Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
The Claw Clan is ninja clan founded by Alopex after she left the Splinter Clan over a huge disagreement.
When Leonardo agreed to let their old enemy Shedder help the Splinter Clan fight the Rat King, Alopex was outraged and remining everyone of Shedder's past evil actions and refused to be part of the alliance and so she quit the Splinter ClanTMNT #131 (IDW) Tensions between her and the Turtles got worse when she learned they formed a truce with Old Hob as well. TMNT #135 (IDW)
After the death of Man Ray Alopex found the Weasels in the pile of rubble. She took the mutant children back to hideout to nurse them back to health and promises they could join her clan. TMNT #138 (IDW)
Following Mushroom's kidnapping and subsequent rescue, Alopex realizes that she might not have been fair to herself or the weasels by attempting to start her own clan, and that she was unnecessarily putting them in harm's way. She essentially dissolves their tenure as a ninja clan, although they remain together as a family unit, and takes the weasels out of New York. TMNT #144