[Opening sequence and theme song.]

[Episode begins by panning across the river and the dock area.  Zeroes in on a manhole in the street.  It opens and the turtles, dressed in coveralls and wearing hard hats, exit.]

Raphael "Oh, man, I feel like such a geek."

Michelangelo "Like, how come, dude? You look totally gnarly to me."

Raphael "Next time, I'll come up with our disguises."

Donatello "Hey, this new zarnovameter really works! The last fragment of the eye of Zarnov. It's this way. Come on!"

[Scene shifts to a boat. Stockman climbs out of the water with a bag.]

Shredder "Well, did you find it?"

Baxter Stockman "My calculations were correct. The third fragment did land in the river, and I recovered it."

Shredder "Ah! This? You incompetent maggot! This is a fish!"

Stockman "Sorry, Master Shredder. He beat me to it. I tried to warn you. He's one mean mackerel."

Shredder "Never mind that. The important thing is, we have the final fragment."

Donatello "The fragment's moved out of range. We've lost it!"

Raphael "I'll bet Shredder's already found it."

Leonardo "Then we've got to find him."

Michelangelo "That's for sure. If he puts all three fragments together, we're talking mondo disaster."

[Shredder’s boat pulls up alongside a large ship with a ‘for sale’ sign hanging from it.]

Stockman "Now we can possess the unimaginable power Of the entire eye of Zarnov!"

Shredder "Correction, Baxter. I will possess it. You will go get lunch."

Stockman "Just wait. One of these days, the tables will turn."

Krang "Astounding, Shredder. You're finally putting the eye back together. For once, you didn't foul up. But now what will you do?"

Shredder "Attach it to my helmet, Krang, so that I can control its awesome abilities through sheer thought and use that power to first rid myself of those blasted turtles once and for all!"

Donatello "Wait. I sense that Shredder is very near."

Raphael "Hey, that gizmo really does work!"

Leonardo "That's not why. Look! If Shredder does have the eye, Baxter will lead us right to him."

Donatello "Uh, oh. He spotted us."

[Stockman blasts them with a ray that disintegrates their disguises.]

Michelangelo "Holy guacamole!"

First Dock Worker "Look! It's them Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!"

Second Dock Worker "Those shellbacks are fugitives! I'll bet we can collect a reward for nabbing 'em!"

Leonardo "Battle stances, guys! Looks like we've got a fight on our hands!"

Michelangelo "I'm ready for you, dudes. Cowabunga!"

Donatello "Upsy daisy! Too bad there isn't a reward for these guys."

Raphael "Yeah. We could have made a net profit."

Leonardo "Enough with the comedy. We've lost Baxter. Now how are we gonna find Shredder?"

Donatello "Jackpot! There's our answer."

Krang "But beware, Shredder. The power of the eye has one limitation. You don't know what it can do."

Shredder "I assure you, Krang, not even that can prevent the turtles complete destruction."

Raphael "Self-confident sort of super villain, isn't he?"

Shredder "You would be, too, if you had this!"

Leonardo "The eye of Zarnov!"

Shredder "Indeed! And did you know it can transmute matter? With it, I can transform any substance into any form I wish."

[The eye turns the picture of a dragon on a carton into a real dragon and Leonardo’s swords into ice cream.]

Leonardo "Ice cream cones?! Ooh, yuck!"

Shredder "And whatever I create, I can control! Sic 'em!"

Michelangelo "Well, this is, like, totally bogus."

Leonardo "Grab on, Michelangelo! We've got to stop this creature before it escapes!"

Michelangelo "Mondo notion, dude!"

Donatello "Shredder, if that thing hurts our buddies, you are history!"

Shredder "Wrong, mutants. I'm about to make history. Too bad you won't be around to see it."

[He turns one of Raphael’s sais into a bouquet of flowers. Vern and April are driving by in the Channel 6 news van and spot the dragon.]

April O'Neil "Look!"

Vernon Fenwick "What in the world is that thing?"

Blodgett "It looks like a flying dragon with two turtles on its back."

April "Well, whatever it is, it's a story! Let's follow it!"

Blodgett "A-are you sure you want t-t-to g-g-go after that th-thing, Miss O'Neil?"

Vern "Blodgett, yours is not to question why. Yours is but to drive."

Blodgett "And crash."

Vern "Now remember, Blodgett, just sit here until we're ready to leave."

Blodgett "Y-y-yes, sir. Yes, sir."

Leonardo "We've got to do something before the whole city goes up in flames!"

Michelangelo "Hey, no problemo."

Leonardo "Great work, Michelangelo! Now climb up here next to me! Oh, great. The weight is too much with both of us on its back."

Blodgett "Oh! Oh me, oh my!"

[Begins driving away.]

Vern "Blodgett, come back here, you coward!"

Michelangelo "Cowabunga! This ride is a definite "e" ticket."

Donatello "Give it up, Shredder!"

Shredder "Come and get it, you genetic accidents!"

Raphael "Yeow!"

Donatello "That helmet. We've got to get it off him!"

Raphael "Don't look at me! You're the one with the weapon. Now! While he's distracted!"

Donatello "Gotcha!"

Leonardo "Hey, what's happening? We're falling!"

Michelangelo "All of a sudden, that dragon doesn't seem so bad! Well, what do you know? Surf's up!"

Blodgett "Oh, dear. I -- I wonder where that dragon went."

[He’s not paying attention to where he’s driving and finally notices the pier is ending.  He bails out of the news van.]

Blodgett "Mommy!"

[The van drives off into the water. Blodgett finds Shredder’s helmet and hides it behind his back.]

Vern "Blodgett, just look at the news van!"

Blodgett "I'm sorry, Mr. Vernon."

Vern "You'll be even sorrier when you hear this. Blodgett, you're fired!"

Blodgett "Oh, boy. Somehow this always happens."

Raphael "No trace of Shredder or Baxter."

Donatello "Or the zarnovameter. I guess I must have dropped it."

Raphael "What's that?"

Michelangelo "Uh, oh. The boys in blue."

Donatello "No wonder Shredder split."

Leonardo "And we should too. We can't let the police find us here."

Raphael "Yeah. Blue doesn't go too well with green."

[Scene shifts to Blodgett in his apartment. He’s sitting on his couch and wearing the helmet. His cat is watching him.]

Blodgett "Ahh. That was the fourth Job I've lost this year. Oh, Mortimer. Whatever am I gonna do?"

[Mortimer kicks a cassette tape off the table and into his hands. Blodgett reads the cover.]

Blodgett "‘How to fix your messed up life’. Ah, forget it, Mortimer. Nothing ever works for me, not even these."

[Mortimer meows loudly. Blodgett puts the tape into a machine and headphones over the helmet.]

Blodgett "Well, if you insist."

Tape "Yes. You too can achieve your dream of a better life through the power Of positive wishing. Do you yearn to own a luxury limousine? It can be yours, if you simply put your mind to it."

[The eye activates and the couch becomes a limousine.]

Blodgett "It--it works! And to think, I was about to return these tapes and ask for my money back."

[Back at the lair, the turtles are putting on new disguises.]

Splinter "Obviously you fell out of the sky because Shredder could not sustain his mentally created dragon without the helmet. And since he failed to destroy you, he will be doubly eager to reclaim it."

Leonardo "The really negative news is that we've lost the zarnovameter."

Donatello "And if shredder finds that thing and figures out what it is, he'll for sure beat us to the helmet."

Splinter "Which is why you must start looking for it immediately."

Michelangelo "Hey, even if we don't find it, at least our disguises won't be a total loss."

Leonardo "Hold it, Michelangelo."

Michelangelo "What's with you, bud?"

Leonardo "Don't eat the props."

[Shift to Shredder and Stockman.]

Shredder "Those blasted turtles! Because of them, I've lost the helmet!"

Stockman "I think I have the solution to your problem, Master."

Shredder "Not now. If Krang finds out about this –-"

Stockman "But master, I –"

Shredder "I said silence, you blithering fool! I'm thinking! I can't be bothered with your ridiculous toys at a time like this!"

Stockman "Ridiculous toys, hmm?"

Shredder "Now stop wasting my time with those idiotic inventions of yours! Baxter! Baxter, Where are you? Baxter!"

Stockman "Egomaniacal ingrate! If he only listened, he would have learned that this tracking device can home in on the eye. But I'll show him! I'll find the eye myself and make him sorry he ever mocked the brilliance of Baxter Stockman!"

Blodgett "Where am I gonna put my fabulous comic book collection once it's completed? Mommy! Wait a minute. I thought of a limousine and my sofa turned into one. Then I thought of comic books. It's this helmet! It turns objects into anything I want! Why, I don't need a job. I can create money! For instance, I could turn this gold watch into lots of gold. Piles and piles of gold! It didn't work. I wonder why not?"

Stockman "Because you're an idiot, that's why! Which is why you don't deserve that helmet! But I do! I'll make the world pay for not recognizing the genius of Baxter Stockman! Now that I have the helmet, I don't need this anymore."

[Stockman tosses the zarnovameter into a garbage bin. Then he runs until he sees an abandoned building.]

Stockman "Ah, ha! The perfect place to build an edifice that reflects my genius."

Donatello "Three hours of searching and still no sign of that helmet."

Raphael "Face it, guys. Without The zarnovameter, it's needle in a haystack time."

Stockman "A man of my genius deserves magnificent quarters! A palace! A veritable Taj Mahal!"

Michelangelo "Totally awesome!"

Donatello "Looks like somebody's already found the helmet."

Leonardo "Let's find out! Baxter Stockman?!"

Stockman "I was wondering how long it would take you to show up, and I promise you'll be sorry you did! Watch this!"

[Uses the eye on a billboard and turns a figure into a Blob Monster.]

Stockman "Meet my personal chef. Make me some [smacks lips] turtle soup! Now!"

Blodgett "That's it, Mortimer! Hurry! I must get that helmet back."

[After the cat unties him, Blodgett climbs down the fire ladder. He finds the zarnovameter in the garbage bin.]

Blodgett "He had this gadget with him when he showed up. Huh, it looks like some sort of Geiger counter. If it led him to the helmet, it could do the same for me."

Michelangelo "Man, that thing's humongous!"

Donatello "Uh, oh. Glob Approaching at four o’clock!"

Leonardo "Guys, don't let that stuff touch you! It could be deadly!"

Michelangelo "Yeah, don't sweat it, dudes! These 'chucks will take care of this walking glue factory. Wha--?! Oh, maybe not."

Leonardo "Don't panic, Michelangelo! I'll set you free!"

Raphael "Gosh! You're a regular Abe Lincoln!"

Donatello "Hi-yah!"

Raphael "I gotcha, Donatello!"

Donatello "Somebody tell him that."

Stockman "Surrender, turtles, and I might spare you. If you admit that I, Baxter Stockman, have accomplished what Shredder could not."

Shredder "I'll bear that in mind, Baxter, when I deliver your eulogy, you traitorous vermin!"

Leonardo "Just a little bit more and--uhh! There. I got it."

Shredder "That's my helmet, and I shall destroy the turtles with its power!"

Stockman "Help! I command you!"

[While Shredder fights the Blob Monster, Leonardo frees himself and then his brothers.  He then pulls out his turtlecom.]

Raphael "What are you doing?"

Leonardo "We'll need all the help we can get!"

Donatello "Get ready, Baxter! Ninja class is about to begin!"

Stockman "No, my friend. You're the one who's about to learn a lesson!"

[Uses the eye to create an Electricity Monster.]

Michelangelo "Uh, oh. Like we thought we had trouble before."

Raphael "I'd hate to have this guy's electric bill!"

Donatello "We need some kind Of insulator. The rug! Come on, guys. Give me a hand."

Shredder "So much for your Blob Monster!"

Blodgett "Give me back my helmet! It's mine and I came for it. Give it to me!"

Shredder "Get away from me, Wimp! So much for your Blob Monster!"

Stockman "You won't have as much luck with this! That minaret--I'll turn it into another monster! It's not working!"

Shredder "So the eye does have a limitation! It has no effect on gold! Now, you miserable worm, you're going to pay!"

[Shredder dons the helmet. The two monsters vanish, as does the Taj Mahal. Shredder uses the eye to create a giant bubble, which captures the turtles.]

Raphael "What the heck is this?"

Leonardo "It's some kind of plastic bubble."

Donatello "And worst of all, it's shrinking!"

Shredder "Precisely. Soon it will crush the life from you, leaving me free to begin my conquest of Earth! I'll start with the city by destroying the interstate bridge!"

Leonardo "He's gone, and he took the zarnovameter with him!"

Donatello "But if he's got both the zarnovameter and the eye, he's a walking time bomb!"

Leonardo "It's April and Splinter! They got the s.o.s. I sent on the communicator!"

April "Easy, guys. We'll have you out of there in a second, won't we, Splinter?"

Splinter "I will try."

[Splinter bursts the bubble with his stick. The walls start to collapse. Blodgett sees that April is in danger and pulls her away from the falling debris.]

Blodgett "Oh me, oh my!"

April "Mr. Blodgett! What are you doing here?"

Blodgett "Well, it's a long story."

Leonardo "Which we don't have time for now."

Blodgett "I know the eye's weakness! It has no effect on gold."

Raphael "Oh, great. Then all we have to do to beat him is lure him to Fort Knox!"

April "Wait! I just thought of something! The curator at the Museum of Natural History is a friend of mine!"

Raphael "So?"

April "So here's my idea."

[Scene shifts to the turtles on the turtle blimp.  They are carrying gold shields.]

Raphael "Golden shields from ancient Rome, huh?"

Donatello "Uh, huh. And try not to ding 'em, will you? They have to go back to the museum in the morning."

Michelangelo "Yo, gang! I scoped out Shredder!"

Donatello "And he's created an army of monsters to destroy the bridge!"

Leonardo "We've got to distract them. Donatello, detach the glider. Raphael, deflate the air bag!"

Shredder "The turtles, alive?!"

[He aims the eye at Raphael, but it has no effect on his shield.]

Leonardo "Let's do it, guys!"

Shredder "Oh, it's mine now and no one can take it from me!"

Donatello "Shredder, the zarnovameter is reaching critical mass!"

Shredder "What?!"

Donatello "It was designed to destroy the eye by triggering a massive explosion when the two came in contact!"

[Shredder throws the helmet and zarnovameter into the river. It explodes and a massive wave washes over the bridge.]

Leonardo "Everyone all right?"

Raphael "We were brought up in water, remember?"

Donatello "Shredder is gone."

Michelangelo "You don't suppose he bit the big one, do you?"

Leonardo "No such luck. I have a feeling he'll be back."

Raphael "And probably sooner than we think."

[All are in Blodgett’s apartment watching the newscast.]

April "And once again, our city was saved by those mysterious heroes, the ninja turtles!"

Blodgett "Miss April, I can't thank you enough for getting Mr. Vernon to give me my job back."

April "It was easy, once I told him how brave you were."

Blodgett "I was brave, wasn't I?"

April "You certainly were, rescuing me from that falling wall!"

Blodgett "Hey, let's celebrate, everyone! I'm taking all of you to the most expensive restaurant I can find."

April "Oh, I, uh, forgot to tell you, Vernon said the cost Of replacing the news van you wrecked is coming out of your salary."

Blodgett "It is? Well, in that case, would you mind terribly if I just sent out for pizza?"

Turtles "Pizza! Yeah! Terrific! Let's do it! On the double!"

[End Credits]
