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[After the previous episode, the turtles, April, and Karai fight off the Elite Foot bots. Splinter was thrown off the edge of the platform, then Super Shredder crushes Splinter's leg with his foot causing the latter to scream in pain.]
Super Shredder: You will die. And then all of your loved ones.
[Just as it was the previous, Splinter throws kunai, exploding the bombs as both mutant men fall.]
Donnie: SENSEI!
[Dramatic music plays as both of them, yelling and falling. Splinter punches S Shredder a few times. S Shredder retaliates by flipping Splinter around and scraps him on the rocky cliffs.]
Super Shredder: You fall to your doom, rat!
[Splinter grabs Super Shredder's face while the later grabs Splinter's arm.]
Splinter: Not doom if my sons survive!
[Splinter bites his hand and kicks him away, Super Shredder tries to kill him, but debris knock him out of Splinter as the rodent ninja master's head was banged by some debris - then finally - he falls - to the very end of the abyss as he groans.]
[Theme song.]
[Like the last episode they fall into the abyss with Super Shredder screaming.]
Karai: Father!
Leo: No!
Raph: Everybody move!
[Everyone leaves as they close the doors. Rocksteady appears and starts shooting at the doors with his minigun.]
Leo: He... he has to be alive, right?
April: I don't sense him at all. Maybe, maybe he's unconscious.
Donnie: That drop is at least a thousand feet down. Even he couldn't survive a fall like that.
Raph: So what do we do?
Karai: We take them all down. For Splinter!
[Everyone agreed with Leo, knowing they had to find Splinter, but then Rocksteady charged right through the doors, bursting them open.]
Rocksteady: You should have runs when you had chance! Now I will be doing all the squishings!
Bebop: No way, dog, we talked about this. I want to blast 'em!
Rocksteady: Nyet, comrade Bebop. I like the squishings. Is fun! You always do the blastings.
Mikey: Yeah, but guys, if you squish us, you won't get the secret information.
Rocksteady: [confused] What you mean, secret information?
Mikey: There's some things you don't know about us. We have salmonella!
Both: What?
Bebop: That's nasty!
Rocksteady: You Turtles are being nasty gross.
[Leo suddenly jumps at Bebop, followed by Raph who jumps on Rocksteady's head]
Bebop: Off me, salmonella sucker!
Rocksteady: Watch the skull!
[They dodged Rocksteady.]
Mikey: Cowabunga! [grunting]
[Leo beats Bebop up, but his fist is then caught by the advanced foot soldiers utilizing ropes.]
Leo: Again with these guys?
[Leo cut the ropes tying his wrist before exchanging couple blade hits from the Elite Footbot armed with laser sword. The Elite Footbot pushed his blade forward but Leo kicked it which left the bot unphased. The Turtles, April and Karai begin to run while Leo fights the Elitebots. The others take care of Rocksteady, knocking him and using a smoke bomb at his face. .]
April: Hurry, Leo! Move!
Leo: Where are you going? Oh, snap.
[With no choice, Leo runs off after the others, then the train destroys the Elite Footbots which the team boarded. Cut back to the lair, where turtles, April and Karai are mourning the Splinter's disappearance as Casey arrives.]
Casey: Everyone can relax. Casey Jones is here. So what's the deal? Why'd I get, like, 127 emergency texts? The pizza delivery guy disappear?
April: No. Splinter disappeared. He... he fell down that huge chasm in the Undercity.
Casey: Whoa. That's deep, yo.
April: I've definitely lost my mental connection with Splinter. But that doesn't mean he's gone. We can't give up hope.
Mikey: That's right. Splinter is still alive. He.. he has to be. Right, guys? Right?
Leo: We're going back. We'll search every inch of that hole if we have to. We'll find Master Splinter. And we'll stop anything that gets in our way.
[Meanwhile, Super Shredder got back up to the mountain.]
Tiger Claw:[Extended his hand.] Master Shredder. [Super Shredder grabs Tiger Claw's hand as the latter pulls the former to safety.] You survived! Is Splinter gone?
Super Shredder:[Getting up and recovering.] Perhaps. But he is a resilient old rat. ARGH! Help me! Must get more mutagen.
[He wrenches out his mutated arm which once again, is disfigured]
Tiger Claw: Your hand! Tread carefully, Master. We warned you the mutagen was unstable. If we give you more of the serum.
Super Shredder: Do not lecture me, old friend. Send Zeck and Steranko to search every inch of the chasm. We must be sure Splinter is gone.
[They begin to leave]
[The team suit up in preparation]
Mikey: Wait, dudes. How come the B team has to do this mission?
Leo: Because we're gonna guard you from the Super Shredder. Unless you'd like to switch jobs.
Mikey: Spelunking, it is.
April: So if Shredder is still alive, and his goons show up.
Raph: We'll be ready. For Sensei.
all: For Sensei!
[In the abyss, Splinter has survived his fall, he was about to stand up, but after his fall, it injures his leg.]
Splinter: Argh! My leg!
[He uses some of Rat King's old blindfolds and uses it to cover his leg, but after he accidentally breaks the bones, he screams in pain and faints.]
Unknown voice: Wake up, Splinter. You must not slip back into sleep. Rats must be alert at all times. I can help you, old friend.
Splinter: [gets up] Who are you? Show yourself!
Unknown voice: You sent me here. And now, you join me in the darkness. Two similar, misbegotten creatures. Hamato Yoshi, Splinter. And I, your lord. Your master. Your Rat king!
[The figure showed up to reveal the Rat King.]
Splinter: You? But I sent you plunging into darkness. How could you have survived?
Phantom Rat king: You survived, did you not?
Splinter: Then why are you still here? Why did you not escape?
Phantom Rat king: There is no escape. We are both trapped like rats. But here, in the darkness, you belong to me.
Splinter: Never!
[He tries to get away]
Phantom Rat king: [laughs] You only weaken yourself trying to fight me. You can never leave this place. Look at you. How can you climb with such a broken and feverish body?
[Phantom Rat King crushes Splinter's leg, which causes Splinter to yell in pain.]
Leo: I'll stay here on look-out. The rest of you, hurry up. Master Splinter needs you.
April: We'll stay with you, Leo.
Karai: You need us. If Shredder survived, you can't take him alone.
Leo: Well, thanks for your vote of confidence.
[In the Undercity, Bebop and Rocksteady look down the chasm.]
Bebop: No way, dog, I'm not climbing down there, either! Come on, we're doing rock, paper, scissors. One, two, three. Hah! Paper beats rock, son! [laughs]
Rocksteady: But paper no good against rock! Rock destroy paper!
Bebop: Dummy, paper wraps around a rock like this! Do I got to keep explaining it to you?
Casey: So where did Splinter jump? This way?
[Bebop pushes him and Rocksteady aside]
Rocksteady: What you do that for?
Bebop: The Turtles are looking for Splinter. So we wait here, let them do all the work for us, and haul up Splinter's body! Tight!
Rocksteady: Very tight.
[They both go invisible]
Mikey: Sweet! Grapple harness time.
Donnie: We have to take it slow, Mikey. The walls are crumbling, so be careful. You got me? Be care-ful.
Mikey: I always am, D. Booyakasha! Whoo-hoo!
[Mikey leaps down.]
Donnie: Mikey!
Mikey: [from below] Whoa, dude! This cave goes on for, like, ever!
Donnie: Take it slow, Mikey. Master Splinter's down there. Somewhere.
[Donnie begins to head down.]
[Back in the abyss, Rat King drives Splinter to cannibalism.]
Splinter: [groans] My head. Must have fever.
Phantom Rat king: You are weak. You need water. And food. Your body craves sustenance. Where could it be?
[Splinter picks up a nearby rat. He looks at it, in a feeling of temptation]
Splinter: No. I will not.
[He releases the rat from his grasp, it scattering away]
Phantom Rat king: So noble. You think that makes you more than a beast? Spend enough time with me here, and you will see you are nothing but an animal. An animal who must do whatever he can to survive. [he eats the rat.]
[Meanwhile with Raph and Casey.]
Raph:. I hope they're okay. It's awfully quiet down there.
Casey: [irritated] And awfully boring! I wish something crazy would happen.
[He swings a hockey puck, which ricochets between two rocks and hits a hidden Bebop]
Bebop: Ow!
Casey: [shocked] Whoa! Raph, someone's out there.
[He uses the same hit again, and it decapitated Bebop's invisibility.]
Bebop: You jerks, you hit me in my piggy snout!
Raph: Bebop and Rocksteady?
Rocksteady: Now, you will bring us furry rat man ninja or we will break you like dancer!
Bebop: No, no, breakdancing ain't got nothing to do with aw, forget it. Take 'em down, G!
[They begin to attack.]
Raph: Look out!
[Back with Mikey and Donnie]
Mikey: Master Splinter? Hello?
Donnie: Quiet, Mikey! If Super Shredder survived that fall-
Mikey: Sorry, D, but how else are we gonna find him?
Donnie: There are tons of caves down here. He could be anywhere.
[Meanwhile with Leo, April and Karai, April is attempting to seek out their adversaries. She tracks an oncoming Super Shredder in the sewers.]
April: They're coming. They'll be here any minute.
Karai: There's no way we'll be able to keep them from the Undercity.
Leo: We bait them to the surface.
Karai: No, we take them down on the surface. We finish them both.
April: Here they come!
[Super Shredder and Tiger Claw rush to the heroes' location]
Tiger Claw: Master Shredder. Karai!
Leo: Time to move!
Super Shredder: I want the Turtle. You can destroy the girl. Save me Karai.
[Tiger Claw smirk obliging as he draw his pistols going after the teens. Leonardo, April, and Karai escape to the surface. Back to Raph and Casey, Raph screams as he rides on Rocksteady, whilst Casey dodges Bebop's lasers.]
Bebop: I've got your punk butt now!
[Casey dodges but misses when Bebop disappears and reappears.]
[Back in the abyss...again...]
Phantom Rat king: Once upon a time, you were a man. And then you became a beast. Now, you are nothing. A void. A shadow. Embrace the darkness, Hamato Yoshi.
Splinter: To embrace it is to become a monster such as you. Leave me.
Phantom Rat king: If you will not join me, then you will be devoured!
[He merges with the rats and transforms into a rat monster!]
Splinter: No!
[In New York City.]
Karai: Did we lose 'em?
April: Um, I don't think so. Look out!
[Tiger Claw suddenly appears and knocks Leo off the building, Causing him to collapse down to the ground.]
April: No!
[She tries to fend off Tiger Claw, but to no avail. As Tiger Claw attempts to finish April, his blow is stopped by Karai, and a battle ensues between them.]
Tiger Claw: You're coming with me, girl!
[Karai dodges his move, turns into her mutant form, and whips him with her tail. Tiger Claw plummets become electrocuted by wires before hitting the ground. Meanwhile, an uncovered Leo sees Super Shredder approaching him.]
Leo: This is gonna hurt.
[Leo was thrown. Nearby people run in panic as Super Shredder power walks through leo and grabs him by the shoulders.]
Super Shredder: Good-bye, Turtle.
[He begins to crush Leo]
[Back with Splinter]
Phantom Rat king: Splinter, it would be easier to accept my dominion. Become one with me, Hamato Yoshi. It will only cost you your soul.
[Trapped in fear, Splinter snaps, becoming a feral beast]
Phantom Rat king: Yes! This is what you are! A monster! A freak! An animal!
[Returns to a screaming Leo]
Karai: Shredder!
[she pulls out her tanto]
Karai: Let him go, freak.
[in response, Super Shredder throws the injured Leo aside]
Super Shredder:[Storm towards Karai as he sprout his mutated claws.] Do not disrespect me, daughter!
[He is hit by some debris]
Super Shredder:[Turns around.] What?
[April levitated the object until Super Shredder claps emmiting a sonic wave to push her back. Super Shredder walks toward April slowly as Karai jumps up thrusting her blades between Shredder's face and his blades from his shoulders. Karai retreats.]
Karai: I just need to find a soft spot, monster!
[Karai dodges Super Shredder's attack.]
[Back to Raph and Casey]
Rocksteady: That's it, Turtle scum. Now you get the horn!
[He charges and Raph dodges.]
Raph: Hey, rock head! This way! Look at me, I'm waiting for you!
Rocksteady: Waiting for my horn up your-
[Raph dips down and clutches the end of the cliff, whilst an unfortunate Rocksteady falls onto a different layer. As he attempts to get up, he is defeated by his hammer, knocking him out. Meanwhile, Casey successfully knocks out Bebop, defeating him.]
Casey: Ah, yeah! Casey Jones wins in overtime!
[Back in the abyss, where a rat monster is about to devour feral Splinter!]
Phantom Rat king: You cannot rid yourself of me. I will be with you always. In the darkest parts of your mind. I am your teacher. I am your master!
[He overwhelms Splinter, and grips his face, the sensei being struck into fear. He screams, in agony, agitation, fright...]
[Splinter then sees a flashback up the turtles that started way, way back in Season 1. where they had their 15th anniversary.]
Donnie: [flashback] It is a cake!
Leo: [flashback:] What's the, uh, frosting made of?
Mikey: [flashback] You don't want to know. Happy Mutation Day!
all: [flashback] Happy Mutation Day!
Splinter: Hmm?
Mikey: [flashback] Tell us the story, Master Splinter.[echoes]
[Splinter sees Shen.]
Splinter: Shen!
[Having required his humanity, Splinter defeats the Rat King and destroys the rat monster as he falls. He is stunned to see a skeleton, he backs away. But suddenly, he stops, he realizes... It is revealed that the Rat King died in the episode Of Rats and Men, and is deceased for two years.]
Splinter: What? It was all hallucination. My fever. Nothing more. Perhaps a teacher, but never my master.
[Back in New York City. April threw her tessen fan at Super Shredder as Karai gets knocked down by Super Shredder. Using her power, April shoved Super Shredder back before he gets hit by a truck. April gets up as Super Shedder ripped through the flaming truck with his claws and burst free from the it. Super Shredder clenches his heart while panting.]
Super Shredder: Now I will crush the life out of all of you.
[He throws the truck at Karai and April, but April holds it steady. With the power of the Aeon Crystal, she hauls it back at S Shredder, who deflects it. He takes notice of Leo and attacks him furthermore. As he attempts the final blow...]
Karai: Leo! Stop! Don't do this! You can do something good for once, Saki! Something without malice. Without the need for revenge.
Super Shredder:[Regaining his senses.] Karai. I... [retracted his blade from his knuckle. Then walking toward karai bare knuckle like a gorilla as he pleaded karai] I never meant to hurt you. Please. Call me father. Not Saki.
[Karai looking at Super Shredder's heart and Leo crawling away from Super Shredder.]
Karai: You were never my father!
[She suddenly punches Super Shredder's heart, causing him to spew out mutagen, weakening him. Super Shredder clenched his injured heart as he groans in pain only to notice his left arm deforms upon being hit, Super Shredder tries to flee while clenching his weakened arm.]
Super Shredder: No! Not now. Not now!
[Karai picks up her sword. Just as Karai was about to charge at the weakened Super Shredder, an ice wall blocked Karai.]
Karai: NO!
[Tiger Claw arrives]
Tiger Claw: Come, Master! Hurry!
Karai: We can't let them escape!
April:[Tending to the injured Leo] Karai, Leo's in no shape. We need to get him back to the Lair.
[Karai looks with worry from the injured Leo and then at Super Shredder and Tiger Claw escaping in the van.]
Karai:{Sheathing her tanto.] You're right. Next time.
[Injured, Leo is being helped by April and Karai. Meanwhile with Donnie and Mikey]
Mikey: Master Splinter!
Splinter: My- [gasps] My sons!
Donnie: Sensei!
Mikey: Whew. Thank you, great pizza maker in the sky! Whoo-hoo-hoo!
[Both run to joyfully hug their father]
Splinter: I have never been happier to see such smiling faces. [sighs in relief]
[With Splinter saved, Super Shredder still demands the mutagen which terrifies Stockman-Fly.]
Shredder: Stockman! I need a stronger dose!
Tiger Claw: [Protested.] No. I will not allow this! [Puts his hand on Super Shredder's Shoulder.] It will destroy you!
[Super Shredder punches Tiger Claw sending him flying into the couch, knocking it.]
Super Shredder: [groaning] Do it. [Slams Stockman-Fly onto the control panels.] Do it now!
[Stockman-Fly agrees then presses a button. The mutagen takes effect as it reverts Super Shredder's left arm to normal. Tiger Claw can only watch behind the knocked out couch with shock and fear as Super Shredder chuckles and lets out an enraged scream as the mutagen strengthens him once more...]