
Flag of China.

China (Chinese: 中国 Zhōngguó), officially the People's Republic of China (Chinese: 中华人民共和国 Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó), is a unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist state on the planet Earth. The Chinese Civil War resulted in China being proclaimed the "People's Republic of China" in October 1949 when Mao Zedong chased away Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan, where the former Republic of China relocated.


The People's Republic of China is featured somewhat regularly in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise in the form of New York City's nine Chinatowns and is the origin of characters, such as Tang Shen, Chung I, Xiang Fei Tong, General Chang, Vam Mi, Fu Sheng, Ho Chan, Sid, and Chi-You. Although Shen is often vaguely portrayed as being Japanese via her close association with Hamato Yoshi, "Tang Shen" is not a Japanese name, but rather of Chinese origin, suggesting she has at least partial, if not full, Chinese heritage. However, Shen's canonical ethnicity is seldom confirmed throughout her various incarnations.


In the Mirage continuity, the Ninja Turtles travel through the People's Republic of China in The Shell of the Dragon. Chang Lee befriends the Ninja Turtles once they protect Hu-Shang's Restaurant & Takeout, his uncle's restaurant, from being damaged by Bugsy. Fong is a member of Gorko's gang.

1987 TV series[]

In the 1987 TV series, General Chang's marble statue and marble army are brought to life by the Shredder to combat the Ninja Turtles in "Peking Turtle".

TMNT Adventures[]

The Ninja Turtles travel through the People's Republic of China in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures. Yoshi Khan is both Chinese and Japanese. Fu Sheng is an alchemist who bestows Chu Hsi the ability to transform into a Warrior Dragon.

The Next Mutation[]

In Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, Venus de Milo was raised by Chung I, her real name being Mei Pieh Chi. Vam Mi is a Chinese vampires and her servants are Chi Chu and Bing.


In the Image continuity, Wu is a Go-Komodo scientist.

2003 TV series[]

In the 2003 TV series, the People's Republic of China's capital, Beijing, is torn from the Earth and lifted into outer space by the Triceratons in "Space Invaders, Part II".


In the IDW continuity, Xiang Fei Tong is the leader of the Ghost Boys. Chi-You is a magical Chinese emperor. He and the Ninja Turtles and the Ghostbusters have their second encounter with each other in Chinatown in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters.

2012 TV series[]

In the 2012 TV series, the Purple Dragons are a Chinese street gang consisting of Tsoi, Fong, and Sid, led by Hun. "A Chinatown Ghost Story" has the Ninja Turtles meet the ghostly Ho Chan. Along with being Japanese, Tang Shen is 1/4 Chinese through her grandfather, making her daughter, Hamato Miwa, 1/8 Chinese, but both were raised in Japan.

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