
<Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Challenges


Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

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"...the hollow echoes cannot be forgotten."


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A sunny spring day somewhere in Massachusetts...

[Outdoors in the countryside, Leonardo searches for Raphael. He is calling for his brother near a stream. On the other side of the stream is a large storm drain pipe in an embankment.]

Leonardo "Raphael? Where are you? We have to get back to the house."

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[He looks into the storm drain.]

Leonardo "Huh? Hmmn, a storm drain. Raphael?"

The echo. The cool, damp air on his face.

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Takes him back...back to the beginning. Splinter told us many times how it started...

[Leonardo begins to reminisce. There is an image of Splinter as a rat in his cage.]

In Japan, he mimicked his owner's movements as the man practiced ninjitsu.

[The next panel shows a Foot Clan symbol and ninjas leaping from rooftops.]

His master, a member of the mysterious Foot Clan, was forced to flee to America...

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[Closeup of the Shredder's helmeted face.]

The brother of an old enemy, Oroku Saki, now called The Shredder... Followed him and killed him...

[Splinter, still a rat, is shown by himself in the sewers.]

Leaving Splinter to fend for himself in the sewers, an unusual creature in an unfamiliar world.

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On the street above, a truck carrying radioactive materials narrowly avoided an accident.

[A man tackles a blind man to push him out of the way of a truck with "TCRI" markings.]

But a single cannister was shaken loose and struck a child's terrarium containing four turtles - us!

[The cannister has the letters "TCRI" on its side.]

We fell into the sewer and were found by Splinter.

[Splinter gathers the Turtles into a can.]

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The contents of the cannister had amazing effects on all of us, both mentally and physically. We grew quickly and were soon walking upright and talking. Splinter taught us the ways of the ninja, and in turn we each found our own path.

[The four growing Turtles are shown with Splinter, who now wears a robe.]

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[Pin-up page.]

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[Pin-up page.]

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[Pin-up page.]

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[Pin-up page.]

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[The Turtles, now grown and wearing their gear and weapons, walk through the sewers.]

We lived in the sewers for many years...

[The Turtles fighting Mousers.]

Until we were discovered.

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After that we had many strange adventures...

[The Turtles are shown with the Fugitoid.]

Saw many wonderful places

[The Turtles are shown back in time with the dinosaurs and Renet.]

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And even found a new home above the streets.

[An image of the New York City skyline.]

But that, too, was ruined by our enemies.

[The Turtles are fighting the Foot in their own home as The Shredder watches.]

Here in Massachusetts at last we found a haven, safe from danger.

[A picturesque view of a farmhouse.]

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[Return to Leonardo standing at the entrance to the storm drain.]

But the cool air...the hollow echoes...

[A closeup of Leonardo's eyes, narrowed in concentration.]

Raphael "Leo!"

Leonardo "Huh?"

Raphael "I've been looking all over for you!"

Leonardo "Raph?"

Raphael "C'mon, let's go home!"
