Blake Ridge Bridge is a disused and dilapidated bridge located somewhere north of New York in the Fleetway comics.
April O'Neil arrives at the lair to bring Splinter a message. A note from Shredder was left at Channel 6 news earlier. April reads the note, which is a challenge for Splinter to fight Shredder to finally decide the winner and loser of their ongoing battle. Shredder proposes the duel take place at dawn the following day at the Blake Ridge Bridge, North of New York. The note goes on to tell Splinter to come alone.
Splinter says that Shredder has challenged him fairly, and as a true ninja, he cannot refuse. The Turtles are not happy with this, because they don't trust Shredder. Leonardo says he has come up with a “save-the-sensei” plan. At dawn the next morning, Splinter arrives at Blake Ridge Bridge. The entry points to the bridge are boarded up and there is a "No Trespassing" sign, as the bridge is clearly falling apart. Shredder announces his presence and soon he and Splinter are sword dueling in the center of the bridge.
Shredder proves his dishonor when, after having been defeated by Splinter, he shouts for the armed Bebop and Rocksteady to come out of hiding and blast his enemy. However, the Turtles have followed their master and attack first. Leaving a contingent of Footbots to fight Splinter and the Turtles, Shredder and his two mutants flee the bridge. Once they are clear, Shredder detonates the explosives he previously strapped to the bridge, completely destroying it. Duel at Dawn