

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


New York City descends into chaos after the unthinkable events of the last issue! Bishop is relentless in his pursuit, and a final showdown between Donatello and Metalhead will prove explosive!

Appearing in part 7[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects and vehicles[]

Story So Far[]

Splinter has been defeated and captured by Karai. Bishop, Metalhead, and the EPF are getting closer to capturing the TMNT. Newly-elected NYC Mayor Baxter Stockman’s victory speech was interrupted by Old Hob – who detonated a mutagen bomb in the heart of the city!


1984, Area 51. A young Jonathan Bishop tests his exo-suit's strength limits by bench-pressing, while Colbert and Dr. Yuhasz observe. Colbert calls Bishop a little freak, but the microphone from the observation room is still on, and John hears everything. Wayne Bishop bursts in and yells at Colbert before going to console his son. Later, Dr. Yuhasz finds Bishop observing the Utrom corpse from the Roswell incident, and he tells Yuhasz that his dad is wrong - he is a freak - but he's still human, and that someone has to save humankind from the "real" monsters.

In present-day New York City, a large portion of the population begins to change, thanks to Old Hob's mutagen bomb. Bishop and Hun use the Slash clones to terrorize the newly mutated citizens, while Hob marvels at his work. Man Ray, for his part though, is more concerned about Bishop, Hun, and the Slash clones. Hob orders Sally to use their ship to evacuate some mutant citizens, while he, Ray, and Herman try to hold off the aggressors.

Raph accosts Hob for his actions and involving him in them. Alopex interrupts, and Raph storms off. Mondo, Nobody, Casey, and Jennika shepherd as many mutants as they can onto the ship, but once it reaches maximum capacity and Bishop and crew approach, Hob realizes it's time they get skyward. Angel declares they need to make themselves scarce as well, and Jennika says she didn't see where Raph took off to; Alopex says she doesn't know, and that she can't find April either. Meanwhile, Detective Lewis observes the fallout, and Bishop declares that their "little secret" is now public knowledge.

At Foot Headquarters, Karai addresses the criminal leaders she's organized to assemble. She tells them all that they are no longer bound to pay tribute to the Foot Clan or abide by their orders, as long as they operate within their current boundries. The Foot will only act as a peacekeeping force to keep the various players in line. She introduces Rocksteady and Bebop as two of her enforcers of this act.

Meanwhile, a captive Splinter is surprised by a visit from the Rat King. The two debate about the situation at hand and those to be - Splinter owning up to the mistakes he's made, especially those that lead him not only to his prison but to his estrangement of his family, bit also the Rat King's obsession with his family's "games" and the impending arrival of the Dragon. Splinter makes the decision to attempt to free himself, and begins punching the stone wall....

Donatello, Leonardo, and Michelangelo approach Harold Lilja and Libby Meitner's lab, where they are being terrorized by Metalhead for apparently not building the teleporter correctly and accuses them of trying to sabotage him again. Meitner protests that it's all designed to plan, but there's an unknown variable preventing him from utilizing it. Don interrupts him from attacking Lilja, and tells his robotic doppelgänger that it's time to talk. Metalhead is in no mood to discuss anything and begins assaulting Donatello. Mike and Leo get busy helping Lilja and Meitner escape, although the E.P.F. are closing in. Don gets Metalhead to stop for a brief moment as he reveals the reason that the teleporter won't work for him: he lacks faith. Metalhead rejects the notion, but Don says that he learned from Zayton Honeycutt that science is an equal measure of data and faith, and the absence of either one will lead to failure in the experimental process. To verify his observation, Don powers on the teleporter and moves through it - then comes back with a "Metal-Buster", a device designed by Lilja to scramble Metalhead's circuits.

With the E.P.F. almost at the breach, Leo makes a plan to get the human scientists somewhere safe, then Don will program the teleporter to send them to Foot H.Q. while Mike texts their allies to meet them there. The E.P.F. arrives to find the lab empty, but the portal still on...

Sitting alone in the Foot throne room, Karai is approached by Kitsune, who has incredibly vague and cryptic toward her granddaughter. At the same time, Splinter continues to batter his hands against the wall. He is enticed by Rat King to a banquet, but he keeps at it and breaks through.

The Turtles appear in the throne room through the teleporter. Karai asks if they're they're to surrender or die; Leo says neither, they're running from the E.P.F. Karai balks at this warning, saying that the E.P.F. has a truce with the Foot, but Leo points out that that was Splinter's Foot, not hers. Karai suddenly realizes that her grandmother took off with the Kira no Ken and then, the E.P.F. barge their way through the portal and start shooting up the place.

The Turtles fight their way through the E.P.F., and the Foot Ninja, Bebop, and Rocksteady are brought into the fight. The two dimwitted mutants are pleased to be able to fight two giant turtles. The Turtles use this distraction to make their way to the orphans that the Foot had been housing, but Bishop puts his Slash clone on auto-pilot so that he can go after them.

When the Turtles reach the orphans, they're all decked out in Foot Ninja gear. Don and Mike ask why they're dressed like that, and they said "they" made them do it, pointing to the entering Koya and Bludgeon. Bishop catches up to them, and Leo begins fighting him off.

Karai heads to where Splinter had been imprisoned, and finds the chamber empty and a hole in the wall. She kills the Foot Elite that were guarding the door in anger. Meanwhile, Don and Mike fight off Koya and Bludgeon while trying to rescue the orphans, but they are saved by the sudden arrival of Nobody and Alopex. Leo and Bishop continue to fight, with the Turtle ripping the front off of Bishop's clothing and exo-suit, exposing his true form beneath. Rocksteady and Bebop get pummeled by the Slash clones, with Juniper causing essentially no damage and Roberta getting ripped apart. Hun pauses his assault of a Foot Ninja and is about to regain control of one of the clones, but is stopped by an arrow to the shoulder from Jennika as she and Casey join the fight.

As the parties all continue to brawl, Karai arrives on the rooftop to witness Kitsune standing over Oroku Saki's corpse with the Kira no Ken, ready to summon the Dragon back to life.

See also[]


