

Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

Casey Jones was a prominent friend of the Ninja Turtles, the husband of April O'Neil, and the father of Casey Marie Jones.


Years prior to the current day events of The Last Ronin, Casey had finally proposed to April. The couple had planned a dinner where they would tell the Turtles and Splinter of their engagement. However, on their way over, they were ambushed by the Foot Clan, and Splinter was mortally wounded. This drove Raphael to go on a rampage and attack Oroku Karai, with the battle between the two ninja ending with Raphael's death and Karai's near-fatality. First to Fall

Ten years later, Oroku Hiroto, Karai's son and the current leader of the Foot Clan reached out to Splinter and offered a peace negotiation. While Donatello and Splinter head to Japan to speak with Hiroto, Leonardo, Casey, Michelangelo, and April are ambushed by Baxter Stockman's synja. Stockman had finally tracked down Honeycutt's signal and aimed to capture him. As the odds continued to increase against the Hamato Clan, Leo and Casey attempted to hold down the fort while April took Honeycutt to safety. Honeycutt refused to be taken alive and threatened to self-destruct to keep himself out of Stockman's hands; Stockman called his bluff but also decided to not allow Honeycutt to preserve his dignity, and set off his Spider Mousers to detonate, taking out the entire block. Casey and Leo were killed in the explosion, while Honeycutt was left as a malfunctioning head, and April lost an arm and a leg. Fight or Flight

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