
Competitive Edge is the first comic in the twenty-second issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Appearing in Competitive Edge[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]


Down in the lair, Raphael and Casey Jones are competing in a challenge involving Casey striking hockey pucks and Raph attempting to catch them. Unfortunately, this game is irritating the rest of the lair inhabitants, including Splinter, who catches one of the pucks between two fingers.

He tells the pair that their endless competing is wearing his patience thin and that they both need to focus on working together. He sends them off to sewer junction 13 to meditate on the spirit of teamwork.

Later, in the sewer junction, both are seated on a pipe high above the floor and pretending to meditate. Raph’s T-Phone beeps with a call from Jack Kurtzman and they rush out to meet him. He is waiting for them on a rooftop and is pleased they rushed right over, but had expected they’d bring the rest of the team. Casey says this is their chance to prove they’re the total teamwork package, but Raph quickly covers before Kurtzman gets suspicious by saying the others are busy.

Kurtzman tells them he tracked the Kraang to the pet store just below them. He believes they’re taking all the animals for experiments. Raph turns to Casey and says they win by working together, which will prove Splinter wrong for punishing them. Casey agrees and they leap down from the roof.

The pair crash through the pet store window and confront the Kraang, who state that their enemies will not stop the plan to experiment on Mr. Squeakers – a caged hamster they are trying to steal. Casey and Raph start to move, but crash into each other. They start to argue over who was supposed to go which direction and Raph reminds Casey they’re supposed to work together.

Mr. Squeakers gets loose and pounces on one of the Kraang, obscuring its vision. Casey says now a hamster is kicking more Kraang than they are. Raph says fine, if competing works for them, they should fight their way. Shouting that he can save more fuzzy animals than Casey, Raph begins pounding Kraang and taking kittens away from them.

Casey counters by rescuing Barkly the dog, but the Kraang holding him drops the dog. Raph catches Barkly in mid-air and then the pair argue over who gets to count that save as theirs. They have managed to rid the pet store of Kraang, but Casey asks what happens if they come back. The pair have the same idea; to see who can sneak more animals into the lair without getting caught.

Back at the lair, Splinter thinks that it’s time for Raph and Casey to return and turns to Leonardo to go and fetch him. Splinter is surprised to see cats in Leo’s arms and one perched on his head. Leo tells him that Raph and Casey might have come back a little early.

Splinter steps into the living room to fuss at Raph about not doing as told, but discovers that the lair is full of rescued animals. He overhears Raph telling the story of their adventure, with Casey adding his part. The pair argue good-naturedly and Splinter glances down at Mr. Squeakers, who is sitting in his hand. Splinter muses that perhaps he was the one to learn a lesson today… do not try to fix that which is not broken.

See also[]
