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Turtle Power (Way of the Ninja) -
Raph’s Stone Crusher -
Purple Dragon Helicopter -
Zanramon (Way of the Ninja) -
Shredder’s Hand Blade -
Turtle Team -
Steel Mutant Turtle Team -
Mikey, in a sewer suit
All items (755)
- A Green Man
- Abigail Finn Monster Hunter
- Agent Bishop (Way of the Ninja)
- Agent Bishop, Combat Gear
- Al Gordon, Green Mantle
- Aliens (Way of the Ninja)
- Ananda, Justice Force
- Ancient One (Way of the Ninja)
- Ancient One, at the Wedding
- Angel, at the Wedding
- April and Donatello
- April O'Neil (Way of the Ninja)
- April O'Neil and the Ninja Turtles
- April O'Neil, iz Parallel'noy Vselennoy
- April O'Neil, Martial Arts
- April O’Neil (Way of the Ninja)
- April O’Neil, and the Ninja Turtles
- April O’Neil, Cyberspace
- April O’Neil, in laboratory coat
- April O’Neil, in wedding dress
- April O’Neil, jump kick
- April O’Neil, kick
- April O’Neil, martial arts
- April, in Jumpsuit
- April, in Jumpsuit (Way of the Ninja)
- April, possessed by the ring of Ying
- Armored Tank
- Attack from the Rooftop
- Banana, Mutant
- Bandits
- Barbarian, hero of SuperQuest
- Battle Cry
- Baxter Stockman, Hologram
- Bebop (2010 trading card)
- Bebop (Way of the Ninja)
- Bebop and Rocksteady (Way of the Ninja)
- Bebop-Human
- Beetle, in Splinter’s Ear
- Biomouser
- Biomousers with Wings
- Body Switching Electronics
- Boss and Gangsters
- Bowling Ball, Mutant
- Boy in a Hat, comics fan
- Casey and April
- Casey Jones (Way of the Ninja)
- Casey Jones and Raphael
- Casey Jones, Armoured for Battle
- Casey Jones, attack
- Casey Jones, attack mode
- Casey Jones, Defending
- Casey Jones, Disguised as Green Man
- Casey Jones, in armor
- Casey Jones, Karate Student
- Casey Jones, offering April’s hand and heart
- Casey Jones, protection
- Casey Jones, Reflections
- Casey Jones, street judge armor
- Casey Jones, Thinking
- Casey Jones, under Khan’s hypnosis
- Casey Jones, young
- Casey's Motorcycle (Way of the Ninja)
- Casey’s Mask
- Casey’s Mom
- Ch'rell, Shredder Utrom
- Champions of Justice
- Chikara-Shisho, at the Wedding
- Chikara-Shisho, Ninja Tribunal
- Chili Pizza
- Chinese Dragons
- Chrysalis, Justice Force
- Ch’rell in prison helmet
- Ch’rell, Frozen
- Ch’rell, Shredder-Utrom
- Class 50 Wing Wish
- Class 50 Wing Wish (Way of the Ninja)
- Cluster Bombs
- Cobra Eyes
- Cody and Starlee
- Cody Jones (Way of the Ninja)
- Cody Jones, Perplexed
- Comic Collector
- Constable Biggles (Way of the Ninja)
- Constable Biggles, Peacekeeper
- Cowabunga! (Way of the Ninja)
- Crazy Manny (Way of the Ninja)
- Crystal
- Cyber Cockroach
- Cyber Cockroach (Way of the Ninja)
- Cyber Portal (Way of the Ninja)
- Cyber Ripper (Way of the Ninja)
- Cyber Shredder, Digital Throne
- Cyber Shredder, Flying Attack
- Cyber Shredder, Materialization
- Cyber Shredder, metamorphosis
- Darius Dun (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Don, Claw Punch
- Dark Donatello (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Horde (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Horde, Battle Nexus
- Dark Knight, SuperQuest game character
- Dark Leonardo (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Michelangelo (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Mikey, Attacks with Axes
- Dark Raph, Roar
- Dark Raphael (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Turtles (Way of the Ninja)
- Dark Turtles Capsule
- Dark Warriors
- Dartgun
- Defroster
- Demon April's Tongue Lash
- Demon April, possessed by the Ying Ring
- Demon April’s Tongue Lash
- Digital Tunnel
- Dinosaur Toy
- Dinosaurs with Spikes
- Doctor Chaplin
- Doctor Dome from Justice Force
- Doctor Malignus, unmasked
- Dog, Mutant
- Dog, Mutated
- Domebots, Fighter of Justice
- Don and Mike
- Don and Mikey
- Donatello (Silver)
- Donatello (Way of the Ninja)
- Donatello as Sorcerer
- Donatello in an Alternate Future
- Donatello in Street Disguise
- Donatello in Triceraton Suit
- Donatello with Splinter’s data piece
- Donatello's Bō Staff (Way of the Ninja)
- Donatello, dashing
- Donatello, extreme sports
- Donatello, Fighting Face
- Donatello, Fighting Face (Way of the Ninja)
- Donatello, Foot Soldier
- Donatello, Frozen
- Donatello, in a sewer suit
- Donatello, in an exo-suit
- Donatello, in Cyber Armor
- Donatello, in Cyberspace
- Donatello, in Future
- Donatello, in the iron suit
- Donatello, jump
- Donatello, Lightning Attack
- Donatello, on the roof
- Donatello, Roof Assault
- Donatello, rotating attack
- Donatello, Spin Attack
- Donatello, wedding tux
- Donatello, Welder
- Donatello, Young Don
- Donatello’s Bō Staff
- Don’s Harpoon
- Double Blade Gauntlet
- Dr Malignus (Way of the Ninja)
- Dr. Chaplin, scientist
- Dr. Malignus (Way of the Ninja)
- Dr. Marion Richards (Way of the Ninja)
- Dr. Marion Richards, Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Dragon Face (Way of the Ninja)
- Dragonface (Way of the Ninja)
- Drako (Way of the Ninja)
- Fake Alien
- Federation army
- Feral Mutant, horned
- Feral Mutant, One-Eyed
- Ferryman (Way of the Ninja)
- Ferryman 14 (Way of the Ninja)
- Ferryman, Ultimate Gamer revealed
- Feudal Foot Ninja (Way of the Ninja)
- Feudal Samurai
- Feudal Shredder (Way of the Ninja)
- Feudal Shredder and Foot Ninja
- Fighter (Way of the Ninja)
- Fire Mystic (Way of the Ninja)
- Flash Grenade
- Flying Camera
- Foot ATV
- Foot Clan Geneticist
- Foot Geneticist and his creations
- Foot Helicopter
- Foot Ninja (2010 trading card)
- Foot Ninja (Way of the Ninja)
- Foot Ninja From a Parallel Universe
- Foot Ninja, Attack
- Foot Ninja, gaze
- Foot Ninja, jump attack