Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles think they’ve figured out how to tear apart Krang’s Combined Multiverse and restore their reality. But Krang has planned this moment for years. With his robot army, he’s ready to destroy them all. And if Batman can’t remember the last missing piece in his life, there may be no hope left!
Appearing in Crisis in a Half Shell, part 5[]
Major Characters[]
- Anti-Monitor/Krang
- Batman (Crisis in a Half Shell) Batman (Prime Earth)
- Donatello (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Donatello (Batman/TMNT)
- Leonardo (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Leonardo (Batman/TMNT)
- Michelangelo (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Michelangelo (Batman/TMNT)
- Oroku Saki (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Shredder (Batman/TMNT)
- Raphael (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Raphael (Batman/TMNT)
- Splinter (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Splinter (Batman/TMNT)
- The Laughing Man / Joker (Prime Earth)
Minor Characters[]
- Alfred Pennyworth (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Alfred Pennyworth (Prime Earth)
- April O'Neil (Crisis in a Half Shell) / April O'Neil (Batman/TMNT)
- Batgirl
- Batman (New Earth)
- Casey Jones (Crisis in a Half Shell) / Casey Jones (Batman/TMNT)
- Foot Ninja
- Donatello (Mirage)
- Leonardo (Mirage)
- Michelangelo (Mirage)
- Nightwing
- Raphael (Mirage)
- Red Hood
- Red Robin
- Robin
- A.C.E. Chemical
- New Earth Prime
Objects and vehicles[]
- Bat Signal
- Katana
- Sai
- Bō
- Mother Box
- Nunchaku
- UltraTechnodrome
- Taserangs
- Tekkō-kagi
Batman, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Casey Jones, Master Splinter and Shredder battle the Anti-Monitor Krang’s Utrom robots that Joker unleashed from the Multiverse by using a Mother Box. During the fight, Batman gives Michelangelo some taserangs to use on the Utrom robots.
As the fight gets more intense, Batman is able to get to Joker. Batman quickly gets the Mother Box that Joker was holding and tosses it to Donatello. Joker makes a mention about a crowbar. This causes Batman to remember when Joker killed Jason Todd.
Batman realizes that they can’t win with things as they are. He tells the Turtles that there is something he needs to do and swings away.
Master Splinter tells the Turtles that Batman is likely going to get another piece of the world so that everything can be set right. He then tells the Turtles that they must go to the other side and defeat Anti-Monitor Krang.
As the Turtles activate the Mother Box, Splinter asks Shredder if he can hold off the Utrom robots on his own. Shredder says that will not be a problem and calls on the Foot Clan to back him up in the fight against the Utrom robots.
Meanwhile, Splinter joins April O’Neil and Alfred Pennyworth in the Batmobile to search for Batman.
At that same time the Turtles all jump into the portal Joker created using the Mother Box.
Inside the UltraTechnodrome, Anti-Monitor Krang is freaking out that things aren’t going as he planned. He sends more of his Utrom robots to keep his plans together.
As Anti-Monitor Krang continues his freak out the Turtles sneak their way through the UltraTechnodrome.
Back in Gotham City, Alfred and Master Splinter contact Batman to find out where he is. Batman reveals he did not run away from the fight. Instead he went looking for help. Alfred and Master Splinter then see the Bat-Signal lighting up the sky.
Inside the UltraTechnodrome, the Turtles have been able to break the original black and white Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles free from Anti-Monitor Krang’s device.
At that same time, Alfred and Master Splinter find Batman atop the Gotham City Police Department standing next to the Bat-Signal. Batman reveals that when he started remembering his original memories it felt like he was sacrificing the life he had with family in Master Splinter and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Alfred reminds Batman that he is there for him. Batman says that is why he turned on the Bat-Signal.
Before Alfred can get a full answer from Batman, the UltraTechnodrome appears in Gotham City. Alfred asks what the three of them will do. Batman reveals that they are not alone. From the shadows Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Robin, Red Hood and Robin appear ready to provide Batman some back-up.
Inside the UltraTechnodrome, Anti-Monitor Krang discovers that the Turtles have released both the original TMNT team and an alternate universe Batman (wearing the yellow oval logo) he captured. He tells his Utrom robots to get the Energy Emitter ready to destroy Gotham City as he plans to rebuild everything from scratch.
Meanwhile, Donatello and the others work on using the Mother Box to stop Anti-Monitor Krang. Batman contacts Donatello to use the Mother Box to create a new portal. Donatello isn’t fully sure how to use the Mother Box. Batman reveals he has someone that can help walk Donatello through the process.
As Donatello works on opening a portal, Anti-Monitor Krang finally finds them all. Right when Anti-Monitor Krang is about to attack everyone, Donatello is able to open a portal using the Mother Box.
From the portal Batman leads Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, Red Robin and Red Hood in joining all the Turtles and the alternate universe Batman into the final fight against Anti-Monitor Krang.