

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Bob was a human-born mutant mandrill.

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Leonardo had learned of Bob's existence from Big Lita and that he would become an important ally.

Leo first met Bob after he helped him fight off two humans that were trying to drive him out of his neighborhood. Seeing that Bob was a really good fighter, Leo offered to train him in ninjutsu in order to hone his skills, and Bob was intrigued by the idea. 140


Bob hates being a mutant and will do anything to become human again. While at first he was content to sharpen his fighting prowess and potentially accept his status under Leo's tutelidge, when approached by his future self with a plot that would have allegedly helped him never mutate in the first place, he did hesitate but eventually accepted, even if it meant turning his back on his new friends. He also asked Timestress Lita if she could do something that would reverse his mutation.

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