dale is a student at Washington Irving High School who Draxum is not fond of. He planned to mutate Dale into a cantaloupe using an Oozesquito in "Mystery Meat".
- "Not bad. Not bad. You are tough. That looked like it really hurt." ("Goyles, Goyles, Goyles")
- "Totally explainable common beast, as lord of the lunchroom, I command you to stand down." ("Mystery Meat")
- "Only a true genius could choreograph this many betrayals and double-crosses." ("Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree")
- Draxum is the second villain to be the main antagonist of a TMNT TV series aside from the Shredder.
- The first villain to do so was the Dragon Lord from Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.
- Although one of Draxum's official biographies refers to him as being a mutant, he is confirmed to be a Yōkai.
- Draxum is very skilled at playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.[5]
- When asked if Draxum's character design is meant to parody the X-Men's Mister Sinister in August 2019, Rise of the TMNT executive producer Andy Suriano answered in a Tweet, "That’s a great observation! Can’t say Draxum was specifically modeled after anyone (tho his mask lips were inspired by Marvel’s Kang the Conqueror). We just wanted someone cool and ambiguously terrifying!"[6]
- It was revealed in July 2020 by Rise of the TMNT staff writer Russ Carney in a Tweet that Draxum shares no DNA with the Turtles.[7]
- It was revealed in August 2020 by Rise of the TMNT staff writer Carney in a Tweet that Draxum may be "a couple hundred years old".[8][9]
- It was always planned by Rise of the TMNT co-executive producers Suriano and Ant Ward that Draxum would become an ally of the Mad Dogs after donning the Kuroi Yōroi.[10][11][12]
- However, it was revealed in December 2020 by Rise of the TMNT staff writer Ron Corcillo in a Tweet that, "But how it [Draxum becoming an ally] played out definitely developed over time, especially his relationship with Splinter. [Andy Suriano] was a big advocate of the 2 dads dynamic that played so well."[11]
- When asked if Draxum would've had the Turtles become super soldiers if Splinter hadn't fled with them in February 2024, Rise of the TMNT staff writer Corcillo answered in a Tweet, “A lot of his [Draxum's] softening only comes after his horrible experience of having his life force sucked away by the dark armor. I don't know that he ever would have seen the error of his ways without an experience like that. So I think he would probably have gone through with his plan.”[13]
- When asked where Draxum got his mystic weapons that the Turtles steal in "Mystic Mayhem" in July 2022, Rise of the TMNT staff writer Corcillo answered in a Tweet, "Draxum is a warrior who played a big role in the security of the Hidden City, so many of the yokai's most important weapons were entrusted to him."[14][15][16]
- The fact that Draxum created Splinter and the Turtles makes him similar to the Shredder from the 1987 TV series.
- Draxum (Rise of the TMNT)/Gallery
- Draxum (Rise of the TMNT)/Animations
- Draxum (Rise of the TMNT)/Appearances
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