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[The episode starts with Casey narrating. New York City has been returning to normal.]

Casey: [narrating] New York City- this is what it looks like after alien invasion. We returned to a broken, almost deserted city, courtesy of the Kraang. The Turtles invaded Dimension X to stop those alien freaks and undo the mutation of millions of people. Meanwhile, I was sidelined like a chump, salvaging food and medical supplies like it was the zombie apocalypse or something.

[He broke the pencil. Casey is angry and punches the table in rage.]

Casey: [frustrated] I totally got ripped!

[Casey throws his notebook aside and goes outside.]

Casey: Casey Jones should've been in that fight!

[Casey punches the door. Later, he watches April and her dad serving soup to other people.]

Casey: [narrating] Got to say, though, it's kind of cool how almost getting annihilated can bring the city together. Well, most of the city. Then there's the others, thieves, lowlifes and thugs, and worse, Purple Dragons.

[Casey watches as the city is being rebuilt. The purple dragons have stolen some money bags.]

Fong: Who knew withdrawing money from a bank could be so easy?

Casey: Nobody steals in my town!

Sid: It's that vigilante nut.

Fong: Let's crack him open then.

[Casey defeats the Purple Dragons with ease, but then one man shows up, revealing himself as a new member of Purple Dragons, their new leader, the man is actually a lookalike of Bruce Lee, and handsome.]

Casey: Ho, ho! A new recruit. Ready to taste some asphalt, scum?

Hun: Not a recruit. I'm the new leader...Hun!

Casey: Eh, I think I prefer scum. Goongala!

[Casey goes to assault him but Hun punches him to the wall and brutally throws a hockey puck at his groin, brutally defeating him. Hun makes thumbs-up, then thumbs-down at Casey with a calm face. Casey groaned at Hun in rage. The police arrived. Hun and the Purple Dragons leave, Casey pounds his fist on the ground in anger and is left with pain, both physical and mental.]

[Theme song]

[The lights of the lair were turned on.]

Leo: What a disaster. The Kraang really trashed this place.

Splinter: Indeed, but this is our home. We will clean and set things right once more.

Mikey: Oh, I hate cleaning. I call the kitchen!

[Leo started to fix the arcade game but it went out.]

Donnie: Hey, Raph, a little help?

[Donnie pulls the doors open and sees his lab is destroyed.]

Donnie: Oh, no! My experiments. My lab.

[Splinter puts the family photo in the shrine.]

Splinter: Miwa, what has become of you?

[MIkey puts Ice Cream kitty in the fridge.]

Mikey: There you go, Ice Cream Kitty. Nice and chilly. Now to see what's for din [groans in disgust] What reeks?

[He looks in the fridge and saw that the food has been long expired.]

Mikey: Our food ruined! Hmm, roaches, rotten pepperoni, furry stuff.  [Mikey eats the rotten pizza.] I may regret that tomorrow, but worth it today.

[Casey arrives at the lair with a can of soda, looking furious and defeated. After drinking his soda, he throws the can and kicks the Kraang’s head in anger and frustration.]

Raph: Well, look what the cat dragged in. Where you been, Jones?

Casey: [raging yelling] Doing what you should be helping the city, stopping crime!

Leo: Whoa, hold up. In case you hadn't noticed, we just got back here.

Donnie: Yeah, we just happened to stop a little thing called a massive alien invasion.

Mikey: Yeah, dude, we deserve a little downtime.

Casey: [Angrily] Evil never takes downtime. I just took on the Purple Dragons.

All: Ooh!

[Mikey does so, but is right beside Casey, who attempts to punch his head, but Mikey pops his head in the shell and jumps away.]

Raph: So how bad you beat 'em?

Casey: Well, at least I stopped 'em from getting away with the cash.

[There was silence.]

Donnie: Wait, you DIDN'T beat the Purple Dragons?

[Casey didn’t say anything. Everyone began to meanly laugh at him, much to Casey’s embarrassment and eventual rage.]

Casey: [angered] You don't want to help? Fine! I don't need you guys. Casey Jones can protect the city alone. [he leaves]

Donnie: Good luck with that! [throws a can at him while everyone laughs]

[Later outside on the rooftop.]

Casey: Those jerks. Whatever, I can do this myself. First up, track down the stupid Dragons and pound their new leader in his lame head.

[He looks and sees the foot clan riding on motorcycles.]

Casey: The Foot? Guess the Dragons will have to wait.

[He begins to follow them down on the street as he peeks around the corner.]

Casey: Shredder. Things just got interesting.

[The Foot Clan arrive at the restaurant, Casey goes to the red door, then inside, it's an Italian Restaurant Dell Abate, where two gangsters are in the background, they are Fulci Twins, and at the very present, there's their boss, a local Italian gangster. The man is obese and old and is eating spaghetti. The man's name is Don Vizioso. Shredder sits down on a chair given by one of the Fulchi twins as Don begins to speak.]

Don Vizioso: Crazy thing, that alien invasion. But such moments in history can prove fortuitous for businessmen like us, huh?

Shredder: Us? You are just a gangster, Don Vizioso. You seem unaware that the power in this city has shifted. To me.

Don Vizoso: [stops eating and watches angrily at Shredder as if his power is threatened.] What are you trying to say, Shredder?

Shredder:[Annoyed] Must I spell it out?

[The mutants and twins get their weapons and watch furiously at each other, ready to fight. Until...]

Don Vizioso: [smiles nonchalantly] Yeah, I don't read so good.

[Shredder raised his hand to stop his mutants, who put their weapons back. While Shredder is talking, Casey is seen on the sidelines pouring drink for the two crime leaders. Nobody seems to recognize him.]

Shredder: I already control the Russian Mob through Steranko, the Asian gangs via Hun, and the South Americans through Xever, so either declare your allegiance to me, or-

[Just as Don was about to eat the meatball, a "Shing," sound was heard causing him to freeze. In a millisecond, the meat ball was cut in half and so were the candles. The Don looked at Shredder with worry as Shredder retracted his katar blade back into his gauntlet to make a point.]

Don Vizoso: [wiping his mouth with a napkin and speaks to Shredder.] So how might I be of service?

Shredder: Access to certain chemicals for a project I'm working on.

[As Shredder continues more about his plans, Casey, while pouring a drink, overhears this and leans in to attempt to listen closer.]

Don Vizoso: Well, I already told you about the shipment at the docks. What more do you...

[Shredder notices Casey. Believing him to be a spy for the turtles, Shredder rages and after furiously grabbing Casey, Shredder violently pins him to the table, where the spaghetti splattering over the table and pointed his deployed katar blade at the now scared Casey.]

Shredder: [furiously] Who sent you, spy?!

Casey: [Now terrified.] I'm—I'm just a busboy.

[Silence. Heart beats can be heard. The Shredder growls, then calms down, but is still angry and blunt.]

Shredder: [growls reluctantly] Very well, but do not let me see your face ever again.

[Casey leaves. He bolts into the alley.]

Casey: That was close. Too close. Oh, man, my heart's pounding so fast. That was so cool! Wait till Raph hears about this.

[He begins to text. In the lair, all the droids are cleaned up and piled.]

Raph: Oh, man. Need a break.

Leo: No doubt. Cleaning up is way harder than training.

[Mikey looks around for the remote, under the pillow, the dummy, the pile of robots.]

Mikey: Wait, no. No, no. No, no, no, no! [shouts.]

[He gets stopped when Donnie slammed a broom on his face.]

Donnie: What are you looking for, Mikey?

Mikey: The TV remote, duh! Where are you?

Raph: Got a text from Casey. Oh, no, he's on some kind of crazy mission. I got to go handle this.

Leo: Want some help?

Raph: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Mikey: No. It's gone forever. Farewell, sweet TV-controlling device. You made our lives so much better. You were a true friend in times of- Wait, here it is.

[He grabs the remote on the TV and turns it on.]

Crognard: That's it, Gorrick army. You are angering Crognard's enormous pecs. [rips off his shirt]

Wizardess: Um, Crognard, the Gorricks outnumber us 1,000 to 1. You realize we're doomed, right?

Crognard: Never tell Crognard the odds!

[He charges at the Gorrick army. Everyoen gasped]

Mikey: Oh, snap!

[Meanwhile at the docks]

Rahzar: Xever, let's get those robot legs moving.

Fisface: Back off, man. We talked about this. We are not the boss of me.

Rahzar: Technically I'm field commander when Tiger Claw's not around, which means I am your boss.

Fishface: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Casey: Just wait till those Turtles hear about this. Goongala!

[Casey charges and knocked the case out of Fishface's hands]

Casey: The class is Pain 101. [cracks neck] Your instructor is Casey Jones.

Rahzar: Did you really just say that, kid?

[Razhar charges but Casey dodges.]

Casey: Doggie, fetch!

[He throws a bomb at the werewolf. It explodes, sending him flying. Fishface attacks and kicks Casey down, knocking him down the crates.]

Fishface: I grow tired of you-

Rahzar: [Pushes Fishface aside] I'm gonna enjoy taking this kid apart piece by piece.

[Casey gets up]

Casey: Bring it on, freaks. I ain't going down without busting a few fangs.

Rahzar: Only way I bust a fang is if I'm chewing on your mask-

[The large crate crashed on Rahzar. Raph arrives and knocks Fishface out.]

Raph: Come on.

Casey: Hold up. A little help?

[Later the two are carrying the case.]

Raph: Have you taken too many pucks to the head? No way can you beat those two alone.

[The set the case down and Casey cracks his back after an exhaustive work of carrying it.]

Casey: Well, I stopped them from stealing this case, didn't I?

Raph: [Points at Casey furiously] What's so important you'd risk your stupid life for?!

Casey: [Angrily] I don't know. Let's find out!

[Cut to briefcase, Casey's hand comes out and opens the case, revealing some chemicals, with the sign of dangerous chemicals, which Raph says.]

Raph: Dangerous chemicals. Good things we were flinging this case around. We'll take it back to Donnie. He'll know what they are. Come on.

Casey: No way. You take it to Donnie. I'm going after Shredder.

[Raph watches Casey in annoyance as he leaves. Raph's annoyance quickly turns into shock and fury after hearing the man's name, he puts the case down and yells at Casey.]

Raph: [Enraged] Are you crazy? Shredder is a dangerous assassin. You don't stand a chance! I mean, not even the slightest chance, the tiniest, tiniest, ittiest, bittiest-

Casey: [Snaps] I get it! Go take your little case to Donnie. Casey Jones works better alone.

Raph: Alone? Are you serious? Casey, wait! Casey!

[In the lab, Karai is being placed in a cage as Shredder watches. She hisses, trying to get out.]

Shredder: Fear not, Karai. Soon you will be cured of this vile mutation. Isn't that right, Stockman?

Stockfly: [Buzzes] Of course, sir.

Shredder: You had better arrive at a solution soon.

Tiger Claw: Master Shredder, the Purple Dragons have arrived.

[In his lair, Hun arrived and bow to Shredder.]

Hun: Lord Shredder. We have found more of the chemical components you've been seeking.

[His men gave him the case.]

Shredder: Excellent. I am impressed, Hun.

[Casey begins to listen through the glass.]

Stockfly: Master, given your Karai issue, we have no equipment for such work.

Shredder: Then find me the equipment, you imbecile.

Stockfly: Yes, Master Shredder.

Hun: You could take over the factory where we found the chemicals. It is on our turf. It would be my honor to show it to you personally, Master Shredder.

Shredder: Very well. Proceed.

[Casey was horrified and left. In Donnie’s lab, Leo lambasts Raph for supposedly allowing Casey to leave.]

Leo: Are you crazy? You just let Casey go off on his own?

Raph: Let him? What was I supposed to do, chain him to a wall? I told him not to go.

[Raph slams his hand in table, which causes the vibration to nearly crack the chemical, but Don catches it.]

Donnie: [Shouts.] For real?

Raph: My bad.

Leo: Sorry, Donnie.

Donnie: Well, I'm stumped. I have no idea what this chemical is. It's not Mutagen-based. Maybe it is an explosive. The thing is, we've seen Stockman's lab, and he doesn't have the equipment to synthesize these chemicals. Only Mutagen.

[MIkey appears eating a can of cheese balls.]

Mikey: [Muffled] Mm, what kind of place would have equipment like that?

Leo: Don't talk with your mouth full. And eating cheesy balls? Do you even know what's in that?

Mikey: It's all-natural, brah. De-enriched corn husks, hydrogenated styrodextrin, red dye 42-- Mmm!--, Tri-nucleonized- Wha…??

[Donnie grabs the can.]

Donnie: It's not all-natural, Mikey. In fact, it's probably slightly radioactive.

[Leo grabs the can from Mikey and looks at the other side of it.]

Leo: Manufactured by Auman Chemicals, New York. Wait a sec, that place is in Chinatown, right?

[Curious, Don types on computer and finds the Auman Chemicals.]

Donnie: It is. It's the biggest chemical manufacturing plant in the city.

Raph: And if it's in Chinatown, that means it's controlled by the Purple Dragons, right?

Mikey: Cheesy balls for the win! [Laughs.]

[At the factory, Hun showed the Foot clan as they walk down the catwalk.]

Hun: Everything you need, Master Shredder, from mixing vats, extrusion machines, kilns, bottling facilities you name it.

Shredder: You've done well to bring this factory to my attention, Hun. It will be adequate for my plans.

Hun: I have one request. Since this factory is on Dragon territory, perhaps I should be in charge.

Shredder: So be it. Success is to be rewarded, as failure is to be punished.

[Razhar sniffs something until two grenades explode. Casey appears to the Shredder and everyone saw him.]

Casey: Looking for me?

Shredder: I will make your end swift, boy.

[Casey takes out his baseball bats.]

Casey: I ain't afraid of you!

[Shredder slices the bats and grabs his neck]

Casey: Okay. I might be a little afraid of you.

[Shredder takes off Casey's mask.]

Shredder: You? Now I will end this game.. [unsheathes his gauntlet blade at Casey] and your insignificant-

[Casey electrifies him and gets thrown in the catwalk. Shredder, disoriented from the shock, recovers and withdraws his blade back into the gauntlet. Shredder walks to Casey and kicks the boy, while he is on the ground.]

Shredder: You have spirit, boy, but I tire of this game.

[Before Shredder-- with his claws deployed,-- could kill him, the turtles stop him.]

Casey: What?

Mikey: Aw, yeah!

Shredder: Destroy them! Do not let them near that vat!

Casey: I don't need you guys. I had this.

Tiger Claw: And I have you.

[Tiger Claw fires his gun while Razhar activates the factory by starting all the controls. Donnie takes Fishface while Leo takes on Shredder. Mikey struggled to get away from the moving belt to avoid the mouths of the machine.]

Rahzar: Yes, run, you little fool. Run!

Mikey: Who's running, Rahzar? Booyakasha!

[He leaps and attacks Razhar. Shredder grabs Leo's face and pins him on the catwalk's handrails. Leo leans back farther causing him and Shredder to fall and land at the bottom of the factory.]

Leo: [Readying his katanas.] This is it, Shredder. You're not gonna walk away from this.

Shredder: I have no time for idle threats, Turtle. [Shredder retracts his claws once again.]

[They charge at each other. Casey watches the turtles fight until he is face to face with Hun.]

Hun: Hockey boy, I will end you!

Casey: Let's go.

[They begin to battle although Hun is stronger. He managed to knock Hun back a few feet with one punch. Hun takes off his sunglasses.]

Hun: My opportunity to impress Shredder, to carve a position for myself, and you ruined it!

Casey: I'm crying on the inside for you.

[He throws a barrage of pucks at Hun. However, Hun managed to dodge all of them with no effort, until he catches one puck. He licks it, then Hun viciously kicks him in the face. Meanwhile, Donnie crashed into a storage room and sees a few jars.]

Donnie: Wait, chemicals? This must be where they keep all the additives for Mikey's cheesy snacks. [grabs the jar] If I can contaminate Shredder's chemicals.. Oh, Donatello, I love your mind.

Fishface: What are you doing, Turtle? Talking to yourself like a weirdo??

[Donnie disappears with a smoke bomb and prepares to drop the jar into the vat only to get kicked and lets go of the chemical.]

Donnie: No!

Tiger Claw: You need to control your anger.

Raph: Control this, cat!

[Fishface knocks him down as the vial rolls past. Donnie tries to reach it only to let it fall again. Fishface grabs it but a stomrper crushed his tail, letting the vial go. Mikey manages to catch it and throws it at Razhar. Donnie heads over to get it, avoiding the machine but Fishface pins him down as teh vial landed on the cat walk.]

Donnie: Casey, get that container into the mixing vat!

[Casey charges and then pins Hun.]

Casey: Goongala! [throws hun into the vat] Later, scum. I mean, Hun.

Shredder: Stop him!

[Tiger Claw grabbed Casey but he kicked him in the groin, causing Tiger Claw to yowl like a cat in pain and Casey escaped. Fishface blocked his path.]

Fishface: Where do you think you're going?

[He knocks Fishface]

Casey: Later, Fishface!

[He dodged Rahzar and all the villains charge. Casey kicks the vial into the vat.]

Casey: He shoots. He scores!

Shredder: NO! You FOOLS!

[The vat started to rumble.]

Raph: What is that gunk, Donnie?

Donnie: It's the secret ingredient in Mikey's cheesy balls.

Mikey: Yeah! Wait, what?

Donnie: Let's get out of here!

[Everyone, except Shredder begins to run away as the vat explodes into a gush of liquid. Hun, still clinging on, gets dumped with cheese chemicals.]

Shredder: The Turtles think they've won this fight, but all they've done is delay my plans. Get this place cleaned up and start again.

Tiger Claw: [Nods to Shredder. Licking the residue on his arm and smiles.] Actually, quite delicious.

[Back in the sewer.]

Raph: Got to hand it to you, Casey. You kind of saved the day.

Leo: Not to mention you took on Shredder, and you're still in one piece.

Mikey: Aw, yeah, Casey! High three!

Casey: You guys are the best. I couldn't have done it without you, but don't think I'm 100% a team player, 'cause Casey Jones is still a solo vigilante of the night, a mysterious lone hero in a world of evil.

Raph: Whatever.

[Donnie is analyzing the vial and while he checks it out, he went pale.]

Donnie: Oh, no. Guys, this is even worse than I thought. Shredder's mixture: it's not an explosive.

Leo: So what is it?

Donnie: I think he's working on a mind-control formula. If it works, he could use it on Karai or us or every single person in New York City.

[The turtles and Casey yell in distraught, cut to Donnie, he watches at the chemical, he was holding with an ominous and horrified expression on his face as the episode ends.]
