

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Does This Android Dream of Electric Sheep? is the third story in Black, White & Green #4.

Appearing in Does This Android Dream of Electric Sheep?[]

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Objects & vehicles[]


A cyborg Donatello ruminates on his life after the ‘change’. He is now processing things differently. Once, defending the city with his brothers is what got his gears turning. Don’s mind continues along these lines as he watches his brothers battling a horde of Mousers. His computer brain calculates their odds as even more Mousers join the fight. Then Donatello engages his cyborg defensive weapons which effectively neutralizes all the Mousers. Raphael fusses at him for doing this again, because he says they were just getting warmed up.

Don apologizes, explaining that the super-computer’s calculations are difficult to ignore. Outside, he takes on Bebop, Rocksteady and Leatherhead, while continuing to tell his brothers that it’s a science of statistics. Back at the lair, Donatello sends his brothers off without him, though Michelangelo says it feels wrong. Don tells him it’s for the best because he doesn’t want to get in their way anymore.

As he sits at his desk and hooks his cyborg arm into the computer, Don thinks that the truth is they are getting in his way. Ninja tactics feel analog to him now. His cybernetic body outmatches his lifetime of training with a single thought. Don feels his time would be better spent exploring his cyborg-self. He believes that he is now immortal and has had the supercomputer run complex computations to calculate his theoretical futures. There are three that top the list.

He runs all three of the future models and finds that they shine a light on a dark truth – that his futures do not include his brothers. As he unhooks himself from the computer, Don asks himself who he is without them. His head tells him he’s nothing more that a myriad of individual choices. His heart tells him that he cannot exist without Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo.

As Don explores the lair, looking into each of his brother’s bedrooms, he realizes that with each passing day he feels his intellect overpower his emotions in noticeable increments. This highlights to him just how much of his organic self remains, and there seems exponentially less of it each time he checks.

Then he hears his brothers and turns to ask if they forgot something. Leo tells him they did. It suddenly dawns on Donatello that he has the choice to stop focusing on outcomes he cannot affect. Why not choose to be present for the ones that still affect him? Leo says that it’s not the same without him and Raph agrees. Mikey tells Don that they missed him. Don says that he missed them too. With this realization, Don knows he can finally get out of his head and feel like himself again.

See also[]
