
Carlo is a pet dog appearing in the TMHT Adventures comics by Fleetway Publications. He is white with black spots and wears a tan collar with a tag.

The Turtles meet Carlo after they park and get out of the Turtle Van in the little town of El Harando, Mexico. The little dog takes an immediate liking to Michaelangelo. When Mikey goes to ask questions of one of the dozing locals, Carlo begins growling. The local leaps up and whips off his disguise, revealing that it is actually Shredder and that he and his goons have chased all the townspeople away. Carlo joins in the fight against the bad guys by biting and holding onto Bebop's pant leg. When the Turtles are chased into a house by Mousers, Carlo sticks with the green team. Carlo helps during the fight by biting Mousers on their necks.

Eventually the Mousers bring the house down, but the Turtles and Carlo escape the building before that happens. Out in the street, they see a boy running towards them and assure him that they are friends. The boy, whose name is Juan, turns out to be Carlo's owner. Juan and Carlo lead the Turtles to an old Aztec temple, arriving in time to see Shredder and his minions enter. Leonardo tells Juan to stay outside with Carlo and the Turtles then enter the temple.

After successfully defeating Shredder, the Turtles return to the town. Juan, Carlo and the townspeople greet them and Juan is happy to see the Turtles survived the 'place of ghosts'. To Juan's delight, the Turtles have forced Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady to carry the gold and gems from the Aztec treasure trove to the people of the town.

