

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Bob is a human-born mutant mandrill and a former member of the Splinter Clan. He serves as the secondary antagonist of the First, Last, Always story arc.


Bob is first seen among his clanmates when Lita returns to her (now-amended) timeline. He stands behind Raphael and Alopex and in front of Miles. TMNT #117

Carmen later dreams of Bob summoning Armaggon while he confronts the future Carmen and Leonardo TMNT #133

Much later, Donatello, Venus, Leonardo, and April work on opening a time wormhole so that Don can attempt to prevent Armaggon's attacks. The future Bob slinks out of the wormhole at night, and wakes his present day self to tell him to stop Don's experiment and to help him so that Armaggon can eat their mutation out of time itself. Present Bob is reluctant, but is coerced into going along with him. Future Bob gives Present Bob a wrist device and takes him into the woods. The Bobs remove the safeguard sigils around the wormhole machine and Don wakes up to the glowing effects caused by this. He and Venus run into the forest and find the two Bobs there, and as Future Bob has a cloaked drawn down over his head, his identity is concealed to them. He fights them and ends up throwing his present self into the wormhole, as well as knocking Venus and Don in. TMNT #145

Leo and April race to investigate the disruption in the woods, and they mistake Future Bob for their version. While April investigates what's going on and realizes that Don and Venus have gone into the wormhole, they are attacked by some small creatures that share Armaggon's color palette. They fight them off - Bob included, likely to maintain his cover, and then he extracts some QNA from April before slinking away. TMNT #146

More of the creatures arrive, and Carmen and Leo try to fight them off. Carmen suddenly zones out as if she forgot what she was doing, mid-fight. April then has the same reaction while studying the wormhole's properties. After the creatures are beaten, Leo spars with Bob, only to have Bob pull a brutal move that knocks Leo down and surprises him. TMNT #147

April's investigations reveal that Bob went into the wormhole, and she realizes the Bob that's been with them is not the same Bob they know. She and Leo suddenly awaken outside, and Carmen and Lita have had the same thing happen to them from the kitchen. Bob reveals that April's deduction is right, and attacks the group. He extracts some QNA from Carmen and then summons more of the creatures, overwhelming them. Michelangelo, Koya, and an astrally-projected Bludgeon suddenly jump into the fray to assist their friends. TMNT #148

Koya kicks Bob away from Leo and moves him to safety, and while Leo fills her, Bludgeon, and Mike in on what's going on, Bob approaches and says that's he been trying to syphon a little bit of QNA from each of them so they wouldn't notice, but since the jig is up, he feels free to take more from one of them as a demonstration, and takes enough QNA from Lita to revert her back into a human child. He runs for the portal with Leo, Mike, Koya, and Bludgeon chasing, but makes it through before they catch him. He arrives at Michelangelo's penthouse in the future, where Don, Venus, and his present-day self are. Present Bob rails against him for tricking him into betraying his friends, but Future Bob mocks him and summons Armaggon outside the building. As the group tries to fight him off, Future Bob overpowers Don and grabs Present Bob, throwing him into Armaggon's maw, where he is trapped in a techno-organic cocoon. TMNT #149

As Armaggon approaches, Future Mike fights off Future Bob to buy Venus and Donnie some time. Mike gets a few good licks in, but Bob overpowers him. Mike's plan is accomplished, though, in allowing the two to get a head start. Venus and Don finally come across Future Don and he runs into a portal before they can catch him. They end up at StockGen in the past, right before the Turtles, Splinter, and Old Hob were mutated. Venus and Don see the mutation through and Bob catches up to them and attacks, insisting that he needs the Hamato QNA. He is suddenly stopped and knocked out by the Warp Turtles, Future Don's Warp Crystal-created children. Venus binds him in a barrier, but when he finally regains consciousness, he breaks free. Don, Venus, and the surviving Warp Turtles flee into a sigil portal, leaving Bob behind. Suddenly, his fur and flesh begin to pale.

Venus, Don, Roy, and Pris arrive in feudal Japan right after the Hamato family's deaths. Don extracts the QNA from the Hamato sons and Bob suddenly shows up and summons Armaggon. Venus takes all of the gofu Don had collected and charges into Armaggon's mouth, burning the shark into a husk. Bob suddenly has a flash of Lita's memories acquired from her QNA, and realizes that she was much happier as a mutant and he had taken that from her. Don uses this opportunity to take Bob out, hitting him with his and taking all the QNA that Bob had absorbed, releasing it into the universe. Don uses Venus' dragon scale as a conduit and draws a sealing sigil over Armaggon, trapping him in a solidified form. Venus, Bob, Roy, and Pris leave Bob in feudal Japan with the inert shark. TMNT #150

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