
Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

Original Mirage release cover

Appearing in "Bodycount issue 1"[]

Major characters[]

Minor Characters[]

  • Bald man
  • Johnny's Gang




The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone.

Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues.

Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo.

Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.

See also[]


  • The entire Bodycount series is considered Mirage canon, unlike Image's Volume 3.
  • Raphael wears an "R" on his belt buckle in the mini-series, much like his counterpart from the 1987 television series.
  • The original Mirage release of Casey Jones & Raphael #1 includes a bonus strip "Guzzi Lemans", art and story by Jim Lawson.
  • The original Mirage printing of Casey Jones & Raphael #1 contains 20 pages. Image's release of Bodycount #1 contains 26 pages. Originally, Mirage planned to publish Casey Jones & Raphael as a five-part miniseries. When the release was moved to Image, the total page count was divided up differently so as to fit in four issues.
  • Gag credit for Josh Eichorn in the Image release of this issue: Stooge.