
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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[Fourteen months ago.]

[StockGen Research Incorporated Laboratories.]

Lindsey Baker "Okay, I'm grabbing Specimen 6..."


Lindsey "...Are you ready with the injection, Chet?"

Chet Allen "R-Ready, um... Lindsey."


Lindsey "You're going to have to hurry—this little guy's a mean sucker."


Chet "All... Done."

Lindsey "Now, let's see how he takes to the injection. I'm not really thrilled about using an impure dose like this, but what the boss wants, the boss gets, right?"

Lindsey "How ere you able to talk Hob into letting you draw blood from him, by the way?"

Chet "Oh... That."

"I included a, um... Sur-surprise ingredient in his lunch."

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[Thirteen months ago.]

Baxter Stockman "How very interesting..."


Baxter "...The growth rate is remarkable. Though, didn't we conclude that Mr. Hob's mutation, and those of the turtles and the rodent, occurred much faster?"

Chet "Ye-Yes, Doctor Stockman. I've hypothesized that the lower in-intensity doses of mutagen injected into, um, Specimen 6, is slowing the rate—"

Baxter "Yes, yes, Mr. Allen, I'm sure that's all very fascinating and important—I'll be certain to read your report when you return it in."

Baxter "It will take far less time than listening to your wretched stutter, I don't doubt."

Baxter "How goes progress with the psy-control programming, hm? When will we begin conditioning this creature to hunt the other mutants?"


Lindsey "Actually, very soon, Doctor. I'm nearly done with the coding and we should be able to initiate beta testing on Specimen 6 once it's moved to a larger containment unit downstairs."

Baxter "Excellent. Just a matter of time now until we learn if it's indeed possible to teach the proverbial old dog..."

"...Some new tricks."


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[Nine months ago.]



Security "It's killing Burns! Light 'im the hell up!"


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Security "All right, it's down! Let's get Burns to the infirmary ASAP—and if that damn turtle moves an inch, blow it to kingdom come!"

Security "Where the hell's that idiot Allen?!"

Chet "H-Here I am."

Security "Dammit, man, this is the third time we've had to put this thing down this week! And every time, it gets worse. When are you eggheads gonna get it under control?!"

Chet "We... We th-thought we had it this, um... Time. The psy-control m-manipulation seems to be having the proper effect, but we just haven't b-been able to synchronize, um... The mental and physical d-development rates."

Chet "Th-This is what we believe is causing specimen 6's, um... Instability."

Security "In all that gibberish, I heard this—the damn thing's got a huge body and a puny brain, and you geniuses got no clue how to keep it from tearing this place apart."

Chet "Y-Yes... That's a fairly, um... Accurate summation. Though, we are w-working on a solution."

Security "Then work faster! 'Cause if we gotta go up against Frankenturtle again, we're not pulling any punches. Fix it or we take the monster down... For good."

[Mon... Ster...]

[Two weeks ago.]


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[Last night.]


Woody Dirkins "The Mikester! Bump it, baby!"

Michelangelo "Hey, Woody."

Woody "Whoa. Why so glum, shum?"

Mikey "It's... It's nothin', just some things with Master Splinter."

Woody "Your dad? What's up with that old rat-man?"

Mikey "It's just some... Some ninja stuff."

Woody "Ninja stuff? Like kung-fu fightin'?"

Mikey "Yeah... That, and some other worse stuff we might have to do. It sucks."

Woody "Look, man, I don't pretend to understand what you and your bros are up to—I'm just a pizza guy. But, I do know a good heart when I see one, and yours is as good as they come, Mike."

Woody "Keep the positive energy flowing, listen to that good heart of yours, and things'll work out just fine, you'll see."

Mikey "I... I hope so."

Woody " 'Sides, you've always got ol' Woody's kicka butta pizza pies to cheera you uppa."

Mikey "Righteous! Thanks, man."

Woody "Don't mention it."

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Mikey "See you tomorrow!"

Woody "Same pizza time, same pizza station!"


Woody "Mikster... That you, man? You forget something? Need me to hunt you up some napkins?"



Woody "Aahhh!"

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Cop "Cripes, look at this mess, willya?"

Cop "Yeah. This is the third scene like this I been to this week. Same witness descriptions, too."

Cop "Big, green lizard monster?"

Cop "Exactly. Can you believe it?"

Cop "Don't matter what I believe—only matters what the mayor wants, and that's stopping this big green thing, whatever the hell it is."

Cop "Yeah. And by whatever means necessary, according to the chief. Deadly force authorized."

Donatello "You guys hear that?"

Leonardo "Yep—deadly force authorized."

Donnie "Actually, I was talking about the big green lizard part, but the deadly force thing is pretty bad, too."

Raphael "Yeah. Now every copy in the city's gonna be lookin' to cap someone who looks just like us."

Donnie "April thinks it's gotta be the specimen that escaped from StockGen the night she snagged the turtle tracker for us.* I think she's right."

[*See TMNT Microseries: April for more info - B.C.]

Raph "You say specimen, Don, but the cops say monster—big difference, you ask me."

Donnie "Well, escaped specimen or giant, rampaging reptile, it's official—we need a new lair... Like, now."

Leo "And the sooner the better. Even if you can block the trackers, we need to get ourselves underground again."

Leo "We're way too exposed at April's shop, and if we get spotted by the cops, we're gonna get blamed for this."

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Raph "I just hope you got us goin' the right way, Donnie. I gotta be back before eight so I can ride with Casey and April to his hockey game tonight."

Donnie "I know, I know, Raph—you've already reminded me like ten times."

Raph "Hey, the dude finally gets his grades up enough to play, I wanna be there to cheer him on, okay?"

Donnie "No, it's cool, man. The place isn't that far from here—old abandoned church about five blocks up."

Leo "And there's some kinda bunker underneath it?"

Donnie "A nuclear bomb shelter, to be exact."

Donnie "April and I found some old articles online about underground shelters that were built during the Cold War. The one we're going to was put there sometime in the sixties by the parishioners of the church sitting on top of it."

Donnie "The church's been shut down for a long time, but according to these blueprints April dug up, the shelter should still be there."

Mikey "I hope it is. That way maybe we can avoid havin' to knock heads with the Shredder for a while."

Donnie "You still worrying about Father's destroy Shredder manifesto, Mikey?"

Mikey "No offense, Don, but I hate when you call it that."

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Raph "It is what it is, bro. No point dwellin' on somethin' you can't control—sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do."

Mikey "THat doesn't make me feel better. I know we're ninjas and all, but I don't want it to get too extreme."

Donnie "We are talking about Shredder here—you know, the maniac who's not gonna rest until he's got our heads for mantle trophies?"

Donnie "As much as it sucks—the D.S.M. is a logical response to an impossible situation."

Mikey "Maybe, but what's the point of bein' reincarnated and changed if we still gotta fight just like we're in olden-times Japan?"

Donnie "Look, if this bunker checks out, nobody's gonna be able to find us. Maybe then the D.S.M. becomes a non-issue, okay?"

Mikey "Whatever. As long as we get back in time for dinner. I'll be happy—even if it's Sensei doin' the cookin'."

Raph "What? No pizzas?"

Mikey "Nope. I stopped at Woody's shop earlier to say hi, but he wasn't there. Guess he got the night off or somethin'."

Leo "Well, all I can say is, really hope dinner's something new tonight."

Leo "I mean, I'd never say it to his face, but if there's one thing I'm more sick of than Mikey's pizzas..."

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"...It's Father's salty vegetables and rice."

Splinter "Ahh, vegetables and rice..."

Splinter "...Good for the body and good for the soul, Casey Jones."

Casey Jones "Uh, yeah, Master Splinter... If you say so."

Splinter "Oh, would you please be so kind as to turn on the television? My program will be on son. Today, Doctor Phillip Anson may come out of his coma, only to learn his new wife is, in fact, his own stepsister. A sordid affair, indeed."

Casey "You know, my mom used to watch soaps too, but she was a... Well, a mom. Seems to me like, you bein' an ancient ninja master and all, you'd find this kinda stuff... I dunno... Ridiculous."


Splinter "Ridiculous?"

Casey "Then again, maybe not."



Frank White >...Another incident in what is now the second week of mysterious vandalism, assault, and theft taking place in the city, including various reports of missing pets.<

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White >According to the police, an unidentified individual viciously accosted an employee at a small pizzeria late last night. Though the victim suffered only minor injuries, he was severely traumatized and is being treated for shock.<

White >This latest attack appears to be part of a recent destructive spree. Several witnesses have described a "lizard-like creature of immense size." Some citizens have begun calling the mystery candal "Slash" in reference to the severe slashing damage caused to property during many of the incidents.<


April O'Neil "You guys are not gonna believe what happened to my van."

Splinter "What is it, Miss O'Neil?"

April "I've got a flat tire and... And something else."

Casey "A flat ain't that big a deal, April. C'mon... Let's go check it out."

Casey "Whoa."

April "I don't think this was an accident, Casey."

Casey "Yeah, that looks pretty deliberate to me. D'you think...?"

April "It's the Slash monster they're talking about on the news? Yes, I do."

April "Remember how I said something got out of StockGen? Well based on the size of the container it was in, that something was really big... And obviously extremely violent and dangerous."

April "I'm pretty certain that's what's running around the city. I think it's hunting. And, crazy as it sounds, I think it's hunting us."

Casey "Well, hopefully the cops get it before it gets any of us. If it can do this to your van, imagine what it could do to a person..."

April "...Or a turtle."

Casey "Yeah..."

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"...We all need to be watchin' our backs, big time."

Old Man "Help! Somebody!"

Jimmy "Shut up, geezer and hand over your mon—Ah!"


Leo "I suggest you leave that elderly gentleman be."

Raph "Aw, man, Leo—we don't got time for this. Casey's game... Remember?"

Leo "Don't worry, Raph. I doubt this'll take long."

Mugger B "Jimmy, it's some of them Slash things!"

Jimmy "Waste 'em!"


Mugger B "Guh?!"


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Jimmy "Raah!"


Jimmy "Erf!"


Old Man "Oh, God... Slash monsters!"

Old Man "Help! Police! Monsters!"

Raph "Great idea, Leo."

Leo "I... Um..."

Raph "Look, I like bustin' thug heads as much as the next guy, but if this makes me miss Casey's game, your head's next on my list, Leo."

Donnie "Forget heads—those guys thought we were Slash monsters, which only proves we gotta get our butts out of sight."

Donnie "Taking on dumb muggers is one thing, but the NYPD? No thank you."

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[Smell... Them!]


Slash "Turtles?"


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Donnie "Okay, guys, this is it."

Mikey "Hmm... I thought you said the place was holy, Donnie—not hole-y."

Mikey "Heh."

Donnie "Very funny, Mike. I told you it was abandoned a long time ago. But, hey, that works perfectly for us, right? Who'd come looking for us here?"

Raph "A wrecking ball crew?"

Donnie "Suddenly everyone's a comedian. Yeesh."

Leo "They're just teasing you, Don. Still, we need to be ready for anything. I once read that samurais entered every room like the roof might cave in any second."

Mikey "Did the book say what those old samurai dudes did about giant spiders?"

Donnie "Here's the entrance to the bomb shelter—exactly like the plans said."

Raph "This shelter of yours must be good, Donnie, 'cause a nuclear bomb definitely went off in this joint."

Leo "Man, it's super dark down there. Who wants to go first?"

Donnie "Fine."

Donnie "Wimps."

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Donnie "Okay, that's one small step for turtles."

Donnie "And one giant leap for turtle..."

Donnie "...Kind?"

Donnie "Whoa."

Donnie "Guys! Hurry! You gotta see this!"

Raph "After you, O great leader."

Leo "Whatever."

Mikey "Man, I just hope there's no nuclear spiders down there."

Raph "Holy...!"

Donnie "Told ya! It's awesome, right?!"

Leo "I definitely was not expecting this."

Mikey "Yeah! It's like a big underground rec room! But you know... For nuclear bombs and stuff."

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Donnie "This place was built to house at least fifty parishioners, and to sustain them long-term, so I'm guessing we'll find all the basic living necessities down here."

Raph "What about power, genius?"

Donnie "There's probably a diesel generator somewhere. Plus, it wouldn't be that hard to tap into the city's electrical grid and get things running again."

Leo "Check it out—there's some stairs over here."

Donnie "Makes sense. According to the blueprints, the bunker consists of four or five levels, going all the way down to a sewer access tunnel. The levels right below us are probably for storage and sleeping, things like that."

Leo "Well, I gotta admit, Donnie—I had my doubts, but this is not bad."

Mikey "Yeah. Totally creepy, but not bad at all."

Donnie "Not bad? Guys, it has everything we need and more. With a little work, this place is gonna be perfect!"

Donnie "We've been looking for a new home and, far as I'm concerned..."

Donnie "...Our search is over."

Slash "Search... Over."

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Leo "Yep, there's the sewer tunnel, just like you said, Donnie. Where do you think it goes?"

Donnie "I'm guessing out to the river. I'll have to investigate more, but that seems likeliest."

Raph "Alright. Before we start throwin' a big homecomin' party, can we get our rears in gear back to the shop? Between Leo and the stupid super hero and Donnie the talkin' tour guide, I'm officially runnin' late for Casey's game now."

Leo "Sure, Raph. I think we've seen what we needed to."

Raph "Yeah, yeah, yeah—where are those stairs we came down, anyways?"

Turtle "I thought they were over this way."

Turtle "Nope."

Turtle "Maybe over here?"

Turtle "Uh-uh."

Mikey "Donnie, if you got us lost, I'm tellin' Dad."

Donnie "Shut up, Mikey. I'm pretty sure they're over..."

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Slash "Here!"

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Raph "What the hell?!"

Leo "What is that?!"



Leo "It's some kind of monster! Grab the flashlights!"

Mikey "Monster?! Is it a nuclear spider?!"

Raph "Just get the damn flashlight, Mikey!"

Raph "Oh... Crud."


Leo "Guys?!"

Donnie "It's fast!"

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Mikey "Look out!"

Leo "Mikey, keep the light on that damn thing!"



Leo "Hyah!"

Raph "Okay... Now I'm ticked off."

Leo "Guys, keep moving! It's too strong and fast, so stay evasive! We don't want to take it head on!"

Raph "Yes, we do!"


Slash "Graaah!"


Leo "Raph! No!"

Leo "Urrgk!"

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Mikey "Leo! Where are you?!"

Leo "Mikey..."

Mikey "Oh... No."

Leo "...Help me."

Slash "Kill!"
