

Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.


The danger level increases as the Brain Thief Robot continues to grow and become more powerful. In its latest form, the mechanical menace has become practically unstoppable. Even Don resorting to an uncharacteristic use of force yields little result. Is this new threat causing Don to change, or is this new brutal side of him just coming to light?

Appearing in Donatello: The Brain Thief, part 3[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]




The homeless man, taken by the brain thief organics, becomes a living robot. Clutching his head, he punches through a brick wall and enters a subway tunnel. A train is passing, and he attacks it, shoving a car off the rails and onto its side. Passengers sprawl across the ground and he grabs one of the men, lifting him by the throat. A panel opens in the robot’s head and a tendril snakes out to pierce the man’s skull. The robot tosses the man aside and picks up another, doing the same to him. After throwing the man over his shoulder, the robot lifts a fist into the air and shouts Baxter’s name.

In Donatello’s secret lab, the upper section of robot Stockman’s body begins moving. The brain monitor on the computer begins to register changes. In another room, Don studies a map and sticks pin in a spot near Park Ave South and Irving Place. This is where the robot is heading. Moving into the lab, he takes down a Triceraton rifle from a shelf and clips it to his belt. Stockman comments that it’s coming for him. Don tells him yes, that he’s emitting no homing signal so he can only assume that it’s tuned to him somehow, to some kind of signature or frequency. He doesn’t know how Stockman’s doing it. Stockman says that neither of them can stop it. It’s part of him and it’s him that it wants. As Don stalks out of the lab, he pauses at the door and tells Stockman that it will never get him, that he can promise. Don can hear Stockman’s laughter even after closing the door.

Don runs through the sewer tunnels, using a map to locate that spot he thinks the robot should come through. He checks his watch and then looks up when he hears a rumble overhead. The robot soon crashes through the wall and confronts Donatello. It’s head open and the tendril comes out. Don notes that it’s now in human form, which means that it found a host. Shouting “no”, Don attacks, punching and kicking the robot. The robot bats at him and flings him away, but Don flips in mid-air and lands on his feet. He then begins dodging the tentacle arm that the robot tries to grab him with and makes his way up to a wall ledge. The robot’s arm changes back to something somewhat normal, except that the fingers turn to spikes. He points them at Don and launches the four spikes at the ninja. They smash into the walls around him, but Don avoids the crumbling bricks and drops back down to the ground.

He begins running and the robot chases him. It almost catches him, but Don springs off the wall and leaps over the robot’s head. He then launches himself at the robots back and drives him into a rock wall. As the robot rises from the debris, Don fires on him, scoring a direct hit to center mass. He continues firing, turning the robot into a melting mass. Suddenly the weapon stops working and Don curses as he realizes he’s depleted the charge.

As he watches, the robot begins reforming itself. Turning to walk away, he is certain the thing can’t be stopped. Don races through the sewers, running through the water, swinging over pipes and jumping over subway rails. He finally reaches an old steel door and uses a key to open the padlock. Standing in the doorway, he says that he was praying that he wouldn’t need the help of whoever is inside, but he has no choice. He then apologizes.

To be continued…


  • This is the first Turtles publication following the Viacom buy-out and thus is the first to feature the “Copyright Viacom International Inc. all Rights Reserved” indicia.

See also[]
