
This is a transcript for City at War, Part Two (2003 TV series), the fifteenth episode of season two of TMNT (2003 series).

Michelangelo There's an old saying that "no good deed goes unpunished". Well, we thought we did a whole lot of good that time we eliminated the Shredder. And... that other time we eliminated the Shredder. And... the time after that. Am I forgetting one? The point is, now, with Shredder out of the picture, the Mob, the Foot and the Purple Dragons are all duking it out for control of his empire. So, instead of making things better, we actually made them worse. No one felt more responsible than my brother, Leo. And no one felt less responsible than my brother, Raph. [Raphael: It’s not our fight.] Still, we had to do something. So we tracked down the remnants of the Foot to this rundown flophouse. We were about to take them down... when this big, honking robot shows up and starts shooting up the whole place! So much for our good deed. [Raphael: I hope you’re happy, Leo. I hope doing the right thing was really worth it.]

{Opening sequence; title song}

The episode begins inside what is left of the Foot clan temporary headquarters. The four turtles are under a large slab which is supported by a metal beam, which is the only thing keeping them from being crushed.  All four are pushing against the beam to hold it up.
Leonardo Good thinking, Don. Grabbing this beam really saved our shells.
Raphael It almost makes up for big-brain Leo leading us straight into--
Donatello Guys, let’s continue this discussion elsewhere.
Leonardo Everybody, move on three. One, two, three.
They all leap for the nearest opening. The beam snaps and the slab falls. The turtles dive through the opening. Outside, the Foot clan runs in different directions. The turtles jump as the building fully collapses behind them. They hit the street and jump again to reach the other side.
Donatello Okay, what was the deal with that kamikaze robot?
Michelangelo Looks like there’s a new player in the mix.
Raphael Great. Just what this town needs. If having them drop a building on our heads don’t convince you we should stay out of this, I don’t know what will.
He taps Leonardo’s chest with a finger. Leonardo bats his hand away.
Leonardo Since when do you run from a fight?
Raphael First, I ain’t running. Second, it wasn’t our fight to begin with.
Leonardo Yeah, well guess what? It’s our fight now, hothead.
Raphael Who you callin’ “hothead”? [Donatello and Michelangelo notice a pile of debris start moving.] I ain’t the one who dragged us into this mess.
One of the attack robot’s limbs pushes through the rubble it is buried under.
Donatello Uh, guys?
Raphael and Leonardo ignore him to continue their argument. The robot is in the rubble right next to them.
Leonardo Oh, right, you’re the levelheaded one who only fights for honor when it’s convenient.
Michelangelo Guys...
Raphael You saying I go no- - what the...?
The finally notice that the robot is escaping the building’s remains. It immediately begins firing its laser again. The Foot clan members jump out of the way and then prepare to fight. Some of them stand with the turtles as the robot bears down on them. A Foot Elite leaps over the robot, slashing a huge gash across the top with his twin bladed sword. The robot powers up to fire its laser and the turtles jump out of the way just as it does. The turtles begin attacking the robot, but do no damage. It catches one of the Foot ninjas in its clawed hand and Donatello strikes the hand with his , making it release the ninja. Everyone continues trying to defeat the robot.
Raphael Fighting side by side with the Foot? Now you know this has gotta be wrong.
Foot Elite Once the robot is defeated, we will destroy you all.
Donatello Now that’s the Foot we know and loathe.
The turtles and a few Foot struggle up close with the robot as it continues blasting the area. A bus drives around the corner and comes down the street towards the battle. When the river realizes what’s happening, he shouts, as do his passengers. The bus driver slams on the brakes and skids towards the robot, who blasts holes into the bus.  Sliding to as top sideways on the street, the bus driver and most of his passengers run away. One passenger is trapped inside the bus.
Passenger Somebody, please! Help me!
Leo runs towards the bus.
Raphael Leo! What do you think you’re doin’?
Leonardo There’s innocent people in there! We’ve got to get them out!
He climbs into the bus and uses his katana to cut a way past the crumpled metal posts. Sliding his katana into their sheaths, he reaches down to lift the metal panel off of the trapped passenger.
Passenger What... what are you?
Leonardo A figment of your imagination. You hit your head pretty hard. Now, come on. Let’s get you out of here.
He helps the man out of the bus.  Cut to a personal jet, flying through the darkened sky. Inside, Karai sits looking through a window. One of her aides approaches with an open laptop.
Short Aide Mistress Karai, one of our New York sources recovered this security camera footage from a warehouse that was prematurely demolished.
Karai taps the keyboard and then watches a recording of Leonardo running through the warehouse. She replays the recording, freezing it and then enlarging the image of Leonardo.
Karai Interesting.
Shift to the Purple Dragons hideout.  In the center of a large room is a wrestling ring. Purple Dragon gang members stand all around it, cheering as one of their own jumps into the ring.
Dragon Face Yo! Listen up, Dragons! With the Shredder out of the way, this is our moment! We can own this town!
The Dragons cheer again.
Spike Dragon Face! Dragon Face!
Dragon Face It’s time to prove to the mob, the ninjas, and all the other wannabes that the Purple Dragons ain’t just a bunch of dumb street punks!
Everyone cheers loudly. Suddenly a voice from overhead cuts through the noise.
Hun I couldn’t agree more.
Hun sits on the railing of an overhead walkway. The crowd starts murmuring.
Dragon Face Hun? We thought you weren’t coming back. [Hun grins at him.] Look, things have changed around here. I’m in charge now. You can’t come waltzing in here like you own the place or something.
Hun Oh, but I do own the place, Dragon Face. [He leaps down onto the ring, the force and his weight snapping the ropes and throwing Dragon Face to the ground.]  Every inch of turf you rule, every kickback you’ve collected, every little crumb you’ve ever been handed, you owe to me, and you owe it to the Shredder.  [He looms over Dragon Face.]  And it is in his memory that I vow... [He lifts Dragon Face up by his shoulders.]  to lead the Purple Dragons to the top of the food chain. We are going to rule this city. [He throws Dragon Face aside.] Any other objections? [He scans the crowd.] I didn’t think so.
In the street, the robot marches on, firing its laser at anything that moves. The turtles crouch behind a section of wall. Two Foot soldiers jump down nearby and Raphael turns on them.
Raphael Back off, Footheads, this is our barricade.
Donatello Guys, wait. I think I see how we can stop this robot. [In the street, broken power lines flash and wriggle.] I just need to get to those downed power lines.
Raphael Forget it.  I know how to stop tin butt.
He races towards the bus.
Leonardo Raph, wait! Listen to me!
Raphael climbs behind the steering wheel.
Raphael Listening to you is what got us into this mess in the first place.
He starts the bus and races it at the robot, which has its back turned. Before he can hit it, the robot turns and fires at the bus, hitting it in several spots before blowing open the fuel tank. Fuel spills onto the street. Raphael continues speeding at the robot, but a blast hits the bus dead on and it flips into the air, landing on its roof and skidding into a building.
Raphael Whoa! Ugh!
Donatello No!
Leonardo Raph! [Leonardo jumps over the barricade and runs to the bus. Using a sword, he pries open the doors.] Raph, are you all right, bro’?
Raphael is still strapped into the driver’s seat and is hanging upside down.
Raphael Yeah, I think so.
Leonardo Well, you don’t deserve to be. That hothead move nearly got your shell waxed.
Fuel continues to spill from the bus. The robot walks up to a line of fuel and blasts it, setting the fuel on fire.  The fire races along the line of fuel, moving towards the bus, where Leonardo is trying to free Raphael.
Raphael Oh, so it’s okay when your mistakes blow up in our faces.
Leonardo Getting involved in this gang war was not a mistake.
Raphael Right. This was a noble, heroic effort. Thank you, Leonardo. The streets are so much safer now ‘cause of you.
The fire draws closer to the bus.
Donatello Leo! Raph! Get out of the bus now!
Leonardo draws a sword and slashes through the seat supports, dropping Raphael on his head.
Raphael Ow!
Raphael growls angrily. The bus becomes engulfed in flames as the two turtles run away from it. They both jump as it explodes and are thrown down on the street.
Raphael Whatever you do, don’t say I owe ya’ one.
Donatello stands holding two ends of live power lines. In front of him is a stream of water.
Donatello Mikey! Herd the robot this way!
Michelangelo stands between two Foot Elites.
Michelangelo Herd him? You got it, hoss! Yee-hah!
Michelangelo runs at the robot and is joined by the two Foot Elites. The robot backs away from them and steps into the water.
Donatello That’s it.
He drops the live wires into the water right behind the robot’s feet. Sparks climb up the robot’s body and it screeches.  It falls over and goes dead. Michelangelo stands in the middle of a group of Foot ninja.
Michelangelo Nice work, guys.
Foot Elite Destroy the turtles.
Michelangelo leaps away from them.
Michelangelo Yeesh. Some guys just can’t take a compliment. [More than a dozen Foot ninjas, including two Elites, move towards him. He gulps.]  A lot of guys can’t take a compliment.
He turns and runs down an alley with the Foot practically on his heels. Michelangelo grabs the lid off of a trash can.
Michelangelo Captain America, eat your heart out.
He throws the lid, which spins like a frisbee and hits a ninja in the chest, knocking him down. The ninja kicks another one as he falls, taking that one down as well. Michelangelo does a quick backflip onto the first landing of a nearby fire escape. He looks down to see Foot ninja racing towards the fire escape ladder, and grabs the top rung.
Michelangelo Uh-uh-uh.
He lifts the ladder and then shoves down on it, striking a ninja. He laughs and then races up the fire escape with Foot ninja climbing up after him. On the street, Leonardo and Raphael watch.
Raphael Mikey needs help.
A laser blast startles them and they turn. Two more attack robots are running towards them. Raphael pulls his sai and blocks the blasts. In the truck, the mob boss laughs. Baxter Stockman watches through the window.
Mob Boss I got to admit, pal, when you deliver, you deliver. Not only do we take down the Foot, but those costumed freaks to boot.
Stockman A happy coincidence. [His head spins backwards.] But one for which I came fully prepared.
The mob boss pulls out his cell phone and places a call.
Mob Boss Yo, Weasel, it’s me. Let the boys know we’re smokin’ the competition. And when I say smokin’, I mean smokin’.
As his brothers continue fighting the newest pair of robots, Michelangelo leads the Foot ninja on a chase across the New York City rooftops. He snaps off a roof antennae and tosses it behind him, taking down a ninja, before jumping down to an alley below. The Foot leap down as well, but look everywhere without seeing him. They check behind rubbish and inside a dumpster before one discovers an unlocked door and signals the others to follow him. When they are gone, Michelangelo pushes aside a blanket that is draped over a clothesline where he was hiding.
Michelangelo King-sized bedding, a ninja’s best friend.
Karai’s jet lands at an airport. A car waits on the runway. Her short aide departs first, stopping as he receives a message through his earphone. Karai, fully dressed in ninja garb, pauses at the top step.
Short Aide Mistress Karai, I’m receiving word that the ones you seek have been sighted.
Karai Into the car, quickly.
Cut to 2nd time Around. Inside, April O’Neil and Casey Jones are unpacking boxes. Casey is carrying dishware on a tray.
Casey Jones Hey, you really fixed this place up.
April O’Neil Please be careful with that, Casey.
Casey What? Don’t you trust me?
He lifts the tray over his head. April climbs onto a stepping stool to reach for the tray.
April About as far as I can throw you.
Casey I’m game if you are, babe.
She turns with the tray.
April In your delusional dreams. [She starts to walk away and suddenly finds Michelangelo standing in front of her.] Oh!
She drops the tray and the dishes break.
Michelangelo Hey, April.
April [groans] Why do you always do that?
Michelangelo It’s a... ninja thing?
April kneels by the broken dishes.
April What are you doing here?
Michelangelo Nothing. Just running from a bunch of Foot Ninja. My bro’s and I are in the middle of this big fight and I- -
Casey Big fight? How come I wasn’t invited?
April stands up.
April Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Michelangelo, you’re telling me you ran into my shop- - my new, just fixed up after it was blown to pieces and burned to the ground by a bunch of Foot Ninja shop- - because you’re being chased by a bunch of Foot Ninja?
Michelangelo Yeah. I was running and-- and... Oh man, what a bonehead. I can’t believe I came in here. Sorry April, I wasn’t thinking. I’m gone.
He turns towards the door.
Casey Hang on, Mikey. I’m coming with you. [His mask is on his head and his bag slung over his shoulder.] April, mind if we borrow your wheels?
April Absolutely, I mind.
Casey Then I guess Mikey and I can just stay here.
April digs into her pocket and fishes out the van keys. She tosses them to Casey.
April It’s on the street.
Casey Thank you.
He tugs his mask down over his face and he and Michelangelo depart. April stands in the doorway looking after them.
April Be careful.
Fire and smoke billow up from the street where the battle against the robots continues. Police helicopters fly overhead.
Pilot What in blazes is going on down there?
A police emergency truck arrives.
Officer I want this area secured now. Move into position on the rooftops and bring out the heavy artillery.
The turtles stand their ground as they fight, unaware that police forces have arrived on a rooftop. The police aim their weapons at the street below.
Policeman On my mark.
Before they can fire, shadows on the roof mark the arrival of others. They throw smoke bombs behind the police, who are engulfed in a purple smoke.
Policeman Huh...?
They start coughing. The smoke covers them and loud strikes and thumps can be heard. One policeman steps out of the fog.
Policeman What’s going on?
Hun smacks him aside and steps out of the smoke wearing a gas mask. The smoke clears to reveal a large group of Purple Dragons. They move to the edge of the roof and look down at the fighting below. Raphael notices something and looks up.
Raphael Uh-oh. [He spots Hun.] Leo, if we don’t live through this, I’m holding you personally responsible.
Hun Dragons, take ‘em down. [The Dragons aim their weapons at the combatants below.] Purple Dragons, let them know who we are!
He raises a Lars Rocket launcher overhead. The Purple Dragons open fire and the turtles run. Hun takes aim with the rocket launcher and fires. Raphael leaps at his two brothers.
Raphael Look out!
He throws them down on the street as the rocket hits a blue van that was right behind them. Hun fires another rocket at them and they jump out of the way.
Donatello Guys, we’re in way over our heads. We have to get out of here.
A honking horn draws their attention. They turn and see April’s van speeding towards them, dodging weapon fire as it moves. It screeches to a stop next to the turtles and the side door slides open to reveal Michelangelo.
Michelangelo Somebody call a cab?
All Yeah! All right!
They jump into the van. Hun sees this and growls, then aims his rocket launcher at the van. He fires, but misses several times as Casey maneuvers in a zig-zag pattern down the street.
Michelangelo Awesome road warrior moves, Casey.
Casey Whoo-hoo! You should see me at rush hour!
Hun fires again and misses. An attack robot walks to the center of the street and looks upward before firing at the Dragons. They flee as the blast hits the edge of the roof.
All Whoa!
Hun stands up and fires his rocket launcher at the robot while his men shoot at both of the robots. The rocket hits one of the robots and destroys it. Inside the panel truck, the mob boss and Stockman observe what is happening.
Mob Boss What’s going on out there? Your tin cans are getting crushed.
Stockman A minor setback. Although, perhaps a strategic retreat would be in order.
They strap into their seatbelts and Stockman starts the truck. He drives out of the alley and into the street, racing past the building where the Purple Dragons are lined up.
Hun What’s this?
Hun fires at the truck, but Stockman jerks it to the side to avoid being hit. As he races forward, he spots one of his robots, who turns to face the truck.
Stockman Well, isn’t this ironic?
The robot opens fire and hits the truck. It flips onto its side and slides into a pile of building debris which collapses on top of it. Pan across rooftops to a water tower. Casey’s voice can be heard coming from inside.
Casey So what’s with the new digs?
The interior is dry, with several crates along the walls and a hammock strung between support posts. Casey and the turtles are gathered inside.
Leonardo I couldn’t risk leading anyone back to the lair, so I was staying here. It should be good enough for all of us until we figure out our next move.
Raphael Next move? You mean like going home and forgetting all this nonsense?
Leonardo We have to do something.
Raphael Like what? Pour more fuel on the fire? I said it before and I’ll say it again, this ain’t our fight.
Michelangelo crawls onto the hammock and Donatello takes a seat on a crate. Michelangelo addresses Casey.
Michelangelo You might wanna sit. This could go on for a while.
Outside, one of Karai’s aides spies on the water tower.
Leonardo So who’s fight is it? The innocent people caught in the crossfire?
Raphael You can’t save a whole city, bro, but you could make it worse by trying.
Leonardo So we should just forget about Bushido and our entire code of honor?
Raphael Where’s the honor in sticking your nose where it don’t belong?
Leonardo Nobody asked you to come. Nobody’s forcing you to stay.
Karai’s tall aide leaps onto the roof and climbs the water tower struts. He attaches an explosive device to the underside of the water tower and sets the timer for a few seconds.
Raphael Back off, Leo. I’m warning ya’.
Leonardo Who needs you, hothead?
Raphael Yo, say the word and I’m out of here.
Leonardo Since when do you need my permission?
The aide jumps down off the struts. The timer reads six seconds.
Raphael You know what? You’re right. Good luck on your one-turtle crusade, Leo. Just try not to get these other guys iced.
He heads for the blanket draped over the opening. The timer reads two seconds. As Raphael grabs the edge of the blanket, the device explodes. Shouting, everyone falls through the floor. All but Casey land on their feet; he hits the ground on his rump and then bounces forward onto his chest.
Casey Oof. Whoa.
Standing in front of them are both of Karai’s aides. They are dressed in Foot ninja garb. Karai leaps over the roof’s edge to land in front of her aides, sword in hand.
Karai Hah! I believe we have a few matters to discuss. My name is Karai, and I am here to restore order to the Foot.
Raphael I got your order right here, lady.
He pulls his sai and Casey draws a baseball bat out of his bag.
Leonardo Stand down, Raph.
Raphael No. I’m sick of being everybody’s punching bag. And I’m really sick of taking orders from you.
Leonardo I said, stand down, Raph.
Raphael ignores him and leaps.
Raphael Hyah!
Karai leaps as well, throwing the weighted end of her manriki-gusari at him, knocking the weapons from his hands and tossing him back on his shell. He growls as he sits up to see Karai flying down at him, sword swinging. Leonardo rushes forward before she can strike his brother, and catches her sword on his.
Leonardo No!
They push against each other and then Karai backflips away. Her two aides rush to meet that attacking turtles and Casey. Donatello battles the short aide, who expertly dodges every attempt Donatello makes to hit him with his bō. The next time Donatello swings down at him, the aide grabs the staff and yanks it out of Donatello’s hands before kicking him aside. Donatello hits the roof at Casey’s feet.
Casey Let me try. Goongala!
The aide tosses Donatello’s staff aside and ducks Casey’s swings. He headbutts Casey in the chest and then kicks him down.
Casey Ugh! Ugh!
Michelangelo faces off against the tall aide, who dodges his opponents nunchakus and then grabs them. He flips Michelangelo over and onto the roof.
Michelangelo Aah!
The tall aide turns as Casey steps up to him.
Casey Yo, pal... [He charges and swings.] You’re making me mad. [The aide ducks and dodges Casey’s bat before delivering a spin kick that knocks Casey flat. He lands next to Michelangelo.] Agh! Come on.
They attack, but the aide leaps over their heads. He continues to avoid every one of their attempts to hit him.
Michelangelo He’s gotta have a weak spot. [They try again and are both once more knocked down.] Or not.
Leonardo and Karai battle nearby. Their swords clang together and then Karai kicks Leonardo down. Casey runs up.
Casey Here, let me. Goongala!
He runs at Karai, who pulls and throws her manriki, wrapping the chain around his ankles and pulling Casey down. Raphael stops near Casey and the leaps at Karai. Before he reaches her, she backflips onto the roof of a work shed. Momentum causes Raphael to bury both his sai into the side of the shed. He looks up to see Karai staring down at him. He yanks his sai free. Across the roof, Donatello and Michelangelo face the two aides.
Donatello Let’s try switching opponents this time.
Michelangelo Couldn’t hurt.
Donatello attacks the tall aide, who grabs his staff and tosses the turtle down. The short aide flips and turns as he dodges Michelangelo’s nunchucks.
Michelangelo Hey! [He swings again and the aide jumps onto the water tower struts and then disappears. Michelangelo looks all around and then finally up, gasping as he sees the aide coming down at him.] Whoa! Ugh! [He hits the roof next to Donatello.] Uh, on second thought, maybe it could hurt.
Raphael faces off against Karai atop the work shed. They circle each other. Karai attacks first and Raphael catches her sword on his sai. She twirls her manriki and tosses it. The chain wraps around Raphael’s right wrist and she pulls, causing him to drop his sai. Leonardo leaps towards them and slices through the chain, causing Raphael to fall from the shed. Karai backflips down and attacks Leonardo. He catches her sword on his and whips her arms around, making her lose her sword, which becomes embedded in the roof. She backflips away and throws her manriki. The chain whips around one of Leonardo’s swords and it’s yanked from his grasp. She throws the chain again, but Leonardo slices it. Still holding one short piece of chain, Karai throws it at Leonardo’s head. He ducks to avoid it, and she slams feet first into him, knocking him onto his hands and knees. She leaps, ready to kick him again, but he mule kicks her across the rooftop. She lands hard and lays still. Leonardo walks up to her as it appears she’s unconscious. Suddenly she strikes, kicking him down and leaping to her feet. Karai immediately pounces, landing with one foot on Leonardo’s chest and her tanto drawn. His brothers and Casey stop moving as her weapon is pointed at Leonardo’s head.
Karai Now, I came here to discuss a matter with you and discuss it we shall, with or without your leader. It is your choice.
To Be Continued...