Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) episode

Title screen
Season Code: 09
Episode: 08
Guest stars Jim J. Cummings as Doomquest
Original airdate November 4th, 1995
Written by David Wise
Episode chronology
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"Carter, the Enforcer" "The Return of Dregg"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1995 Season
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. "The Unknown Ninja"
  2. "Dregg of the Earth"
  3. "The Wrath of Medusa"
  4. "The New Mutation"
  5. "The Showdown"
  6. "Split-Second"
  7. "Carter, the Enforcer"
  8. "Doomquest"

1987 Season1988 Season1989 Season1990 Season1991 Season1992 Season1992-1993 Vacation in Europe sideseason1993 Season1994 Season1995 Season1996 Season

Doomquest is the eighth episode of season 9 of the 1987 TV series. It originally aired on CBS on November 4th, 1995.

Appearing in Doomquest (episode)[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Dregg publicly denounces the Ninja Turtles as "deviant terrorists" to a crowd of listening humans, as the TechnoGang search all over the city for them. As the Turtles listen anxiously, Michelangelo notes the situation is way and control. Raphael notes that they are too as he and Leonardo suddenly mutate again for no particular reason and lumber out into the crowd to take on their enemies. The humans panic and flee from the frightening reptiles, and the TechnoGang chase them back into retreating.

At the lair, Carter chews out Leonardo and Raphael for their actions. Leonardo notes that it felt like something came over them when they mutated. Donatello says that this was caused by the unstable mutagen, which is causing them to become less rational and more aggressive when they mutate. Splinter ominously says that they may have to sacrifice a great deal to stop Dregg.

On the Dreggnaught, Dregg receives the Vortex Crystal, which can warp space and time and allow him to summon his scattered armada. He needs a great deal of power for this, but knows he can trick humans into giving him what he needs. As the first part of his plan, he "gives" the crystal to Earth's people, claiming it will create unlimited clean energy, in order to make them plug it into a power plant.

Suddenly a massive ship appears overhead. A large alien named Doomquest appears, claims the Vortex Crystal is his, and traps Dregg's ship in the hangar of his own. The crystal is actually in the hands of Michelangelo, who escapes with Leonardo, Carter and April in the Turtle Van. Doomquest's lieutenant Draconus chases after them, knocking the Turtle Van on its side and declaring that Doomquest is actually a benevolent ruler who will use the crystal for good. During the fight, he manages to take the crystal and flee.

Donatello and Raphael mutate and pursue Drakonis, this time both start to act more aggressively; not just towards Drakonis, but towards each other as well. The presence of the Vortex Crystal suddenly causes them to de-mutate back to normal. The Turtles are more determined to get it than ever.

As the crystal is energized by Drakonis, the dimensional barriers start to rupture, a lightning storm forms over the ship, and the strange winged creatures emerge from a dimensional vortex. The entire city is being invaded by monsters from another dimension. April calls from Channel 8 alerting the Turtles and Carter to an attack there. The Turtles set out to stop the extra-dimensional monsters. All but Michelangelo mutate again along with Carter. Their increased aggression and diminished intelligence causes them to fight each other as well. Michelangelo is trapped by an alien spider with no one to help him until Carter arrives. Leonardo demutates and slashes at a fire hydrant. defusing and scaring off the "firebug" The three of them then hold back Donatello and Raphael who demutate, lamenting on how they're out of control and that it's getting worse each time they mutate. The next time they mutate, they could tear each other apart. So off they go to get the crystal back from Doomquest. Meanwhile, the station manager who was also in the previous episode is now convinced that the Turtles are heroes and assigns April to cover the story of the century.

While all this is going on, Dregg and Hi-tech attempt to bypass the restraints placed on the Dreggnaught. Speaking of aggression, Dregg is more determined than ever and even blasts Hi-tech when he says the restraints can't be bypassed.

The Turtles and Carter arrive at Doomquest's ship just before the Turtle Van expires, and manage to find the crystal with relatively little trouble. Unfortunately, they also find Doomquest waiting for them, and immediately all four of them mutate again; Michelangelo having remained normal until this point. Doomquest proves to be more than a match for all four super mutant Turtles and takes full advantage when the mutations cause them to fight each other instead of Doomquest. Carter manages to grab the crystal and uses it to turn them back to normal just as Doomquest is about to release his full fury and blast them all to bits.

Unfortunately, the Dreggnaught happens to appear at that point, and the only thing that Dregg and Doomquest can agree on is that they want the crystal. Donatello tries to keep the Dark Realm from overrunning their own dimension, but the Turtles find themselves pinned down and unable to escape. Remembering Splinter's words from earlier, Leonardo throws the crystal against the side of Doomquest's ship, shattering it and sending Doomquest and all his monsters back into the Dark Realm. Dregg and his followers flee the planet after Dregg panics that they too will be pulled into the Dark Realm and cuts off Hi-Tech before he can tell Dregg the danger is over.

April finally is able to broadcast the tape of Dregg's villainous speech, horrifying all the humans who had been blindly following them, and officially bringing Dregg's charade to a close. And as they leave, Donatello spots chips of the crystal on Carter's microsaw, which they might be able to use to stabilize their mutations.

See also[]

Notes and errors[]

  • Final episode in which Rob Paulsen voices Raphael and Hi-Tech.
  • Final episode to feature the voice of Jim Cummings.
  • Final episode to be written by David Wise.
  • It's revealed that at this point, the Turtles' intelligence is now diminished when they mutate into their secondary forms; all prior times, they retain their minds.
  • The giant scorpion's webbing changes position on Michelangelo's face between shots.
  • Before the battle with the monsters outside Channel 8 begins, everyone but Michaelangelo mutates. When we come back from the commercial break, someone mutates, but we don't see who; just before Carter comes to rescue Michelangelo from the spiderweb.
  • When Leonardo breaks open the fire hydrant, his mouth doesn't move while he says "This should cool you down.".
  • Whenever Doomquest fires energy blasts from his fingertips, the ends of his fingers open up for the blasts to come out, but during the Turtles' final confrontation with him, his fingertips no longer open up.
  • In the final shot of the front of the Turtle Van at the end of the episode, the lettering on the front is black instead of white.

Home media releases[]

