
Chainsaw is a member of the Purple Dragons in Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Chainsaw is the member of the Dragons that they call upon to frighten or torture victims with his titular weapon. Chainsaw is introduced gleefully brandishing his weapon by the face of a scared security guard Later, he is called upon by Kitsune to sever one of Raphael's fingers so she can sell it to a pharmaceutical company. He exceptionally relishes this opportunity, but is not given a chance to follow through, as he fails to get his chainsaw started before Mechazoid 02 crashes through the skylight.

Chainsaw finally gets his weapon roaring in time to attack the Mechazoid with it, but the robot catches it with one hand and attacks him with the other, disarming him and taking his chainsaw for itself. It later melds the chainsaw into itself, depriving him of the weapon he was so fond of, and it was likely destroyed when Angel blew up the Mechazoid. Raph Thinks It Through

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