General Blanque was the head of the Federation military. He is a ruthless soldier and will use any means necessary to win. He was aided by his former assistant Lonae, unaware of her ties to the Triceratons.
Due to the Federation's long-running war with the Triceratons, Blanque wanted the Teleportal device created by Professor Honeycutt in order to win the war and defeat the Triceratons once and for all. Honeycutt repeatedly refused to build it, as he knew Blanque's intentions. But when Honeycutt's mind was transferred into a body of a robot, Blanque decided to capture the robot, now known as the Fugitoid, and extract the information.
He sent his soldiers to capture the Fugitoid, but his plans were hampered by the unexpected arrival of the Turtles, who decided to protect Honeycutt from both the Federation and the Triceratons. The Turtles and the Fugitoid had managed to evade capture until they were trapped in an uninhabited planet where they were surrounded by the Federation and the Triceratons. Fortunately for them, they were unexpectedly teleported away.
When the Fugitoid arrived on Earth after the initial Triceraton invasion, Blanque allied himself with Agent Bishop who helped him capture the Turtles in exchange with the Fugitoid. However the Fugitoid had already erased information pertaining to the teleportal and unleashed a virus that stopped all Federation and Triceraton air fleets, sacrificing himself in the process. Blanque was last seen in a cell adjacent to Zanramon, the former leader of the Triceraton Republic, and arguing between the two commenced.
General Blanque is above all, a warmonger without any moral values. He only cares about achieving victory over his foes at any cost. He develops an obsession over Honeycutt's teleportal device, believing he could take over the universe with it, with no regard over the destruction he would cause. Much like his hated rival, Zanramon, he tends to get angry when things don't go his way. This was proven by the Turtles many times over, when they managed to slip away with the Fugitoid. His warmongering persisted even after the war between the Federation and Triceratons ended, when he tried to attack Zanramon in a neighboring cell, despite the forcefield between them.