
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Dangerous Waters is a back-up story in TMNT Universe #22.

Appearing in Dangerous Waters[]



  • Mutant Alligator
  • Seal
  • Mutant Squid



Standing on the shore of Burnow Island, Leatherhead contemplates his existence now that his revenge on Krang is complete. He decides that the island is not the only place he can live and makes his escape into the ocean.

He soon encounters a white seal cub and is not surprised that it is afraid of him. The seal swims away, but is then grabbed by a squid, mutated by the Technodrome's terraforming radiation. Leatherhead attacks the mutant squid, freeing the baby seal.

As Leatherhead fights the squid, tasting its blood just as it tastes his, he has an epiphany. He did not dive into the water to die, he simply needed a purpose in life. With this discovery, he quickly kills the mutant squid.

The seal cub barks his thanks and Leatherhead watches it swim away. He realizes that he can help creatures like that seal; he can save others from mutants.

Arriving on the shores of a human city, Leatherhead sneaks into the sewers and vows that he will use his strength to protect the world from dangerous mutants and ensure that abominations like himself and the squid are never created again.

See also[]
