

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Dagon is a monstrous god whose summoning is the end-goal of Master Traquer and his fellow vampires in the Esoteric Order of Dagon.

Upon being successfully summoned, Donatello attempts to use the Turtlebot to battle him, but it is snatched up by the god and eaten as Donatello ejects. The Ninja Turtles's ally, Clark Ashton Allard, is then snatched up by Dagon, and he casts away the monster by throwing the gateway artifact that summoned him into the god's mouth.Men of Shadow


  • Dagon was an ancient Mesopotamian, Canaanite, and Philistine deity. He was thought to initially be a fertility god, but the similarity of his name to the Canaanite word for fish led to the popular idea that he was a fish god or at least associated with the sea. Dagon, however, became most well-known through the works of horror author H.P. Lovecraft, although most believe Dagon to refer to the creature's worshipers, rather than the creature itself.