
"I would rather perish with honor than live in shame."
— Chris Bradford in The Gauntlet.

Chris Bradford was one of the Shredder's top henchmen. As a human, he was a very skilled and quite well known martial arts celebrity, with his own line of dōjōs. By night, however, he operated as a ninja under the Shredder's employ. After coming face-to-face with the Shredder's enemies (the Turtles) a few times, he came into contact with the substance known as mutagen, transforming him into a giant anthropomorphic dog, which caused Michelangelo to dub him "Dogpound". In "Mikey Gets Shellacne", Bradford came into contact with mutagen a second time, at which point he mutated into a more wolf-like form and became known as "Rahzar".


As a human, Chris Bradford was tall and muscular and had a dark brown beard, resembling the real life actor Chuck Norris.

Once mutated into "Dogpound," he bore many characteristics of the dog breed known as Akita. He had orange fur over the majority of his body, and white fur on his palms and stomach area. His most notable features included large, jagged spikes running up the center of his back (and spine). He also had spikes protruding from his left shoulder. His right hand was completely encrusted in the same material as his spikes were - and could be effectively used to block attacks from swords, sai, etc. There was also a notable difference in the size of his two arms; His left was much larger than his right one, and his right arm was quite a bit shorter and smaller than his left. He still wore the pants of his original, human suit, though they were torn at the cuff of the pant legs.

As his new form as Rahzar, he appears similarly to a skeletal werewolf with slightly darker fur. His body is now long and very bony. He has fur that has more of a silver, grey or brown tone, a longer snout with larger teeth, and his hands now appear to be made entirely out of bone. His snout is made of bone, he has no tail, and his limbs are once again symmetrical.



Bradford before his first mutation

Chris Bradford was a martial arts master and a world-famous celebrity. A comment of his rival/partner Xever's ("rich boy") alludes that Bradford came from a wealthy background. Michelangelo attempts to make friends with him using social networking. Little does he know that Bradford is a member of the Foot Clan and is the Shredder's star pupil. He also served as the Foot's second-in-command. Bradford, in an attempt to win Mikey's trust, teaches him his secret technique, The Death Dragon. Michelangelo, in turn, teaches this to his brothers. Splinter notices this move as being a signature move of the Shredder, thus making them realize that Bradford is evil and their little brother is in trouble.

Michelangelo returns and he is captured by Bradford. The other Turtles come to rescue Michelangelo, and then they let Bradford follow them into the sewers, where they ambush Bradford and Xever. Using the death dragon, Michelangelo manages to pin them down which gave Leonardo and Donatello the chance to wash them down into the sewers. When they all return to the lair, Michelangelo ceremoniously unfriends Bradford from the website.

He later returns in the episode "Never Say Xever", because Bradford failed to catch the Turtles, the Shredder puts Xever in charge, much to Bradford's dismay. At the fortune cookie factory he holds off Donatello and Mikey in battle. When Xever kidnaps Mr. Murakami and threatens to throw him over a building, the Turtles kidnap Bradford and threaten to throw him over the building. Xever is unaffected, saying "he's not [his] friend" and seeming enthusiastic about it. When Bradford escapes, he asks Xever how he was so sure that they were bluffing, and he told him that he was not. He then teams up with Xever to take down the Turtles. While Xever shows off his success and mocks Bradford for being locked up, Fong gives Leonardo his sword back and allows him to destroy a nearby water tower, which flooded Xever, Bradford, and the Purple Dragons off the roof. The Shredder did not take the news of failure lightly and planned to take on the Turtles himself.

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Bradford in his "Dark Ninja" uniform.

In "The Gauntlet," Bradford and Xever attempt to capture the Turtles once again. Bradford punctures the container of the mutagen bomb to take down the turtles along with himself and Xever, but the turtles manage to avoid the attack. As a result, both Bradford and Xever end up exposed to the mutagen. Bradford mutates into a creature resembling an Akita with a huge left arm, while Xever mutates into a giant snakehead fish, earning him the moniker "Fishface" later on. Bradford's mutation is affected by a previous encounter with the Shredder's pet Akita Inu, Hachikō biting his hand, resulting in his left arm being much larger than the right.

In "Panic in the Sewers", the Turtles encounter the mutated Bradford during a spying mission. He overwhelms them, forcing them to retreat. Mikey names him "Dogpound" after this, and all the Turtles call him that from then on. Later, Dogpound leads the Foot's scheme to steal a tanker of acid that reacts violently with water, planning to destroy the sewers with it. He grabs April O'Neil and proceeds with the plan. After a protracted battle, Michelangelo uses a water balloon to ignite the leaking acid, blasting Dogpound away. Dogpound reports this failure to the Shredder, who slices off one of his shoulder spikes as punishment and his next punishment will be deadly if he fails to destroy Splinter and the turtles again.

In "Mousers Attack!", Dogpound finds his mutant form useful in extorting the Purple Dragons and taunts the mutant Xever about his useless fish body. The Shredder interrupts and warns Dogpound that their primary goal is to find information on Splinter and the Turtles, or that he will be killed. Later, Fong of the Purple Dragons comes to Dogpound in an old futon factory with a cell phone stolen from April. Dogpound wants to use the phone to find out where Splinter is, but Fong is unable to unlock the phone. However, when Tsoi and Sid bring Baxter Stockman to him, he forces the inventor to hack into the phone for him. Michelangelo and Donatello try to get the phone, but Dogpound stops them and holds them captive. Stockman almost succeeds but the Turtles interfere, bringing an army of M.O.U.S.E.R.S. with them. During the fight, Dogpound and Stockman are doused with a tracking chemical that makes them the Mousers' next target. Dogpound tries to escape with Stockman and the phone, but it is broken by one of the Turtles' throwing knives. He returns to the Shredder with Stockman in tow. The Foot leader is angry with Stockman for his interference, but lets him live because he could be of use.

In "The Alien Agenda", Dogpound is seen laughing at Xever's misfortune, while Stockman tries to get Xever's robotic legs working.

Popup bio dogpound

As Dogpound

In "Baxter's Gambit", he returns along with Fishface and the two abuse and threaten Stockman. He and Xever are bait for the Turtles into the Maze of Doom. Dogpound makes a temporary truce with the turtles in the labyrinth. He is stuck with Mikey, Don, and Leo. In the end, he and the company defeat Stockman and then go back to their base, because they were just too exhausted to fight once more and decided to try to destroy the Turtles next time they meet instead.

In "Pulverizer Returns", Dogpound is seen getting beaten up and abused by the Shredder due to his failure to find more Foot Clan Soldiers. However, the Shredder then suggests that him and Dogpound should use the Kraang's technology to upgrade the Foot Clan. Dogpound is seen fighting the turtles with Fishface and soldiers, and Fishface aided in Bradford's experiment with the Pulverizer, who mutated into a giant transparent blob monster in the end.

In "Showdown, Part 1", Dogpound and Fishface serve as the obstacle between Splinter and the Shredder. When questioned by Fishface, Dogpound explains that Splinter (also known as Hamato Yoshi) and the Shredder trained in the same ninja clan, but that Splinter "betrayed" the Shredder, ending the two's friendship. He acknowledges that Splinter has as much skill as the Shredder, but disparagingly claims that he "doesn't have the guts to finish the fight." Splinter soon arrives and engages the two in battle, quickly demonstrating his superior skill to both. Defeated, Dogpound and Fishface depart, leaving the two rivals to their battle.

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As Rahzar

In "Mikey Gets Shellacne", Dogpound comes to the depressing conclusion that his mutation only decreased his overall power in battle, and thus decides to go after Stockman, who could turn him human again. During a fight with Michelangelo and the Turtles at Stockman's lab, Dogpound falls into Stockman's mutagen tank and emerges as a monstrous version of himself. When Michelangelo called him Dogpound, Bradford got angry and demanded not to be called that, so Michelangelo instead called him "Rahzar", as the villain realized this new form was stronger and more agile and he felt like a ninja again. Michelangelo tricks Rahzar into attacking the electric system as the sprinklers go off electrifying Rahzar, Fishface, and Stockman.

In "The Manhattan Project", upon returning to his lair, Shredder sees Bradford's Rahzar form and stated that he looks terrible. During this episode, Rahzar demonstrated the ability to eject the bony parts of his body at his opponents.

In "The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman", where he and the Shredder confront Stockman of his miserable failure and ended up having his mutagen collar explode, turning him into a mutant fly after a fly touched his nose. When Rahzar and Foot-Bots arrived to see Stockman, the mutant fly quickly destroyed the Foot-Bots and escaped. Later, when the Shredder told the arthropod engineer to make one last mutant, Rahzar tossed a chocolate bar for Stockman to eat.

In "The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto," he teamed up with Tiger Claw to get the Kuro Kabuto (Shredder's helmet). In the process, he found common ground with him when he saw Tiger Claw also had a hatred towards Xever.

He reappears in "Vengeance is Mine," where he and Fishface were distracted by Michelangelo's shadow puppet skills. During the fight, he scratched Michelangelo on his left arm. Rahzar then fell off the building and landed in a pile of trash.

In "The Invasion, Part 1", he tells the Shredder The Kraang will bring Leonardo to them.

In "The Invasion, Part 2", he, Tiger Claw, and Fishface fight Leonardo, but all three are quickly defeated. He later tries to attack the turtles, but Michelangelo crushes him with a sofa.

Rahzar would later appear near the end of "Vision Quest" as Michelangelo's spiritual opponent. Michelangelo then listens to Splinter's wisdom from earlier and uses it to defeat him.

In "Serpent Hunt", he and Fishface are forced by the Shredder to hunt for Karai or risk being handed over to Tiger Claw. After the Turtles manage to track down Karai at a warehouse and try to convince her to come home, the two ambush all of them, hitting Karai with a taser and gassing the warehouse. However, the two argue who will get to take her back to the Shredder back on Fishface's motorcycle, which causes Anton Zeck to steal the motorcycle and Karai. Later, he and Fishface appear with the Shredder at the docks, following Ivan Steranko making a proposal with his old friend where if he and Zeck hand over Karai, they get out of the city. Leonardo and the other Turtles intervene with this, leading to a brawl on the docks. Rahzar faces off against Steranko, who uses Karai as a shield to protect himself. Following Leo jumping in to save Karai, the tackle takes both individuals down and leads to him capturing Steranko. After delivering them to Stockman's lab, he along with Xever mocks the fate of the two, stating he would not want to be a warthog. After Zeck is pushed into the vat by Fishface and mutated into a warthog, Steranko begs that he would be better as a human instead of the proposed rhinoceros. When he attempts to escape, Rahzar knocks him into the vat as well.

In "The Pig and The Rhino", he, alongside the Shredder and his other mutant henchmen, watch Zeck and Steranko, who both have become enraged for being mutated into freaks. They attempt to stop the two mutants who try to attack the Shredder, only for their master to single them to stand down as he states that he will deal with them himself. He then watches the Shredder dodge their attacks and easily defeat them. He then he offers them a chance to work for him and capture Karai like they did before and not fail or the consequences will be severe.

In "Casey Jones VS. The Underworld", he and Xever go to the docks and steal the chemicals required for the Shredder's plan by robbing a van and searching the back of it. Casey then shows up and attacks them both. Casey gets the upper hand, but unfortunately for him they manage to kick him into a pile of boxes nearby. Luckily, Raph shows up and rescues him by knocking out Xever and releasing a giant box that lands on Rahzar. Later on, he, the Shredder, his other mutant henchmen as well as the Purple Dragons and their new leader Hun go to Auman Chemicals (a chemical factory) that the dragons agree to let the Shredder use for his sinister plan [under the condition that Hun overlooking the operation which the Foot leader agrees to]. Suddenly, Casey shows up and attacks them by throwing some puck bombs their way. He along with the others then get out of the way and watch the Shredder take him on. They watch their master as he easily defeats and prepares to take him out. Suddenly the turtles show up and rescue him. Rahzar then activates the factory's controls as a fight ensues between everyone. Rahzar then fights Mikey for a brief time before he turns his attention to Casey like the other mutants as they attempt to stop Casey from throwing a substance [that is in the cheese balls that Mikey was eating earlier] which will mix with the other chemicals that will cause a chemical reaction and ruin the Shredder's plan. They then make one last attempt to stop Casey as they jump and try to grab the substance only to fail as Casey quickly jumps in their way and hits the substance straight into the vat of chemicals below. The turtles' plan works and they escape as there is a giant chemical reaction which covers the entire factory in spattered chemicals. This frustrates the Shredder, who states that this has only delayed his plans and to clean the mess up.

In "Meet Mondo Gecko", Rahzar is among the audience at Fishface's race against Mikey, Casey, and Mondo Gecko. He and the others leave in disgust after Fishface loses.

In "Attack of the Mega Shredder!", Rahzar was seen sleeping in Shredder's lair while Leo and Mikey snuck into the Shredder's to steal a Brain Worm.

In "The Fourfold Trap", Rahzar appeared alongside the Shredder's other henchmen as they assisted Karai's plan to eliminate the Turtles. When Splinter showed up to rescue the Turtles, Rahzar fought Splinter alongside his fellow mutants but ends up being defeated.

In "Annihilation: Earth! Part 2", Rahzar is absorbed by the black hole with the rest of the Earth, except for the Turtles, Casey and April, who were able to flee aboard a ship.

In "The Weird World of Wyrm", the Turtles train by fighting holograms of all three of Chris Bradford's forms.

In "Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind", Chris Bradford is seen as Mikey's butler in Mikey's imagination.

In "Earth's Last Stand", Rahzar's death is prevented by the Turtles.

In "City at War", Rahzar assists Fishface and Tiger Claw in fighting the Turtles, April, Karai, and Shinigami but once again loses.

In "The Super Shredder", Rahzar is watching his own cartoon show until Baxter informs him that Shredder wants him to make a trap for Splinter and the Turtles which makes Rahzar a little disappointed since he was right in the good part. He and Tiger Claw invade Shredder's old lair where Karai is now leaving with her own Foot Clan before letting Shredder on his new mutant form in. Later he and Tiger Claw use a train to make the Turtles and April unable to reach Splinter and rescue Karai. Rahzar overpowers Mikey, he says he always wanted to see a turtle without shell and then Donatello uses his bo Staff to throw Rahzar out of the train he manages to hang on through his claws but April uses her telekinetic blast to throw Rahzar completely of the train and gets run over.

In "The Power Inside Her", he's seen robbing an old Kraang base with Tiger Claw and Fishface. He gets in the back of a van with some robot foot soldiers. He was then thrown out of the Van by Casey Jones who was trying to stop the three. He later returns to fight Casey only to be thrown up against a wall and crushed by a dumpster by April and her newly discovered powers.

In "Requiem", Rahzar is in the Coney Island amusement park with Bebop, Rocksteady, and Fishface to fight Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Leatherhead. He is about to finish off Leonardo when he pins him to the ground, but Leatherhead quickly tackles him off the pier and into the water, drowning him.

It is later confirmed in "The Forgotten Swordsman" that he had died at that point, only to be found by Xever and resurrected by Tiger Claw and Kavaxas.

During Kavaxas' final plot in "End Times", Rahzar is present when Shredder is revived as a zombie. However, it was later revealed that he and Shredder are simply Kavaxas’ slaves and that Shredder was one of the main components of setting the demodragon free. During the fight with the Turtles, Rahzar was last seen being kicked into the chasm leading to the Netherworld by Tiger Claw.

Chris Bradford's 2 Ruff Crew[]

It was discovered by the Turtles in "The Weird World of Wyrm" that Chris Bradford had his own cartoon show called Chris Bradford's 2 Ruff Krew. The cartoon showed Chris Bradford and his allies Lil' Rineo, Master C, and Sumo Glen facing off against Fake Master (who was posing as Chris Bradford's girlfriend Felicia) and Evil Ninja.

In "Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind", Chris Bradford faces off against Micro Chip after the villain defeated Bill Renyo, Master C, and Sumo Glen.

In "Revenge of the Triceratons", Chris Bradford is seen on a commercial where he has his pet monkey Cho-Cho go up against ninjas in order to earn some cereal.

In "The Ever-Burning Fire", Chris Bradford faces off against Captain Reptile. Before the outcome of the battle was shown, Raphael turns off the monitor telling Michelangelo that they are needed on the bridge.

In "City at War", Chris Bradford is shown swimming towards Destroyo who unleashes Killer Dolphins on him. Using a special drink that he promotes, Chris Bradford defeats Destroyo and the Killer Dolphins.

In "The Super Shredder", Chris Bradford drives with his crew to fight against Ninja Commander, who fights him with a gun that shoots saw blades. Chris Bradford manages to defeat him by using the move "Action Kick"


Chris Bradford is fiercely loyal to the Shredder, and at that, very afraid of him at times as well. He is willing to do anything to please his master, even at the cost of his own life (as seen in "The Gauntlet"). He is unrelenting on the battlefield and is determined to destroy his enemies. His impressive fighting skills make him a formidable opponent, even before his mutation. Dogpound is shown to be a bit sarcastic, self-centered, arrogant, and mean-spirited. He does not always get along with the Shredder's other top henchman Fishface, but he is willing to work alongside him to please the Foot leader. Like Raphael he loves combat. When he mutated into Rahzar, he became much more savage, having the desire to actually eat people and mutants like Fishface and Karai.

Powers and abilities[]

"I feel the mutagen coursing through me. I'm faster, stronger, more powerful than ever. I feel like a ninja again."
— Rahzar

  • Mutant Physiology: Chris Bradford has undergone two mutations, once as Dogpound and once more as Rahzar. His first mutation had something of a form and function, although it left with a few weaknesses. His increase in body size also led to an increase in body weight, resulting in Bradford losing his speed and agility as a result. In addition, as aforementioned, his large size and asymmetrical arms caused him to be rather clumsy and cost him much of his former stealth as a ninja. However, he regained his ninja attributes when he became Rahzar.
    • Enhanced Strength: Although Bradford clumsy at times as Dogpound due to his gigantic size, he was incredibly strong, able to pick up a car easily with one hand and use it as a weapon. He maintained his superhuman strength as Rahzar.
    • Enhanced Agility: As Rahzar, Bradford regained his speed and agility.
    • Enhanced Senses: As Dogpound, Bradford's sense of smell and hearing were improved, being able to hear things from a far distance and pick up on a person's scent. As Rahzar, he is able to see in the dark.
    • Bone Spike Protrusion: As Dogpound, Bradford's body was covered in bony spikes, and his left arm was disproportionately large and muscular, with bony spikes protruding from both knuckles. His right hand was hard and armored with bony plating, able to block swords and other weapons without causing harm to him. His spikes seemed to grow back, because they were sliced off by both the Shredder's gauntlet and one of Baxter Stockman's lasers, yet they ultimately grew back in the next episode that he appeared in. As Rahzar, his bony spikes are more developed and have a rather grisly look. His ten claws are also detachable and can be flung at enemies whenever he pleases.
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  • Master Martial Artist: In his human form, Chris Bradford was a fierce and skilled martial artist, occasionally able to defeat the Turtles on his own in several of their many encounters.
    • Shurikenjutsu: When Bradford first encountered Michelangelo he threw several six-pointed shuriken at him.


As Chris Bradford[]

As Dogpound[]

  • "Well, look what I found. Four soon to be Ex-Turtles." - Panic in the Sewers
  • "The Purple Dragon gang agreed to raise our cut to 80%. No complaints." - Mousers Attack!
  • (to Fishface) "But you are stuck in there," (Taps on glass to irritate Fishface) "I'm sure you'll have your chance to shine one of these days... Master Shredder might get hungry for Sushi." - Mousers Attack!
  • "Aww..., the mermaid's growing legs." - The Alien Agenda
  • "Your signal?! You do what we tell you and then you thank us for letting you live, got it Stinkman?" - Baxter's Gambit
  • (when Baxter Stockman talks about his childhood) "Well, there's a surprise..." (sarcastically) - Baxter's Gambit
  • "Let's finish... this... ohh... forget it... next time." - Baxter's Gambit
  • (to Shredder ) "I can find more soldiers... Just give me time!" - Pulverizer Returns!
  • "How I detest this clumsy body, What I wouldn't give
    to be human again." - Mikey Gets Shellacne

As Rahzar[]

  • "I feel the mutagen coursing though me. I'm faster, stronger, more powerful than ever. I feel like a ninja again." - Mikey Gets Shellacne
  • "To thank you for this, I'll make your end swift." - Mikey Gets Shellacne
  • "DON'T EVER CALL ME DOG!" -Mikey Gets Shellacne
  • "I... LIVE!!! HA HA HA HA!!!" -The Forgotten Swordsman



  • The Shredder - The Shredder taught Bradford in the ways of ninjutsu (as well as telling him his darkest secrets), and he subsequently employed Bradford as one of his top henchmen within the Foot Clan. As implied in the series, the Shredder trusts Bradford in locating Splinter, but, to the Foot leader's disappointment, Bradford has been practically incompetent for such a task.
  • Tiger Claw - Bradford and Tiger Claw develop a friendship over Bradford's admiration of the assassin's skills and their mutual interest to eat Fishface, even if it's for different reasons. However, their friendship is later destroyed after Tiger Claw found out that Bradford, along with Shredder, is under Kavaxas' control and pushed the man-wolf back into the Netherworld.
  • Xever Montes / Fishface - They do not like each other very much, due to their 'petty rivalry', but they do make a formidable team when they work together in their fights against the turtles. Rahzar has also expressed interest in eating Fishface "just to shut him up."
  • Baxter Stockman - When they met in "Mousers Attack!", Dogpound found him useful, as he was an inventor who was also capable of hacking into April O'Neil's cell phone (which contained information about Splinter's whereabouts). Though Stockman was their ally for that moment, Dogpound and Fishface proceeded to harass him when he refused to follow their every order. Stockman then betrayed them once again by trapping them in his 'Maze of Doom' in "Baxter's Gambit". Despite the fact that Stockman flew away after he is practically defeated, Dogpound (along with Fishface) were able to find him again in "Mikey Gets Shellacne", and they put a mutagen collar around his neck, threatening to turn him into a mutant if he double crossed them. However, Dogpound underwent a second mutation instead, during which he became a skeletal creature that resembles a werewolf.


  • Leonardo- As one of the Shredder's enemies, Bradford sees him as an enemy but hates him for all the times he has defeated him. While watching Leonardo fight the Footbots, Bradford was eager to attack the weakened turtle and took part in attacking Leonardo leaving him out of commission for most of season 3.
  • Raphael- As one of the Shredder's enemies, Bradford sees him as an enemy but hates him for all the times he has defeated him..
  • Donatello- As one of the Shredder's enemies, Bradford sees him as an enemy but hates him for all the times he has defeated him..
  • Michelangelo- Bradford met Michelangelo on a social networking site in "New Friend, Old Enemy." He pretended to be Mikey's friend, in order to gain his trust and learn more about their master through Mikey. When Mikey didn't give him the info he wanted, Bradford lured him into his dojo, attacked him, tied him up, and used him as bait for a trap. Mikey and Bradford have been bitter enemies ever since.
  • Karai- During their time as allies, Bradford and Karai interacted very little, but it can be presumed by their little interaction seen that Bradford has a rather indifferent disregard for her.
  • Splinter - Bradford (along with Fishface) are both forced by the Shredder throughout the series to hunt down and find Hamato Yoshi (Splinter). Due to this, Bradford has come to despise Splinter and the latter's disciples (the turtles). Bradford has only come into contact with Splinter once (which was when the Shredder tricked Splinter into coming to his hideout to rescue April), during which Splinter proved to be the superior combatant to Bradford.



  • Rahzar's human name, Chris Bradford, is the same as real life martial artist, Chris Bradford, who's also famous for writing the children's fictional series, Young Samurai. However, he does not physically resemble the Bradford in the 2012 TV series.
  • As a human, Bradford resembles Chuck Norris, another real life martial artist and actor. Another such parody is the figure Buff Nordick from the comic story "The Shell of the Dragon." It is also noticeable that Norris and Xever's apparent template, Jim Kelly, have both starred in two famous Bruce Lee movies (Way of the Dragon and Enter the Dragon, respectively).
  • Chris Bradford is also similar to the Gargoyles character Wolf. Both villains are famous television actors voiced by Clancy Brown, who hunt the outsider heroes after meeting a member of each group. Both also work for a main antagonist, want to be the leaders of their groups, and both get turned into wolf-like mutants.
  • His helmeted appearance seems to be inspired by that of the Shredder in the original comics.
  • Bradford owns an antique katana blade that is over 400 years old.
  • After Xever mutated into Fishface, Dogpound took control of the Purple Dragons in "Panic in the Sewers", but Fishface retook control after Baxter Stockman finally got his robotic legs operational in "The Pulverizer".
  • Bradford's status as a high-ranking agent of the Shredder is analogous with the characters of Hun, Khan, and Tatsu from previous TMNT series.
  • Michelangelo has a cardboard cutout of Bradford in human form in his room in the sewer lair, which Mikey keeps even after they have become enemies.
  • In the episode "Mikey Gets Shellacne", he gets a second mutation and is afterwards, called Rahzar. This makes him the first character in the show to undergo two mutations. (unless one counts the Squirrelanoids metamorphosis, the Rat King as he injected himself with chemicals to both read minds then control minds or Mutagen Man as he drank mutagen behind Donatello's back because the physical appearance was unchanged).
  • Rahzar's exposed ribs are a homage to Rahzar's chest plating in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze.
  • Bradford does enjoy his own show "Chris Bradford's 2 Ruff Krew", and was the voice actor of his animated counterpart.
  • He is the only one of Shredder's henchmen to secondarily mutate, to die, to have been resurrected, and to eventually die again.
  • Out of all the Turtles, Bradford is shown to hate Michelangelo more than the others. This is likely due to the extended period of time in which he pretended to befriend him in order to get closer to the Turtles and Splinter. He also regards Michelangelo as a fool despite the turtle often defeating him.
  • As of his transformation into Rahzar, he has become the personal rival of Michelangelo, the latter of whom resents him for using him and attempting to use him as bait despite still watching his old show.
    • Furthermore, it is possible that Bradford blames Michelangelo for his second mutation, despite enjoying his second form because of the advantages it gives him, particularly the ability of superhuman agility.
  • Chris Bradford is the first human/mutant to have three forms. The first being human, second a dog and the last a wolf. As seen in "The Weird World of Wyrm", when the Turtles faced off against holograms of all Chris Bradford’s forms.