
This is a transcript for City Under Siege, the eleventh episode of season 7 of TMNT (2003 series).

Open on New York City at night. Hun and a contingent of Purple Dragons, all armed, stalk through the streets, as though on the hunt. Hun, sweat on his brow, peers down an alley and starts to move when suddenly a cat darts out of hiding and startles him.
Hun Blasted cat.
A line of Purple Dragons follow him down the alley. The last in the line, Bam-Bam, pauses for a moment, and is abruptly grabbed from behind and yanked out of sight. Now the last in the line, Spike is suddenly grabbed from above and pulled up. A clattering sound of metal hitting the ground causes everyone to turn.
Hun Huh?
Mohawk Where’s Spike and Bam-Bam?
His minions turn to Hun, who marches forward.
Hun Show yourself already. This is Purple Dragon turf and you’re gonna pay for trespassing!
An arm reaches out from an areaway between buildings and snatches Mohawk out of the alley, one hand over his mouth. Hun turns to look back.
Hun Mohawk? [He growls.] Keep your eyes open.
He walks through a steam trail, but then spins around when he hears the sounds of a fight behind him. Running back past the steam, he discovers that the rest of his minions have vanished.
Hun What the…? I’m not afraid of you!
He looks back and through the steam, sees the outline of an armored figure walking towards him.
Cyber Shredder Then you are a fool.
The steam clears to reveal the Cyber Shredder. Hun takes aim with his handheld gatling gun.
Hun Huh? You? But that… that’s impossible.
Cyber Shredder Nothing is impossible to me, worm.
Hun opens fire, walking straight towards Cyber Shredder. His blasts are a direct hit to Cyber Shredder’s center mass but do absolutely no damage. The Cyber Shredder slices the end of the gun off with his Tekkō-kagi. With a shout, Hun tosses the gun aside, and attempts to punch Cyber Shredder, who easily dodges his fists. Cyber Shredder then blocks one punch and strikes Hun in the gut, bending him over, before pounding his back and driving him to the ground. As Hun starts to rise, Cyber Shredder kicks him, sending him flying back against a metal dumpster. Hun hits the ground and lays there, groaning.
Cyber Shredder The time has come to remind this city who its true master is! Ha, ha, ha!

{Opening sequence; title song}

Open with a view of Belvedere Castle and Turtle Pond. Below, in the Turtle’s lair, Donatello and April stand on the workstation platform. On the main monitor is a view of Splinter, who now has three-quarters of his data bits intact.
Donatello And once we find one of Master Splinter’s data bits, we use this device to store it. [He shows her the device he uses to gather the data bits.] Then we bring it back here and download it into our main server.
April takes the device from him.
April O'Neil Great. So, when do we leave?
Donatello Are you sure about this, April? Cyberspace can be a very dangerous place, especially with the Shredder still lurking around in there.
April Are you kidding? I’ve spent years on this side of the screen. I can’t wait to see what it’s like on the inside. [She hops onto the cyber mat platform.] Besides, I wanna help. Master Splinter’s been like a father to me, too, you know.
Donatello I see your point.
April All right then. [She activates the handheld device.] Here goes nothing. [The machine scans her and begins transforming her body.] Whoa. Tingly.
Once she vanishes into cyberspace, Donatello joins her. Both are wearing cyber gear.
April Whoa!
Donatello Welcome to cyberspace. Every computer program and data network in the entire web has a manifestation here. From the biggest database to the smallest instant message.
April It’s amazing.
Donatello presses his wrist gauntlet to create his Code Runner.
Donatello Hop on. [April takes a seat behind him.] There’s a cluster of Master Splinter’s data bits straight up this code road. Hang tight.
He zips off. Back in the real world, Raphael and Casey are running the rooftops. They stop on the edge of a roof and peer down into an alley. Raphael points.
Raphael Check it out. [The Purple Dragon, Blondie, is laying on the ground.] There’s another one. [She lifts her head, opens her eyes, and groans.] Let’s get in for a closer look. [They hop down to the alley. Raphael squats next to Blondie and checks the palm of her left hand, where he sees the Purple Dragon emblem.] Looks like it’s open season on Purple Dragons tonight.
Casey hears more groaning and looks over to see another pair of Purple Dragons sprawled on the ground.
Casey Jones No kidding. I’m starting to lose count.
Raphael leans Blondie up against the wall of a building, then turns to look around.
Raphael Look, down the side alley.
They both see Hun, still laying up against the dented dumpster.
Casey They took down Hun, too! Who could have done this?
They both look at the dumpster’s lid and see the long slash marks cutting through the metal lid. Casey and Raphael look at one another.
Cut to the New York City Central Mainframe. Inside, Cyber Shredder has a grip on one of the employees, who sounds as though he’s choking before he’s dropped on the floor. Accompanying Cyber Shredder is Khan and Cyber Foot Soldiers. Cyber Shredder leads the way deeper into the building.
Cyber Shredder The New York City Central Mainframe. My time in the cyber realm has shown me another side to the city. A side that has grown dependent on computers and technology for every aspect of daily life. I have studied the mainframe’s weaknesses from the inside. [He stops at a master control.] Their primitive firewalls will crumble before me. [He lifts an arm and the Tekkō-kagi vanishes to be replaced by an access probe. He places it into a port.] He who controls the mainframe, controls the city. [His eyes flash with energy and spirals of power run down his arm into the mainframe.] And now I shall bend it to my will so the Foot can rule again!
Lights all over the city begin to go out. The traffic lights blink in rapid sequence from red to yellow to green and back again. Confused motorists get into traffic accidents. Elsewhere, under a full moon, Leonardo and Michelangelo face off on a rooftop to spar. Leonardo easily blocks Michelangelo’s attempted strikes, then grabs his arm and throws him down.
Leonardo Focus, Mikey. In Randori you have to learn to think several moves ahead of your opponent. Make him do what you want him to do and lead him into a trap.
Michelangelo I can’t think that far ahead, Leo. I just improvise, go with the flow, you know?
A high-pitched scream and the sound of a crash startles the pair. As they run to see what is happening, there are additional sounds of chaos. Leonardo peers around the opening in an alleyway. He sees the security panels on a department store window going up and down. It’s entry door opens and closes rapidly. Traffic lights, streetlights and the lights inside apartments flash off and on.
Leonardo What’s going on? [A group of screaming people run up from the subway.] That doesn’t sound good. Come on!
He and Michelangelo leap down into the subway entrance. A machine spits out tickets onto the floor. The Turtles walk out to the platform and spot an approaching train. It speeds right past them.
Michelangelo That train isn’t slowing down! [Panicked passengers can be seen at the train windows.] It’s out of control!
Leonardo We have to stop it, there are people on board! Quick! [He and Michelangelo leap atop the speeding subway train. Lying face down, they begin crawling forward.] Get to the emergency brake. I’ll look at the train’s third rail connector.
Michelangelo eases over the side and pries a set of doors open. Inside, people are screaming and hanging onto anything solid. Michelangelo swings into the train and everyone stops screaming to stare at him. They all scream again, and Michelangelo screams as well. Near the front of the train, Leonardo jabs one of his katana into the train’s side and swings down, holding onto it. He draws his other katana and spots the contact shoe attached to the train. He begins slicing at it, but then looks ahead to see a railcar parked on the tracks. Leonardo quickly turns back to his task, slashing until he breaks the contact shoe.
Leonardo Now, Mikey, hit the brakes!
Michelangelo I’m on it!
Hanging onto a pole for support, Michelangelo grabs the emergency cord and yanks. Sparks fly as the brakes are applied, but the train is still barreling forward. Leonardo grips the katana sticking out of the train’s side with both hands and closes his eyes. The subway train finally slows, coming to a stop after tapping the other train. Leonardo opens his eyes, sighs with relief, and withdraws his sword.
Leonardo They don’t get much closer than that.
Michelangelo Not yet anyway. Look!
The signage displays change to show the Foot symbol. Back in cyberspace, Donatello and April ride along a code road. April looks around to see power surges coursing through some systems and the Foot symbol begins to appear.
April Uh, Donny, what’s that?
She points to one of the symbols as a power charge shoots out of it. Everywhere the charge passes, more Foot symbols appear.
Donatello The Shredder. [He looks down at his monitor.] He’s somehow infecting the city mainframe with malicious code. [He brings the Code Runner to a skidding stop.] We have to get back to the lair and warn the others.
April What about Master Splinter’s data bits.
Donatello If we don’t stop this thing, it may put all of Master Splinter’s data bits in jeopardy. [He uses his gauntlet to generate a code map portal.] Hold on.
He accelerates and enters the portal. Inside the lair, Leonardo and Michelangelo come running up to them as Donatello and April step out of the portal.
Leonardo We’ve got a problem!
Raphael I’ll say. [He and Casey arrive.] The whole city’s going berserk.
Donatello It’s the Shredder. He’s taking over the entire city’s computer infrastructure. Everything in the city that’s connected to a computer network is falling under his control.
He begins tapping on his computer console, pulling up several displays.
Raphael What do you mean everything?
Donatello I mean the electric grid, rail switches, traffic lights, security systems, water valves, telephones, bank vaults.
April Everything that makes civilized life possible. Life as we knew it, anyway.
Above ground, traffic is at a standstill as accidents clog roadways. People are screaming and running through the streets. Looting has begun. Digital screens in Times Square show a news reporter.
Tammy Tamlin New York City is under cyber-attack. All bridges and tunnels are closed. Telephone service has been disrupted.
The reported vanishes as a static screen appears. It is then replaced by the Foot symbol. The symbol also appears on the big screen TV in the lair. Three of the Turtles, Casey and April are gathered in the living room.
Raphael It’s everywhere.
Michelangelo So why haven’t the lair computers been affected?
Donatello is still at his computer station.
Donatello Our critical systems are on an isolated network, completely separate from the city’s.
Leonardo Good. Then rev up the cyber portal so we can take on the Shredder and end this cyber assault.
Donatello No. The hack is originating from the outside at the city’s central mainframe.
Raphael Then let’s head over there and kick some shell!
Donatello Right. [He opens a panel and removes a metal box.] But to get the city’s mainframe back online, we’ll need more than just brute force. [He begins placing tools in the box.] If we could generate a kind of low-yield electromagnetic blast pulse, however, we may have a shot.
Raphael I’d agree only I got no clue what you just said.
Donatello The blast would disrupt the mainframe long enough for us to upload a worm killer that would put a stop to the Shredder’s incursion. [Opens another panel and grabs more tools.] But we’ll have to hurry. There’s not much time.
Michelangelo Exactly how not much time is there?
Donatello At the current rate of infection? About sixteen minutes. After that it’ll be too late.
Leonardo Then we don’t have a moment to waste. Let’s move!
Most of the group runs to the Turtle Hauler and Leonardo takes the wheel. Casey and Raphael hop on their motorcycles. They race through the sewer tunnels to the exit point and onto the road, with the Hauler knocking aside any obstacles. City lights continue to flicker as the vehicles maneuver through the streets, dodging overturned cars. While they are driving, Donatello works to create the device he’ll need.
Leonardo This isn’t going to cause any permanent damage to the city, is it?
Donatello No. The EM pulse should force a total reboot. We’ll upload my worm killer from the laptop and then hopefully wipe out the malicious code.
A camera mounted on a building follows their progress and Cyber Shredder sees the Hauler on his monitor.
Cyber Shredder Fools. You dare try and stop me? I have a million eyes and a million fists.
He accesses another computer port and sends his energy into it. Above ground, a fire hydrant begins to shake as the Turtles draw near. Suddenly one of the caps shoots off and directly through the Hauler’s passenger side window. It passes right in front of April, Donatello and Leonardo before shooting out through the driver’s side window. Another fire hydrant explodes, the cap smacking into the driver’s door on the Hauler. Fire hydrants continue to pop their caps at the trio of vehicles, until one hits the back of Casey’s motorcycle. He loses control and is thrown off, but hits Raphael and knocks him off his shell cycle.
Cyber Shredder Two down, one to go.
He accesses another city service. Onscreen is a green oval representing the Hauler at an intersection. The word “warning critical pressure” appear on the monitor. The street in front of the Hauler begins to shake, and then explodes outward as water pushes through. The Hauler is thrown into the air.
Leonardo Hold on!
The Hauler crashes down onto its side. Donatello pops the side door off and reaches down to help April out of the vehicle. Raphael and Casey groan as they get up and they run to join the others.
Michelangelo Something tells me the Shredder doesn’t want us making it to that mainframe.
Donatello All the more reason we have to get there.
They all run to the nearest manhole and Leonardo removes the cover.
Leonardo Hurry up. This way. The streets are too dangerous.
All six leap down into the tunnels. A nearby camera is trained on them, letting Cyber Shredder see their plan.
Cyber Shredder Fools. You cannot escape my reach.
He accesses the sewer infrastructure map and switches the water flow from “off” to “on”. Water begins flowing through the pipes and into the tunnels the Turtles are using.
Donatello The central mainframe building is six blocks over, two blocks down.
A rumbling sound causes Raphael to turn.
Raphael Anyone else hear that?
They turn to see a tidal wave of water at the tunnel cross section. It floods their tunnel.
Leonardo Dive!
Everyone dives underwater and swims to a manhole. They climb out and find themselves standing directly in front of the New York City Central Mainframe building.
Donatello This is it. The central mainframe building. Quick, there’s no time to lose!
The group enters the building.
Leonardo Careful, guys. Khan and the Foot could be behind any corner.
They quietly work their way through rows of machinery until they reach an open area containing the central terminal.
Donatello There’s the central terminal.
As they begin to approach the terminal, Khan leaps down in front of it.
Raphael And Khan!
Khan is joined by several Cyber Foot soldiers. More of them appear atop the machinery.
Michelangelo Yeah, not to mention more than a few Foot cronies.
Leonardo It’s over, Khan! Release the city!
Cyber Shredder It is not his to release.
A stunned expression appears on Leonardo’s face. Khan and the Cyber Foot stand aside as Cyber Shredder strides forward.
Donatello The Shredder!
Michelangelo He escaped out of cyberspace?
Leonardo But how?
Raphael Who cares. Now we can put the hurt on him for real.
Cyber Shredder I have long waited for this moment. Destroy them.
The two groups clash with the Cyber Foot, but Leonardo and Michelangelo race towards Cyber Shredder.
Cyber Shredder Yes, come to me.
He blocks their blows and then kicks Leonardo aside. Michelangelo continues battling but stops a moment to catch his breath.
Cyber Shredder Pathetic. [Michelangelo begins striking him with his nunchaku.] You can at least give me a challenge!
He manages to kick Michelangelo down. Donatello fights and defeats a pair of Cyber Foot and then he and April run towards the central terminal with the EM device. Raphael faces off against Khan. He leaps and kicks Khan against a machine and the boxes on top shake loose to land directly on top of Khan.
Raphael Night, night!
Donatello and April reach the central terminal. He kneels in front of a panel.
Donatello All right, time to disrupt the system long enough so we can upload that worm killer. [He attaches the device.] Fire in the hole!
The device counts down and Cyber Shredder turns.
Cyber Shredder What?!
When the device reaches zero, an electromagnetic pulse shoots out in a wave through the building.
Donatello It’s now or never.
April takes her laptop to a terminal port and plugs it in.
April Loading the worm killer now.
Cyber Shredder stalks towards April, but Donatello’s voice turns him.
Donatello Which means your stranglehold on the city is about to be over.
The Turtles and Casey are facing the Cyber Shredder.
Leonardo For good.
Raphael You never should have left cyberspace.
Cyber Shredder backs away as the Turtles attack. Leonardo stabs at him, but Cyber Shredder grabs the blade and flings the Turtle. He kicks Raphael as he’s leaping. As Cyber Shredder makes for an exit, Michelangelo throws a shuriken. It hits the floor in front of the Cyber Shredder and explodes, sending the villain crashing through the wall.
Leonardo After him!
They run through the hole in the wall and onto a series of platforms above generators. Cyber Shredder is nowhere to be seen, so they proceed slowly.
Michelangelo What is this place?
Donatello Backup power station for essential city services.
Cyber Shredder leaps out from under a platform and kicks Casey, sending him flying back against a railing. He falls over, but catches the edge of the platform, leaving him dangling high above the machines.
Casey Whoa.
The Turtles attack, but Cyber Shredder handily knocks down Raphael, Leonardo and Donatello, leaving only Michelangelo to face him.
Cyber Shredder And then there was one.
Michelangelo glares at him, his nunchaku tucked beneath his arms. Cut to April as she quickly types on her laptop.
April Almost… almost. [A line of code begins scrolling across the screen.] There. All clear!
In the city outside, the Foot symbol vanishes from screens. The traffic lights return to normal and water stops flowing out of fire hydrants. All of the lights come back online. Inside, Michelangelo battles the Shredder. He’s knocked back and then ducks when Cyber Shredder slashes at him, causing the blades to cut out a chunk of one of the platform’s support posts. As Michelangelo jumps back, the platform shakes and a section begins to separate. Michelangelo glances over at another of the support posts. He ducks at attack and then runs towards the post. Hopping onto the rail, he swings around the post as Cyber Shredder slashes at him and hits the post instead. Michelangelo performs the same maneuver at the next post in line and causes Cyber Shredder to cut that one as well. Michelangelo leaps for another section of the platform. A ways behind him, Cyber Shredder laughs.
Cyber Shredder You are no match for… [The platform begins to shake violently.] Ah! What have you done?
Michelangelo Nothing. That was all you, Shreddy-bear.
The section of the platform that the Cyber Shredder is standing on collapses. Cyber Shredder catches the edge of this still standing platform, but his hand slips and he falls directly onto a generator below. He screams as power courses through his prone body and then the generator explodes. Michelangelo’s brothers appear on the other side of the opening in the platform and Casey joins them all in looking down at Cyber Shredder’s smoldering body. His curled fist slowly opens and the light in his eyes fades out completely. Michelangelo leaps across the opening to join the others.
Leonardo Nice improvising, Mikey.
Michelangelo You know me, just go with the flow.
April comes running into the room.
April Master Khan and the Foot – they took off running.
Raphael And the Shredder’s a crispy critter.
Casey We did it. We finally stopped the Shredder and the Foot.
Sirens sound outside, accompanied by flashing lights. They hear the voices of the police.
Police 1 This way. I think they’re in here!
Police 2 Come on!
Leonardo And now we should get out of here.
They all start running.
Raphael Hey, it wouldn’t be saving the city and taking down our arch nemesis if we didn’t have to disappear into the shadows.
They vanish. Below, sparks shoot from one of the fallen generators and zap the Cyber Shredder’s body. A spike shoots from his hand and punctures one of the cables running along the floor. Then a flow of energy moves from Cyber Shredder to the cable. Pan out to a view of the city.

{Roll end credits}
