[Opening sequence and theme song.]

[Episode opens on the Technodrome, far beneath the Earth’s surface.]

Krang "I'm going crazy down here."

Shredder "But ever since we brought the Technodrome back from Dimension X, we've been stuck here."

Krang "And all our schemes to return to the surface of the planet have failed."

Shredder "Because of those accursed teenage mutant ninja turtles. I am constantly defeated by their prowess at the martial arts. But no more. I shall turn two of my own minions into unbeatable super ninjas."

[He extracts a scroll from an ornate chest.]

Krang "What? Who?"

Shredder "Bebop! Rocksteady! Come up here at once."

Krang "Not those two. It would take a miracle."

Shredder "That's exactly what I had in mind."

Rocksteady "What's up, boss?"

Shredder "Get in the Transport Module. We're heading earthward to the Asian American Cultural Center. There's someone there I want you to meet."

[Shredder, Rocksteady, and Bebop enter a transport module and exit the Technodrome.]

Krang "Come back here! Oh, I should never have joined forces with a ninja. Next time I conquer a planet, I'm using an accountant."

[Cut to the turtles’ lair. Leonardo is practicing with his swords while Master Splinter looks on. Nearby, Donatello works out with his staff.]

Splinter "I've studied well the ways of our ancient Foot clan."

Raphael "Ha, those two aren't the only ones who can practice. Hit it, Michelangelo."

Michelangelo "Whoa! Check out these moves."

[Raphael chops pepperoni while Michelangelo spins pizza dough.]

Leonardo "With our ninja fighting skills and superior pizza-making abilities, it's no wonder Shredder stays holed up in the center of the earth."

[Donatello turns the TV set on. April is broadcasting.]

April O'Neil "April O'Neil here at the Asian American Cultural Center, where, among other ancient artifacts, a burial urn is on display. It's reported to contain the ashes of a noble warrior who lived hundreds of years ago. His name was Shibano-sama."

Splinter "Shibano-sama. We must get there before Shredder does."

Donatello "Shredder?"

Splinter "I'll explain on the way."

[We see the turtles and Splinter running through the city.]

Splinter "When Shredder stole the leadership of the Foot clan from me, he also stole the clan's sacred scrolls. Now I fear he plans to use those scrolls to gain powers no mortal was meant to have."

Leonardo "What has this to do with the remains of Shibano-sama?"

Splinter "He was the founder of the Foot clan."

[They enter the cultural center.]

Michelangelo "Heavy duty happening."

Raphael "Yeah, just like a kung fu movie."

Splinter "Our only hope is to beat Shredder to the remains."

[Shredder appears from around a corner.]

Shredder "And you have failed as usual."

Leonardo "Shredder."

Shredder "A little ninja potion of my own devising."

[He tosses the potion in front of the group. A cloud of smoke envelopes them and they all start coughing before falling unconscious. Donatello manages to utter two words before he collapses.]

Donatello "Knockout gas."

Shredder "Hurry, you two. The effects of the gas will only last a few moments."

[He enters a large room and his mutants close the heavy door behind him.  Shredder walks across the room to where an urn sits in its center. Shredder opens the scroll.]

Shredder "As leader of the Foot clan, I call forth the spirit of its creator, Shibano-sama. Shibano-sama, come forth. I beseech you."

[A spirit floats up from the urn.]

Shibano-sama "Why have you summoned me?"

Shredder "That you may teach my two minions the ways of the Foot. And make them invincible super ninjas."

Bebop "Oh, boy. On-the-job training."

Shibano-sama "Only the true leader of the Foot clan may make such a request."

Shredder "I am the true leader. I have the sacred scrolls."

Raphael "No way, hose-bag."

Donatello "Master Splinter is the leader. Tell him, Master."

Splinter "Who am I? Who are you?"

Shibano-sama "All false claimants to the clan throne must suffer the consequences."

Raphael "Uh, due to technical problems with Master Splinter, we are all in deep trouble. The gas gave him amnesia."

Donatello "I'll hold them off while you get him back to the lair and work on an antidote."

Raphael "You're the one who knows all about potions an--and antidotes and stuff. I'll stay here and hold them off. Boy, am I a glutton for punishment or what?"

[The others rush off, carrying Splinter along with them. At the lair, Leonardo helps Splinter to drink from a bowl.]

Leonardo "Are you sure that potion will restore his memory?"

Donatello "Yes, but it will take time."

Michelangelo "Can you, like, remember anything, Master?"

Splinter "My mind is a complete blank."

Leonardo "We've got to jog his memory. Oh, your name is Splinter, but your real name is Hamato Yoshi."

[Shift to flashback scenes showing Yoshi as he trains his ninja.]

Leonardo "

You lived in Japan, and you weren't a rat. There was a ninja clan known as the Foot. You were their shidoshi, teacher of the warrior ways of enlightenment. You were a quiet man who loved renaissance art. But one student plotted to overthrow your leadership of the Foot clan, Oroku Saki. Then one day, a sensei, a master teacher, visited the Foot school. And Oroku Saki made his move.

[Saki pins Yoshi’s shirt to wall with knife.]

Yoshi "
[pinned to wall and unable to bow]

Aah! Uhh! Uhh!

Servant 1 "Impudent dog! Bow before our beloved master!
[Yoshi pulls knife from wall and is holding it.]

So, you plot to kill our honorable sensei!

Leonardo "

In disgrace, you fled to America. Penniless, you were forced to live in the sewers. Your only friends were the rats. And then one day, a young boy dropped his pet turtles down the drain. Meanwhile back in Japan, under Oroku Saki's evil leadership, the Foot clan turned into an army of crime. Back in New York, you lived happily with your turtles and rats. But then one day, something else came down the drain. It was a powerful mutagen, it caused whoever touched it to take on the form of whatever animal it had most recently been in contact with.

[Shows them all transforming.]

Leonardo "

We turtles started becoming human, because we'd most recently been with you. But you'd most recently been in contact with the rats. You named yourself Splinter, for obvious reasons. And you named us after your favorite renaissance painters and trained us in the art of ninjitsu.

[Showcases each of the turtles in turn.]

Leonardo "

I became Leonardo. And there's Donatello, whose simple wooden bō can disarm any adversary. And Michelangelo, who is master of the whirling nunchakus. And Raphael—

[Back to the present.]

Michelangelo "Who's really trashed right now."

Donatello "That’s right. We've got to snap this thing up. Does any of this sound familiar, Sensei?"

Splinter "I do not know. I'm so unsure of everything. What happened to Oroku Saki? And who poured that mutagen on you?"

Leonardo "It all ties together."

Donatello "Here, let me try. See, it all started when we met a woman named April O'Neil."

[Flashback sequence begins again, this time with April on-site reporting the news.]

Donatello "

April was a reporter covering a series of mysterious thefts at scientific companies by a guy who called himself Shredder, and Shredder didn't like that one bit.

Thug "Sign-off time, April O'Neil. Grrr."

Donatello "Chill out, homeboy."

Raphael "Yeah, watch it with that thing, pal!"

Thug "Oh, whoever you are, you are dead!"

Turtles "Uhh! Uhh!"

Michelangelo "Whoa, weird-looking dudes."

Raphael "Yeah, and they dress funny, too."

April "I don't know who you are, but thanks.  You're not human!"

Raph "Bingo.  We're dealing with a real mind here."

April "You're -- you're turtles!"

Don "Yep, so we are."

April "Oh, I can't handle this."

[She faints. Back to present.]

Donatello "Leonardo, are you sure this is really the time for us to be telling our life story?"

Leonardo "We've got to help Master Splinter get his memory back."

Donatello "Well, yeah, but what about Raphael? Those goons are probably turning him into sushi right now."

[Shift to the cultural center. Bebop and Rocksteady are wearing ninja garb and holding a collection of weapons.]

Shibano-sama "Your minions have great strength. They will make the ultimate ninja warriors. And for practice, they will need a target."

[Shibano-sama is focusing a green light on Raphael.]

Raphael "Uh-oh. How come I get the feeling it's gonna be me?"

[Rocksteady throws a shuriken, but hits the rope holding a large bell and it drops, trapping him inside.]

Rocksteady "Hey! Who turned out the lights?"

Shibano-sama "Ohh."

Raphael "Ha, you couldn't teach those boneheads anything in a million years."

Shibano-sama "Ah, but I am no ordinary teacher. In the name of the Emperor Koneji, son of heaven, I give you the powers of the master ninjas."

[He hits Rocksteady and Bebop with a pink energy blast. They are now fully outfitted in ninja garb.  Both bow.]

Both "We live only to serve our sensei."

[Bebop throws a handful of knives at Raphael. They hit the wall all around him.]

Raphael "What's keeping the guys? Why should I have all the fun?"

[Shift back to the lair.]

Leonardo "Oh, can you remember anything, Master?"

Splinter "Perhaps if you told me more. Who exposed us to that mutagen?"

Donatello "It was Shredder himself."

[Flashback commences.]

Donatello "

See, he was rolling around under the city in this huge fortress called the Technodrome. In addition to his robots, he also employed a bunch of punks, including a pair named Bebop and Rocksteady.

Shredder "Just sit."

Bebop "I wish I'd brought some comics."

Rocksteady "Uhh? What you doing to us, man?"

Shredder "Just relax."

Bebop "Uh, what do you need them animals for?"

[Back to present.]

Donatello "And he turned them into mutants, just like he did to us. Is any of this helping, Master?"

Splinter "A little. I seem to remember, didn't Oroku Saki have some connection with Shredder?"

Michelangelo "Exactomundo!"

[Flashback commences.]

Donatello "

He was Shredder. But we didn't find that out until he captured you.

Robot "All right, buddy, just come along peacefully. Don't make this any tougher on yourself."

[It captures Splinter.]

Donatello "

Naturally, we came to your rescue.

Leonardo "Master Splinter's walking stick."

Donatello "He's never without it. He must be in trouble."

Shredder "Indeed, he is. Ha ha ha! If you want to see him again, you'll have to come in."

Leonardo "
[As they enter Technodrome.]

It's gotta be a trap.

Raphael "I hate it when he says that."

Leonardo "Splinter! I'll cut you down, Master."

Shredder "I must congratulate you."

Donatello "It's the same guys we fought last night."

Shredder "You passed your test with flying colors."

Raphael "Test? What test?"

Shredder "Your hairy little friend knows me as Oroku Saki, but you may call me the Shredder."

Raphael "A kitchen utensil?"

Shredder "You would be wise to lose your flippant ways if you wish to join the honorable Foot clan."

Leonardo "Why should we want to do that?"

Shredder "Because it was I who made you what you are today. Don't deny your destiny. Join me."

Raphael "Does the phrase "go suck a lemon" hold any meaning for you? Let's cut him down!"

Shredder "Very well. I have my own mutants. Bebop, Rocksteady, destroy them!"

Rocksteady "Grrr. With great pleasure, Master Shredder. Grrr!"

Bebop "Arr!"

Michelangelo "Jump for it!"

Shredder "You idiots!"

Donatello "The mutation didn't up their IQs any."

Raphael "Come on, Splinter. We're checking out of this dump."

Shredder "Come on, you fools."

[Shifts to April, driving the Channel 6 news van.]

April "I just hope I haven't missed out on the action!"

Donatello "Rest here a moment, Master."

Leonardo "You know, that was almost too easy."

Raphael "I really wish you'd stop saying things like that."

Donatello "

Bebop and Rocksteady were ready to make mince-meat out of us.

Rocksteady "Rarrr! Say your prayers, turtles."

[Back to present.]

Splinter "So Bebop and Rocksteady came after you."

Donatello "Uh-huh. And were they mad."

[Flashback commences. Rocksteady and Bebop grab the turtles and Splinter.]

Rocksteady "Well, well, well. Lookie what we found."

Bebop "
[tosses Mikey aside, retains hold on Splinter]

We got a score to settle with you little twerps.

Rocksteady "
[throws Raph and Leo against a wall]

Aww, did I hurt youse? This'll make it better.

[Shoots at them.]

Bebop "We don't like rats in our fair city. Maybe I should just ring your stinkin' neck."

Michelangelo "Hyah! Not so fast, homeboy."

Rocksteady "Drink blazin' electric death, turtles."

Raphael "Oh, the boy likes his work."

[Back to present.]

Michelangelo "'Scuse me, but is any of this stuff jogging your memory, Master?"

Splinter "Ahh, I'm not sure. I'm so confused."

Donatello "Leonardo, even if we do get his memory back, how can he stop Shredder?"

Leonardo "If Splinter can prove he is the true leader of the Foot clan, Shibano-sama will turn against Shredder."

Donatello "Yeah, but how?"

Leonardo "The Kur-Li maneuver."

Donatello "Oh, I've heard Splinter talk about it, but I've never seen him use it."

Leonardo "It's a fighting move known only by the true leader of the Foot clan. If Splinter's memory comes back, he can do the Kur-Li maneuver for Shibano-sama."

Donatello "And prove that Shredder's lying."

Splinter "Strange that Oroku Saki now had all this technology. I seem to recall he was not alone."

Michelangelo "No, duh! There was this alien dude from Dimension X named Krang."

[Flashback commences.]

Michelangelo "

Well, he was this war criminal who'd been banished to Earth and had his body take away. So he was using Shredder to build him a new bod.

Krang "Excellent. I want you to add to it this molecular amplification unit."

Shredder "But why?"

Krang "Saki, you fool, don't waste time. Your forces are depleted. The turtles are on their way. Install the chip now."

Shredder "All right, I'll do it. You may feel some disorientation when you revive in your new body."

[Places Krang into the robot body.]

Shredder "
[as electric sparks fly]

It's alive. It's alive!

Michelangelo "

Krang's body had a circuit that turned him into this giant economy size.

[Flashback to giant Krang menacing the turtles.]

Michelangelo "Holy guacamole!"

Krang "Nothing can stop the almighty Krang."

Michelangelo "

Well, naturally we thought it'd be a mondo notion to bring all of this to a screeching halt.

[Flashback scene.]

Raphael "Oh, where's Godzilla when you really need it?"

Michelangelo "Well, guys, it's been great knowing you."

Raphael "Huh? What the heck?"

Donatello "Come on, guys! Welcome aboard the turtle blimp."

Raphael "Does this thing actually work?"

Donatello "Just watch."

Michelangelo "Cowabunga!"

Raphael "We've gotta shrink him down."

Krang "I am Krang the all-powerful. I have never been defeated."

Michelangelo "Well, you never tangled with a turtle before, pal."

All "Let's kick some shell!"

Krang "Shredder, come quickly."

Michelangelo "Uh-oh. It's that retro muto thingamabob."

Donatello "He's gonna use it to turn us back into ordinary turtles."

Raphael "Well, gang, looks like it's back to the old pet shop for us."

Shredder "Far from it. Tonight, I dine on turtle soup. No!"

Leonardo "Master Splinter!"

Krang "
[to Shredder]

Climb on my back.

[Back to present.]

Splinter "Of course! I remember it all. Where is Raphael?"

Leonardo "Ahh! He-- he's trapped in the cultural center."

Splinter "We haven't a moment to lose."

[Cut back to the cultural center. Raphael is pinned against a wall, surrounded by knives and throwing stars.]

Shibano-sama "Excellent. You have mastered every fighting maneuver known to the Foot clan."

Splinter "All but one, I believe. Does any of these impostors know the Kur-Li maneuver?"

Shibano-sama "Ah, well, only the true leader of the Foot clan may know it. Do you?"

[Splinter begins going through the maneuver, muttering under his breath as he moves.]

Leonardo "The Kur-Li maneuver!"

Shredder "Ah, I can't move."

[Splinter begins slapping his face and knocking on his helmet.]

Splinter "Whoo whoo whoo. Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo, nkuk, nkuk, nkuk, nkuk, nkuk."

[Splinter waves a fan in Shredder’s face and Shredder falls over.]

Shibano-sama "You impostors!"

[He hits Rocksteady and Bebop with the pink blast again, and they return to their normal forms.]

Rocksteady "Mama!"

[Bebop and Rocksteady carry Shredder into the transport module. Shibano-sama waves his arms and sends several weapons at them, but they bounce off the hull of the module, which starts up and returns to the underground.]

Shibano-sama "They got away."

Donatello "Hey, don't worry. They always do that."

Splinter "And surely, it is time you returned to your place in eternity,  Shibano-sama."

Shibano-sama "Perhaps you're correct. You have been a wise teacher, Hamato Yoshi. And to you students, I say, always follow the noble path of the Foot, be faithful to your master, be virtuous and truthful, and save the last slice of pizza for me."

[Shibano-sama is speaking as he fades away and the turtles with Splinter exit the building. They are on the street when he delivers the last line and all react in surprise.]

All "Huh?"

[End Credits]
