

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Escape from TCRI! With Eleven in the grasp of Baxter Stockman, it’s up to Raphael and Donatello to devise a plan to bust her out before her powers can be used by the evil genius. Meanwhile, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Will, Lucas, and Dustin brave the depths of the NYC subway system, getting closer to a portal to The Upside Down that’s been unleashing Demogorgons into the tunnels. And what they’ll find on the other side is something not even NYC has seen before.

Appearing in Captive[]

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The clock next to the bed that Eleven is sleeping on reads 11:00. Eleven awakens and goes into another room of a cabin, to find Jim Hopper seated at a table. He bids her a good morning and says he thought he’d let her sleep in as part of the theme for the day. At her question, he explains that today she gets to do whatever she wants, even go to see Mike and the boys. He pushes a plate of waffles and a glass of orange juice in front of her as she sits down. Eleven asks if this is a trick and he says no, that he’ll even be her chauffeur if she needs him, holding up a set of keys. Hopper says that for once, freedom is on the other side of the door and it’s all hers.

Cut to individual holding cells where Raphael, Donatello, Dustin and Max are held captive. Don is examining the locking mechanism, finding that it is unpickable. Suddenly the door to Raph’s cell goes flying into the hallway, having been broken from it’s hinges. Dustin can’t see through the door window, but wonders if the sound was Demodogs. It was actually Raph, who says that the locks might be special, but the doors aren’t. Don compliments his brother, who kicks in the door to Dustin’s cell. Raph says that’s what happens when you stop using your head and start using your shell. At Dustin’s question, Raph confirms that the noise was all him, not any monsters or robots. He says that there also are none of their weapons and no sign of Eleven as he quickly frees Don and Max.

Meanwhile, the second group, led by Leonardo, locates a subway train sitting on a secluded track far back in the tunnels. The back door is hanging off its hinges. Though they haven’t seen Demogorgons or Mousers, Leo says they’ve found the source of the spores. Some of those spores drift down and Mike says that spores like that mean one thing… a gate to the Upside Down. They peer into the train car and see vines covering most of it, with a gate to the other dimension in the middle of a clump of the vines. There are also people covered in vines.

Leo examines one of the bodies and then says there is no sign of survivors. Mike tries to reach the other group on the walkie-talkie to tell them they found a gate in the subway, but he receives no response. Lucas looks out through one of the train windows, using a flashlight to see the track below. He says that the gate doesn’t cut through the tracks and is contained in the subway. Lucas asks if that means it’s been traveling through the city leaking Demodogs all across New York. Mike turns to Mikey and asks how many stops a subway makes in a day and the answer is “a lot”. Leo reaches towards the gate to examine it, saying he doesn’t think they’ll have to go far, but then leaps back in surprise when a clawed hand suddenly rips through the membrane covering the opening. He and Mikey draw their weapons as Demogorgons come through the gate.

Back at the lab facility, Raph grabs two guards and smashes their heads together. After they are down, he continues to lead the way. The group stops to hide behind some machinery as they peer into a lab where Mousers are being worked on. There are additional guards and Mouser sentries nearby. Max asks if they have a plan, and Don says Raph’s way hasn’t let them down yet. Looking through another entryway, they locate Eleven in another, larger lab room. She is strapped in an upright position to a machine and has probes attached to her head. Across from her, Baxter Stockman is likewise prone. Numerous scientists monitor the machines and take notes. Don tells Raph that he has a feeling the next part of their escape is going to be a little more technical.

Inside her mind, Eleven hugs “Hopper” and he tells her it’s time to get a move on. Eleven goes to the door and tries to open it, but it won’t budge. “Hopper” tells her it’s old and to give it a push. He adds that she’ll get everything she’s ever wanted and teases that she’s letting a door stop her. Eleven tries slamming her shoulder against the door, to no avail. As Eleven lifts a hand towards the door she hesitates and “Hopper” says he knows he had his rules, but it’s her day off so she should use everything she’s got.

In the real world, Eleven mutters “everything I’ve got” and lifts her hand, palm outward. A trickle of blood slides from her nose as a rip – the beginning of a gate – opens in the lab. Dustin points towards the gate and tells the Turtles they need to do something right now.

Weapons held ready, Mike and Leo face off against the Demogorgons in the subway car. Lucas keeps urging for calm and Mike asks if he thinks saying it enough times will make him calm. Mikey comments that the little ones (Demodogs) were cuter. Mike informs the Turtles that the Demogorgons are apex predators. They can’t see, but they can still find them and tear them apart. Leo says he’d like to see them try. Leo directs Mikey to one side of the train and he takes the other as they begin to fight. He then tells the three boys to stay back as he stabs a Demogorgon in the chest. Leo says they are either going to kill the creatures or send them back into the hole they came out of.

Hunkered down behind machinery, Don begins to muse aloud, wondering if Eleven’s powers are tied to this other dimension and if she could open doors to any dimension. Max interrupts him to remind him they are there to solve the problem right in front of them. Don pulls his thoughts back to the present and states the most important question: why does Stockman want to open a gate and why do they need him hooked up to the machine too. Max tells them that Eleven isn’t doing this on her own, that Stockman’s making her do it, not that anyone can make Eleven do anything. Dustin says she doesn’t realize she’s doing it, which Don finds interesting. He states that if she can generate psychic projections that maybe the machine is using her powers against her. While they are talking, Raph starts to move and Max asks where he’s going.

Raph tells them it sounds like they’ve got the technical side of things covered, so he’s going to do the rescuing. Don grabs his shoulder and tells him he can’t pull Eleven out before they know what they’re dealing with. The mind is fragile, even for someone with Eleven’s abilities. Raph tells Don to relax, that he wasn’t talking about the girl. In a nearby alcove are their weapons, the walkie-talkie and Dustin’s backpack.

Something attracts the attention of a Mouser standing near a pair of guards. Don grabs it by the neck and snaps the neck when the two guards turn. The guards lift their guns and Dustin grins. He points behind them and tells them he doesn’t think this is going the way they think, since he got his sais back. The guards turn to see Raphael, who makes short work of them. Don begins working at a control panel and says that Stockman and Eleven are definitely linked. The scientists seem to be feeding Eleven signals and monitoring her output. Raph presses a sai to the throat of a scientist and asks if Don is on the right track. The scientist says yes, they put the girl in one of her psychic states, triggering an episode but in a controlled environment. The machine allows Stockman to participate – to manipulate what she sees. He assures them it’s painless and she has no idea what’s really happening.

Dustin is incensed that they’ve created a big illusion to feed Eleven a lie. Raph asks about an off switch, but the scientist says not without severe damage to the host. Stockman was worried they’d lack his commitment. Only those inside can shut down the projection. Dustin says that if Stockman wants a “controlled environment”, they need to shake it up. They need to input something he can’t control in order to signal Eleven that things are not okay. He asks if there are any ideas?

Inside the illusion, Eleven is ripping apart the door with her powers as “Hopper” encourages her to continue. Suddenly there is a knock at the door behind him and he turns just as Raphael kicks the door down. Raph announces that it would be nice to be invited for once and then darts towards Eleven, shouting that none of this is real. He says that whatever she’s been told is on the other side of the door is a lie. Eleven says that friends don’t lie. Raph waves towards the man at the table and says that he’s not her friend. Stockman drops the Hopper illusion, glad to stop pretending and greets Eleven. Raph grabs him by the neck, points his sai at the man’s face, and says he’s missed kicking Stockman’s ass. Stockman responds by saying the weapon won’t do him any good in here because this place is his.

Cut to the subway car. The Turtles continue to fight the Demogorgons. Mike tells his two friends that they can’t keep doing nothing while the rest of their party battle it out. Lucas agrees, but states that his slingshot is not going to cut it. A Demogorgon chomps down on Leo’s shoulder, causing him to drop his last katana. Mikey rushes to his rescue, but takes an uppercut to the chin and loses his nunchaku. The boys rush forward and each grabs one of the Turtle’s weapons. Mike says that they’ve gotten an upgrade and it’s time to join the party.

To Be Continued…


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