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[Meanwhile, Chompy survived the explosion and found Michelangelo. The old turtle's body is unconscious, until Chompy licks him as Michelangelo wakes up.]

MIkey: Uh, Chompy. Ugh, thanks for the save.[coughs] I missed you too, boy.

Kitty: [meows weakly]

[Mikey looked and saw Kitty melted and hurt.]

Mikey: It's okay, Ice Cream Kitty.

[Chompy digs and picks up Donnie.]

Donnie: Ow, I'm okay. Put me down, Chompy.

Mikey: Donnie, thank goodness you're alive, robo-bro. What the heck happened?

Donnie: Oh, man, Raph and Mira. They're out there somewhere. Probably captured by Verminator Rex.

[At the clan, the mod held Mira and the unconcious Raph to the arena.]

Mira: So, Raphael, have a plan?

Raph: Nope, except for this.

Vex: Not so tough now, are you, Red Stripe? Into the pit with you.

Reptilicus: My Scale Tail Clan! A challenger has come upon us and agreed to fight in ultimate combat. Now, this foolish turtle must battle the Scale Tail's greatest warrior: me!

Rex: No! I want to tear that turtle to pieces. I will fight him!

Reptilicus: We'll both take him on.

Raph: Hey, wait. Don't I get a weapon? A twig?

Mira: Raphael!

[The two leaders begin to charge at Raph.]

Reptilicus: Slice and dice, old turtle!

[He throws his armor at Raph.]

Mira: No!

Rex: I'm gonna chop you down to nothing but shell, turtle!

[Donnie and Mikey arrive at the Scale Clan entrance.]

Mikey: All right, there it is. The Scale Tail fortress. Chompy, ram the gate!

[Chompy starts to charge right in.]

Scale Member: Run away!

Mikey :Booyakabungalaaa!

[Mikey begins to attack while Donnie hits the lizards. He fires his fists and defeats the last one.]

Donnie: And that takes care of that.

Mikey: Uh, DonBot! Can you do a scan-y thing for Raph? Beep bop boop! Beep bop boop! Beep bop-

Donnie: I don't "Beep bop". This way, dummy.

[Raph is getting hard time fighting the two enemies and end ended up being defeated and kicekd into the water by Rex.]

Mira: Raphael.... Let me go, Scalies! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe!

[Raph burst out of the water and then dodged the badger and lizard. He stopped Rex's chainsaw.]

Rex: What? That's cheating!

[He tears his arm off and defeats Rex and punches Reptilicus unconscious.]

Scale Member: By Word of Wasteland Decree, the Turtle Warrior wins!

Mira: Yes! Red Stripe! Red Stripe!

Rex: What? No, that's not fair. He cheated, he cheated! I'm telling Maximus! [runs off]

[Mikey and Donnie arrive]

MIkey: [horrified] Oh, no! They've captured him. I've got you, Ra -

Donnie: Wait, Mikey! These guys aren't gonna kill him. They're celebrating him!

Reptilicus: Yes, Red Stripe has beaten us in battle, and that means he is leader to both clans now. So, what's next, Red Stripe?

Raph: To Oasis.

[Meanwhile., Rex had made it to the canyons,]

Rex: Maximus Kong! I seek an audience!

[The vehicle with the green skull is seen as we can enter the large muscular mutant with a helmet on his face.]

Maximus Kong: Why do you disturb me, Verminator Rex?

Rex: It is the map, sire. The map to Oasis. It is tattooed to the arm of a meerkat, but she is protected by warriors of great skill and cunning.

Maximus Kong: They are nothing to me. I've been seeking Oasis for countless years. I've eradicated legions to find that map. If the green place exists, it belongs to Maximus Kong, lord of the wasteland!

[The clan drive their way to find the oasis.]

Mikey: Onward, my peeps! Ho!

Raph: So how far are we from Oasis?

Mira: The map doesn't give distance. Just landmarks. Next, we should find this strange antenna stuck in a fork in the road.

[They stop to find a breathing tree, Mira never seen before,]

Raph: That's not an antenna. It's a real, live tree!

Mira: [confused] A-a-a tree?

Donnie: It's an elongated perennial plant th-

Mikey: Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks for getting all science-y, Don. A tree is beautiful and green and perfect, and Oasis will be filled with them.

Mira: Wow. I've only known sand and dust and death my whole life. I've never seen green things.

Raph: Come on, let's keep moving.

[They continue on to the canyon, the next day.]

Mikey: Here we are, guys. Canyon Maze! Follow me from here or we'll be lost forever.

[They drive into the direction of the path. They heard a loud honk and when they turned, they saw a massive machine.]

Scale Member: Oh, no, it's him! Maximus Kong!

[Mikey turned around and screamed. Raph takes notice and so did Don and Mira.]

Maximus Kong: Give us the girl, and I might let the rest of you live!

Raph: Who the heck is that?

Mira: [panicked and frantic] You've never heard of Maximus Kong? King of the North? Warrior chief of the Wasteland? Demagogue of the Desert?

[Mira frantically hits Raphael's seat two times.]

Mira: Just get out of here. Go! Faster!

Raph: Run from that creep? I don't think so, Maximus Moron! The girl has a name, Mira, and she stays with us!

[Kong roars and starts to fire, destroying every kart. The clan started to go after the machine. Black slimy blobs begin to form into monsters and begin to attack.]

Maximus Kong: Bring me the girl. Destroy the rest!

Rex: I got that little meerkat.

[He charges with his chainsaw fixed.]

Rex: Traitors, all of you!

[He throws bombs at the army.]

Donnie: Red Stripe Army is down.

Raph: Donnie, you and Mikey take on the Synths. Mira, you take down the crazy honey badger. I'm going for Maximus.

Mira: May the green goddess be with you.

[She removes the tarp and takes the motorcycle. Raph opens up a skeleton placed in a bomb and activates it. He gets out of the shellraiser and then leaps onto the machine, stabbing it with his sai ]

Raph: Goongala, you gap-tooth-

[The shellraiser explodes, destroying the machines as Raph climbs to the top.]

Maximus Kong: Destroy him, my Synthezoids! Rip the interloper to pieces!

[The black blobs begin to attack as Raph battles them.]

Rex: [to Reptilicus] I gave you all that aqua. You traitorous scum!

Reptilicus: Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe Red Stripe! Red Stri-

[Rex roared and popped Reptilicus' tire, his car spun out of control and exploded. Reptilicus is killed.]

Rex: No one messes with the Verminator. I'll take that map, fool. I'll chop it off of you!

[Mira attacks]

Mira: Stupid skunk!

[She whips him around the wheel]

Rex: You nasty little-!

[Mira throws Verminator Rex and his motorcycle being crushed at the road. Verminator Rex has been killed. Nearby, Chompy continued on running as the black blobs attack, Ice Cream Kitty started shooting the blobs at them. Raph made it to the top to face the boss.]

Maximus Kong: Fool. You think you're a hero? You think you're going to take down a desert warlord who's destroyed all in his path?

Raph: Less talk, King. More fighting!

[Kong roars as Raph begins to attack with all his might. Kong threw him and grabbed his throat.]

Maximus Kong: Maximus Kong is your master now, reptile!

Raph: Red Stripe has no master!

[He yells and shoves the blob into his face. Kong charged again and Raph oepned the vault, releasing steam and lunging at him before falling down another platform.]

Maximus Kong: Now your life ends, outlander.

[Raph struggled to get out his grip until the turtles and Mira attacked.]

Mikey: Booyakabungalaaa!

[They gave him everything they got until he threw Mikey and Mira off but were saved by Chompy. At the end of a hard blow exchange, Raphael can beat the helmet off of his head; but the shock is great, when he recognizes Maximus Kong as the last missing member of his family, He dropped the wrench.]

Raph: It can't be. L-Leo? L-Leo!

[He gets hit as Kong attacks him. He gasps as the beast attacks him again. Raph reaches up for his blaster.]

Raph: Leo, it's me. It's Raphael! Look at me, man, w-we're brothers!

[Kong charged right at Raph as he fell to the bottom of the machine.]

Raph: Don't do this!

[Kong grabbed his throat as he held his blaster.]

Raph: Leo! Leo. I love you, brother.

[Raph gets thrown off, as the machine crashes. The others have arrived.]

Mikey: Holy chalupa! Leo?

Donnie: I can't believe it. Leonardo!

Kong: Leo… nardo? I-I don't... I don't know who you're talking about, I... I am Maximus Kong!

Raph: [emerges from the rubble] Leo. It's gonna be okay, bro.

Kong/Leo: Ra-Raphael?

[They help pull Leo out of the wreckage.]

Raph: Brother!

Mikey: Leo! You're back!

Donnie: Oh, man. We thought we'd lost you forever. We looked everywhere for you.

Raph: What happened to you? The last time we saw you, that Mutagen Bomb went off.

Leo: It's starting to come back to me, piece by piece. I remember, I-I was there. I was there.

[The flashback begins. The memory shows how Leo had to protect his brothers by pushing them off the rooftop when the bomb hit him and mutated into a monstrous being.]

Leo: I remember pushing you all to safety, but I was caught in the middle of the blast. It mutated me into this horrible thing. The rage. [end of flashback] But now, somehow, I'm back. Thanks to all of you.

Mikey: We've got the map to the green place, Leo! [climbs on to Chompy] Next stop, paradise!

Leo: Paradise? Sounds good to me.

[As they made it, everything is filled with green trees and a lake. Raphael gets up while the rest are viewing the new oasis.]

Mikey: Booyakabungalaaa! [jumps into the water]

Mira: Look at all that green. It's so beautiful.

Donnie: Wow. It really is an oasis.

Raph: Not bad.

Leo: Family, we're home.

Raph: We are home.

[At the last shot the younger versions of themselves had their picture taken with their father as the episode ends and the series. This show is for Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman.]
