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[Episode starts with turtles, Casey and April are ready for their biggest threat ever yet!]

April: Everyone ready?

Casey: Casey Jones was born ready.

Raph: Let's do this.

[Their threat is chores. Raphael cleans the fireplace, Donatello sweeps the floors, Michelangelo scrubs the dust off of the candlelight, Leonardo's view is seen through the window after he's cleaning the windows.]

Leo: Window cleaner on. window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off.

[April walks up the stairs holding a bucket and sponge.]

Donnie: Hey, check me out, April.

[April ignores Donnie. Donnie is shocked and doesn’t notice that one of the buckets fell on the floor. Donnie then dejectedly sweeps the floors. April is scrubbing the bathroom.]

Casey: [in the tub] Looking good, Red. Keep up all the hard work.

April: Real funny, Jones. Now stop slacking off and help out.

[April throws the sponge at Casey's face. Casey takes the sponge off of his face.]

Casey: Anything for you, "mon cherry."

Donnie: [enters the bathroom] It's mon cherie. I can help you, April.

[Casey gets out and Donnie knocks him. Meanwhile Mikey is dusting.]

Mikey: Uh-huh. Put your dust rag on it.

[Casey knocks onto Mikey as he falls down the stairs and lands onto Raph.]

Raph: You gotta be kid- Whoa!

[They crash into each other.]

Leo: [upset] Oh, Mikey, I just vacuumed!

Raph: [angry] Yeah? Well, I'm about to mop the floor with him.

Mikey: Whoa, guys. Check it out!

[There is a trap door at the bottom that the rug had covered up.]

April: A trap door? I didn't even know we had a basement.

Leo: What do you suppose is down there?

[Mikey has an imagination of a scary, evil clown. Mikey is visibly shaken and rattled.]

Mikey: [Holds Raph, shaken with fear.] Evil clown. Evil clown!

Raph: Only one way to find out.

[Raph opens the trapdoor that leads downstairs.]

Donnie: Uh, who's going first?

All but Leo: Not it!

[Everyone smirks at Leo, who groans in defeat. They carefully enter the basement where they found a lone Kraang scout ship, it's been there for years, much to the shock and horror of the others.]

Leo: The Kraang!

[theme song]

Mikey: Whoa.

Raph: It's impossible.

Leo: It can't be.

Donnie: It's a Kraang stealth ship.

Casey: Wicked!

April: But how did they find us?

Donnie: I don't think they did. This ship looks like it's been buried here for years.

April: What the heck is a Kraang ship doing underneath my house?

[The scout ship begins to open.]

Leo: Only one way to find out. Come on.

[They enter inside. The scout ship is dark and empty with no Kraang. Raph sees something.]

Raph: Guys, look!

[There’s a feminine figure of a human in the statis.]

Casey: Is that a person in there?

Donnie: Okay, don't touch anything. I repeat: Do not touch anything!

[Mikey accidentally activates the machine.]

Donnie: [to Mikey angrily] Mikey!

Mikey: Ooh! Oops. I promise not to touch anything starting now.

[Then anabiosis opens, to April's shock the person is revealed to be her long lost mother, Mrs O'Neil.]

April: [shocked] Mom?

Casey: "Mom"?

[The woman stumbled out weakly. Donnie and Raph hold her.]

Donnie: Take it easy, ma'am.

Raph: Hold on.

[She looks at them and screams.]

Mrs O'Neil: Aah! Mutants!

[She fell but Casey caught her.]

Casey: Oh, uh, don't worry, Mrs. O'Neil. These are good mutants. Except for Donnie. He's kind of a jerk.

Donnie: ]angrily] HEY!

Mrs. O'Neil: Where am I? And how do you know my...

[She sees April.]

Mrs. O'Neil: A-April? But… but how? Just a few days ago, you were only...six years old! [faints]

April: Mom! [faints]

Mikey: Snap.

[Later in the living room. Mrs. O’Neil looks at the Turtles, who just smile innocently at her, but she still looks uncomfortable.]

April: Here you go, mom. Just relax.

Mrs. O'Neil: Thank you, April. I'm still a little shaky. I know this is hard to believe, but [flashback] The Kraang ship has been here for years. It was your great-grandfather who discovered it. He made the mistake of awakening the Kraang. They paid him back by experimenting on him and his entire bloodline. They knew we were the key to unlocking their precious mutagen. We were their guinea pigs.

Mikey: Aww! Guinea pigs are so cute.

Raph: I told you not to be stupid, you moron.

Mrs O'Neil: After you were born, it was clear you were very special. We knew it was only a matter of time before the Kraang came for you. We escaped. Kirby fled with you to the city. I was recaptured and put into stasis.

[end of flashback]

April: All these years, I never knew what happened to you. I never knew what to think. Dad would never tell me.

Mrs. O'Neil: Now you know, and now we never have to be apart again. Where is Kirby, anyway?

Casey: Kirby? Oh, he got turned into a wicked Kraang-headed mutant.

[Raph, annoyed with Casey for unintentionally making the situation worse, elbows Casey, causing him to spill his tea and Casey retorts by angrily glaring at Raph.]

Raph: You had to pull a Mikey, didn't you?

Mikey: Ha ha! You pulled a Mikey!

Leo: He's just kidding, Mrs. O'Neill. Kirby's, uh, on a Safari in Puerto Rico. He won't be back for a while.

[Leo innocently takes a sip of his tea.]

Mrs. O'Neil: I'm just so glad to have my April back.

[Mother and daughter hug as turtles and Casey happily watch, because they have reunited April with his mother, but then Mikey notices something wrong.]

Mikey: [to Raph] Is it me or does April's mom seem a little bit off?

Raph: Ha! Like you're one to talk.

Mikey: I'm serious, dude. I got those ninja vibes, yo. I don't trust her.

[Later outside at night...April and her mom sitting at the bench.]

Mrs. O'Neil: Remember how we used to sit out here in the summertime and look up at the stars?

April: Like it was yesterday. But so much has happened. So much time has passed.

Mrs. O'Neil: And that's exactly what it is. The past. We're together again. [both hug]

April: Oh, mom.

[Mikey is watching.]

Mikey: Something's not right here.

Mrs. O'Neil: We can start over. We can be a family again.

April: If only dad were here.

[Silence. Mrs. O'Neil watches someone, who's spying on her, as she gets closer, we cut to Michelangelo's horrified view, until... Michelangelo appears and April and her mother look at him in shock.]

Mikey: Booyakasha!

[Mikey is about to assault Mrs O'Neil, but April stops him.]

April: [angrily] Mikey! What are you doing?

Mikey: Get away from April! I'm warning you!

[Mrs O'Neil runs away crying in fear. Mikey goes after her, but an enraged April grabs him and berates him for his supposed foolishness.]

April: [enraged] What the heck is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? Don't bother answering that. [runs after her mother]

Mikey: April, wait! I can explain! [runs after April]

April: Mom!

Mikey: April, hold on!

[Mikey tries to go after her, but Raph comes in, then the light turns black... light appears and scares Mikey. His infuriated brothers and Casey are standing right in front of him in the farm. They are very enraged with Mikey for attacking Mrs’ O’Neil. Donnie confronts Mikey with a very furious expression on his face.]

Donnie: [furious] Michelangelo... You attacked April's MOTHER?!?!?!?!?!

Raph: Mikey, have you completely cracked your shell?

Mikey: I don't trust her. She's all kinds of wrong. You guys got to believe me.

Leo: Oh, just like the time tiny elves stole your nunchucks and replaced 'em with mozzarella sticks?

[Flashback starts with Mikey sleeping, while tiny elves replacing Mikey’s nunchucks with mozzarella sticks.]

Mikey: Yes!

Raph: Or the time you and ice cream kitty entered a break dancing contest?

[Flashback of Kitty and Mikey dancing]

Mikey: Exactly!

Casey: Stop it, Mikey. Do you have any idea how much this means to April? If you ruin this for her-

Mikey: [irritated] Fine! If you don't believe me, I'll prove it.

[He leaves in anger, while the others look at each other. We cut to Mrs O'Neil outside, trying to calm herself, after being assaulted by Michelangelo. April approaches her.]

April: Mom, are you okay?

Mrs. O'Neil: I was just thinking about when we'd picnic in the woods by the stream.

April: Those are some of my favorite memories.

Mrs. O'Neil: We should go somewhere, just the two of us. Just drive off, leave these creatures behind. I don't trust them!

April: [worried] I-I can't do that.

Mrs. O'Neil: Why not?

April: They're like family. They've always been there for me.

Mrs. O'Neil: I'm your mother, your family, not them. They're just a bunch of freaks.

[She leaves April alone with her ultimatum. In the dining room, Mikey is talking to Kitty.]

Mikey: [upset] No one gets me. No one but you.

Kitty: Meow!

Mikey: Aww! See? You're just so cute, I could eat you up. Om nom nom nom nom!

[Michelangelo puts the cream on her head and some berries, which makes her look like a milkshake. Mikey and Ice Cream Kitty smile at each other. Suddenly, Ice Cream Kitty starts hissing, growling and meowing furiously.]

Kitty: Hiss! Grrowll! Meow..

[Creepy music plays as Mikey is confused by her fury and agitation, he believes that he needs to watch the windows. He watches from the open window and sees Mrs O'Neil walks away to the woods alone, much to his shock.]

Mikey: What do you think, kitty? Go after her?

Kitty: Meow! Hiss.

MIkey: My thoughts exactly.

[Mikey begins to follow and to his shock, It seems Mrs. O'Neil is not really her. Her face looks awfully terrifying with purple eyes.]

Mikey: [gasps in horror] Sweet mother of mutagen.

[The imposter began to pour ooze into the water until Mikey used his nunchuck and threw it away. The canister breaks, releasing the ooze.]

Mom thing: You foolish whelp.

Mikey: Don't try flattering me.

Mom thing: You shouldn't have done that, Michelangelo. Now you've made mother very angry.

[She pulls out her scissors.]

Mikey: I knew there was something wrong with you. You're with the Kraang!

Mom thing: Yes! I will capture April O'Neil and take her to my masters.

[Mikey dislodged the sciccors.]

Mikey: Well, mom, things are about to get a lot worse. Hyah!

[He attacks but the mom thing dodged]

Mikey: What the?

[Mikey attacks again, but the “Mom” dodges it, punches Mikey, then grabs him by his bandana’s tails and threw him to the tree.]

Mikey: Mom's a lot tougher than I thought. What are you, really? HELP!

[Her hand twitches as Mikey watches in horror.]

[From back at the Kraang ship..]

???: What up, D?

[Donnie turns around to see what appears to be Mikey creepily smiling at him.]

Donnie: Whoa! You scared me, Mikey. I'm just looking over data from the cryotube's computers. Some of these readouts don't make sense.

[April enters the lab to talk to Donnie.]

April: Donnie, have you seen mom?

Donnie: No. What's up?

April: We sort of had a little argument earlier, and now she's gone. Probably because Mikey freaked her out.

???: Don't worry, April. I'm sure she's around. I'll be up in one minute to help look for her.

April: No, thanks, Mikey. I don't need your help.

[She leaves]

Donnie: Now let's see exactly what the Kraang did to April's mom.

[As he looks, his eyes grew wide.]

Donnie: No, it.. it can't be. She's… she's not…. I got to tell the others.

[The “Mom” appears, creepily smiling at him.]

Mom thing: Hello, Donatello.

Donnie: Aah! Wh-what happened to Mikey?

[The mom imposter slammed Donnie down and breaks the laptop. He ges up and pulled out his bo.]

Donnie: I got to warn the others!

[The creature started to attack. The tentacles grabbed his bo and then his leg.]

Donnie: Whoa! Let me go!

[Donnie screams in fright as the monster eats him alive. Leo enters the scout ship.]

Leo: Mrs. O'Neil? Uh, mom?

[No answer. Leo sees what appears to be Donnie, just standing there.]

Leo: Hey, Donnie, uh, where's mom?

???: No one's here but me.

Leo: I could've sworn I saw her come in here.

???: Mm, sorry, Leo. Haven't seen her.

[Leo looked and saw the broken laptop.]

Leo: [dumbfounded] Okay, then. I guess I was mistaken.

[Leo quickly turns to leave, when Donnie suddenly sprouts Kraang-like arms and begins to attack. Leo sliced it and collapsed. He looked and saw that the thing was not Donnie but a Morpher.]

Leo: Gotta move.

[Pushing himself to escape, Leo heads for the stairs, but his injuries severely slow him down, and a broken step seals his fate. Up in the living room, while watching a Halloween show, Raphael hears Leo's screams and immediately rushes downstairs to aid his brother from what seems to have been a tough fight.]

Raph: What the heck? Leo! Bro, you okay?

[Raph helps his brother and puts him in the chair]

Leo: I think so.

Raph: What happened?

Leo: Mikey was right. April's mom really is a creature.

Raph: [furious] What? Where is it?

???: Here...

[It is revealed that Leo is actually Mrs O'Neil in disguise, just like it happened to Donnie and Mikey! Raph charged but his arm got grabbed and thrown onto the scout ship. He gets grabbed by the leg. The Kraang Morpher hissly snarls. Raph took out his blade and cut its arm to free himself. It roars.]

Raph: Now you see me..

[He escapes and disappears by using a ninja smoke bomb. Outside, April and Casey are sitting on the bench.]

April: So that's it. She's leaving tonight. And if I don't go with her, she's going anyway. She's too scared of the Turtles.

Casey:[upset] That's rough, Red, but I understand if you want to go with her. She's your mom. It's just-

[Casey couldn’t finish, after he sees Raph in shock. Raph quickly runs to April and Casey in great horror.]

Raph: [rattled] April! Casey!

April: Raph, what is it?

[April and Casey stand up to greet Raph, looking shocked.]

Raph: It's your mother. She's not... Mikey was right. She really is some kind of creature, and she's done something to the others.

April: [denying] No. No, you're wrong.

Casey:[irritated] Aw, come on, Raph. Not you too.

Raph: She's not what you think she is.

[Just then, The mom thing appeared, having escaped from the basement.]

Mom thing: April. April, I told you to pack your bags.

Raph:[threatening her] Stay back! What did you do to my brothers?

Mom thing: April, now.

Raph: I said stay back, mom-thing!

April: [gets between Raph and her mother.] Stop it, Raph! Stop it right now! Ow!

Mom thing: That's it. [she grabs April] We're leaving now!

April: What's going on?

Mom thing: I'm your mother!

[She turns to April with a monstrous face. April shrieks in great terror to see that it was not her mother, but a monstrous kraang! Casey looks shocked by this.]

Casey: What the heck? Let her go!

[They charge at the monster and later cut April free as the imposter slowly mutated into a horrible thing. A rokurokubi spider yokai kraang hybrid. April, Raph and Casey watch in complete fear, horror and disgust.]

April: [horrified] Oh, my gosh.

Casey: [disgusted] I think I'm gonna puke.

[They run to the farmhouse]

Raph: Move! Hurry! Hurry! Casey, come on!

[Casey sees an axe that is seen at the chopped tree. Casey grabs it as a weapon and joins Raph and April. They shut the door on the beast. They were safe at first but it burst from the ground, splitting its head and trying to grab April. Casey and Raph start to attack the beast. It got onto the ceiling and started to spray green goo. Casey quickly slides through and cuts her down. The monster roars.]

Raph: There's no way to stop this thing!

April: She was frozen when we found her. Maybe we can freeze it again.

Casey: No, we fry it! Time for Casey Jones to play some offense. Goongala!

[He dodged and the cable electrified the beast The Monster fried up...but seconds now, it still moves!]

Raph: Okay, that didn't work.

Casey: We just got to hack it to pieces!

[As two were about to kill her, but she grabs them.]

Raph: Get your slimy suckers off of me!

[The creature swallowed them up.]

April: Casey, Raph, no! No! This is not happening. It's not. It's not!

Mom thing: April, we can be together. No more pain. No more sorrow.

[Corpses formed from her neck]

Corpses: Join us. Become one.

Mom thing: One of us! One of us.

April: You are not my mother. No! No!

[She tries to run to the exit but she gets grabbed by the screeching monster.]

Mom thing: We will be a family again. It's all we ever wanted.

[April screamed, also blowing up the Mom-Thing into slimy chunks. All of the Turtles that the monster swallowed along with Casey are released and remain alive and well.]

April: Are you guys okay? [helps Donnie up]

Donnie: Let me put it to you this way. I'm pretty sure I swallowed about fifteen pounds of slime.

Mikey: I feel like if puke could puke, it would be us. [vomits.]

Leo: Thanks, April.

[April smiles. Later in the scout ship.]

Donnie: So when I downloaded the data from the Kraang ship, I discovered the creature wasn't really April's mom. It just had her memories.

Raph: So what was it?

Donnie: Some sort of early infiltration experiment that utilized a combination of Mrs. O'Neil's DNA and Kraang DNA, but it was too dangerous.

Raph: So the Kraang put it in a deep freeze. It all makes sense.

Leo: Guys, do we have to talk about this right now?

[April is huddled to the floor.]

Casey: April, you okay?

April: [laments] Yeah, it just feels like I've lost my family all over again, even if it really wasn't my mom. Maybe she really is gone forever, but maybe... Maybe she's still out there somewhere.

Leo: You can't give up hope. Trust me on that.

[Leo helps April up with a gentle smile on his face.]

Mikey: And you haven't lost your family 'cause we are your family. And I want to say to my bros, I was right!

[Mikey laughs, then points at each of his brothers, who look annoyed that their brother is going to boast that he was right all along.]

Mikey: In your face! In your face!

Donnie: Hold up. Didn't you mention something about mutagen being spilled in the woods?

Mikey: Uh... Yeah.

Raph: Well, do you remember where it was?

Mikey: Mm.. Nope.

Leo: Oh, no. You know what this means, right?

[It is revealed that the mutagen spilled on the frogs, indicating that there will be new mutants.]
