
In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dale is one of April O'Neil's classmates.

Physical appearance[]

Dale is a teenage white boy with black eyes, light skin, and a thin figure. He wears a sweater with a light green torso and dark green sleeves, red jeans, and white sneakers.


Dale is an outcast in Washington Irving High School. He is shown to be somewhat annoying, even to April O'Neil (his presumed crush), who wants little to do with him. Dale is also eager to become a cool kid to impress Taylor Martin, after being convinced to download the Hippo Crush mobile app.


Dale debuted in "Hypno! Part Deux". He joined April to sit with Taylor at the cool kids table during Homecoming and downloaded the new Hippo Crush app. Under the app's hypnotism spell, Dale, along with the rest of the students in attendance of the dance, went to the Washington Irving High School auditorium and later attempted to also hypnotize April after she fled. Eventually, the spell was broken by the Mad Dogs, leaving Dale with no memory of the event.

Dale reappeared in "Mystery Meat". He refused to throw away a discarded napkin after Baron Draxum ordered him to, but conceded after he was seized by one of Draxum's mystic vines. He later fell in the school hallway after slipping on liquid left by Sloppy Joseph, whose existence Dale remained oblivious to.

Dale was caught in traffic in New York City as the Krang began to deploy the Technodrome to take over Earth in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie.


  • April O'Neil: April is Dale's high school classmate. He considers April to be his favorite person and seemingly has a crush on her. April, however, doesn't seem to return that affection.
  • Taylor Martin: Taylor is Dale's high school classmate. He seems to admire Taylor as many of his peers do and downloaded Hippo Crush to his phone upon her request.
  • Mezmer-Ron / Hypno-Potamus: Dale was unknowingly hypnotized by Hypno via his mobile app in "Hypno! Part Deux" and tried to capture April for him to join the rest of the affected student body.
  • Baron Draxum: Dale fears Draxum and his strict management of Washington Irving High School's cafeteria.



