

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

City at War, part 4 is an issue IDW Comics. It was originally published on 31 July 2019.


As the war for New York reaches a fever pitch, Splinter makes his final gambit for complete victory. Meanwhile, the Turtles are on the run and may not be able to count on each other for survival!

Appearing in City at War, part 4 (IDW)[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects and vehicles[]


Following her mutation into a turtle, Jennika wakes up and is stunned at what has happened to her body. Leonardo passes out from low blood sugar, and at Lindsey's urging, Donatello explains in full what happened to Jennika. Although he gets most of the important information to her, they are interrupted by Nobody calling to tell him that Casey is on his way with Purple Dragon backup, and asks if they can get to the street. Lindsey gives Leo a blueberry soda and helps keep him sturdy as the two of them, Jenny, and Don head up.

Meanwhile, Don Puzorelli has called a meeting with two other New York City crime bosses, Big Louie and Don Turtelli. They discuss the hardships they've run into with Karai, Splinter, and worst of all, mutants using the crime families in their war. As they converse, though, Yumiko, Mongo, and a host of Foot Ninja storm the building, making it up to the top floor. Yumiko kills Puzorelli's men with her sai and a Foot Ninja takes out Turtelli and Louie with arrows. Puzorelli begs for his life, but Yumiko assures him that he signed his death warrant by turning against the Foot in favor of Karai. Mongo blows him up with a bomb as Splinter and two more Foot Elite watch from outside.

Still listening in on Null's conversation with Baxter at his mayoral campaign HQ, April learns that Null is proposing that Baxter license her all of TCRI's facilities and research to Null Industries, so that she can make use of it all in her experiments, while Baxter can still profit from it and keep his hands clean as mayor. Baxter, having his hands full at the moment with the election, promises to give her an answer when time allows. Null is satisfied with this and she and her mutants exit via cloaking technology stolen from Harold Lilja.

Casey arrives just as Leo, Don, Jenny, and Lindsey make it to the street, but unfortunately, he's brought his father with him. Hun tries to pick a fight when Leo tries to explain to Casey what happened to Jennika, leaving Casey to learn only upon seeing her. Hun badmouths the group and Casey just leaves to secure the way to Angel's house, leaving Jenny to cry. Hun continues talking smack, even mocking Jenny's tears. Leo draws his katana in retaliation to his fearmongering, and Hun just responds with telling him he's not "worth his time". He instructs Link to get "that thing" (Jenny) over to their destination. Lindsey accompanies Jenny with the Dragons while Leo and Don decide that they need to get to Foot Clan Headquarters and tell Splinter what happened.

Raph, meanwhile, is fitting in well with the Mighty Mutanimals, and even though they trade barbs, Old Hob is impressed with his handiwork. Michelangelo calls and tells Raph that Jenny is okay and that Leo wants them all to meet up at Foot HQ. Hob tells him that since he's got to go, Raph is essentially "on call" for the Mutanimals and not to turn off his phone. Man Ray and Hob discuss how well Raph did, but Hob takes a snipe at Sally for refusing to kill other mutants, with her in earshot. Despite his friendship with Sally, though, Ray is firmly on Hob's side in their manner of handling Null and her cronies.

Splinter, having had a full day of ordering assassinations, retires to his chambers, but instructs Yumiko not to hesitate to wake him if they have word from Clan Hamato about his chūnin's condition. As he sits down to tea, Splinter hears Karai approach him from behind with the Kira no Ken. He invites her to stay for tea, despite the fact that he knows full well she is there to kill him. He tells her she's impressed with the fact that she was able to make it into his chamber undetected. Karai responds that she's a ninja who has trained her entire life, but Splinter strikes with his tail, telling her that he's trained two lifetimes.

Splinter calls his guards to him, but Karai reveals she did not come alone; Ocho suddenly bashes through the floor, and rips one of Splinter's Elite Foot in half, with Karai killing the other with the Kira no Ken. Karai tells him that she'd learned of Hamato Yoshi's propensity for rage from her grandfather, and that she intends to provoke it to end him, as Koya, Bludgeon, and Natsu wage war outside with Splinter's Foot.

See Also[]
