“Bishop Makes Her Move” | |||||||
Tale of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode | |||||||
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Season Code: | 001 | ||||||
Episode: | 5 | ||||||
Original airdate | August 9, 2024 (Paramount+) | ||||||
Written by | Haley Mancini | ||||||
Producers: | Louis J. Cuck | ||||||
Seth Rogen Evan Goldberg James Weaver Josh Fagen | |||||||
Alan Wan Christopher Yost | |||||||
Voice Direction | William Gleason | ||||||
Supervising Director | Colin Heck | ||||||
Storyboard Artist: | Ian Higginbotham Jaxon Sorby Jasmine Suggs | ||||||
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 1 |
Season 1 – Season 2 |
"Bishop Makes Her Move" is the fifth episode of Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It aired on August 9th, 2024.
The origin of the woman called BISHOP! Why does she hate mutants? What is the secret of the Mechazoids? And exactly what happened the night the Turtles fell into Bishop's trap?
Appearing in Bishop Makes Her Move[]
Major characters[]
- Bishop (Alanna Ubach)
- Donatello (Micah Abbey)
- Leonardo (Nicolas Cantu)
- Michelangelo (Shamon Brown, Jr.)
- Raphael (Brady Noon)
Minor characters[]
- Elena Bishop (debut) (photo only)
- Mechazoids
- Mechazoid 00/Mechazoid Alpha (Colin Heck) (debut) (death)
- Mechazoid 01
- Mechazoid 02 (Colin Heck)
- Mechazoid 03
- Mechazoid 04
- Mechazoid assistant (Kate Higgins) (debut)
- Rod (Pete Davidson)
- Roderick Underwood, Sr. (Fred Tatasciore) (debut)
- Splinter (Fred Tatasciore)
- Superduperfly (partially seen)
- Conglomerate mutant
- Human
- Mutant rat
- Mutant turtle
- Robot
Objects and vehicles[]
- New York City
- Bishop Robotics (debut)
Voice-over introduction[]
Donatello: Previously on the "Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"... Yeah, I did get excited about the Mechazoids. So what? If they weren't trying to wipe us out, they'd be amazing. This Bishop lady is a genius. The bad kind, but still. We're talking holograms. We're talking AI. They do look junky, though. Do I love that these things separated me and my brothers and are trying to wipe out my family? Of course not. But maybe Bishop has some tragic backstory we don't know about. Either way, she's about to get a taste of her own medicine.
A quick flashback of the previous episode is narrated by Donatello. Cut to a closeup of Bishop. She takes a deep breath and then introduces herself as "Josefina Bishop". She then states that what she is about to demonstrate will change the world. Behind her is a rolling bulletin board with the name "Bishop Robotics" printed on a banner at the top. She begins to explain that Bishop Robotics has been on the cutting edge of robotics and AI for over two decades, but is told to get on with it by Roderick Underwood, Sr., a multi-millionaire and prospective investor. Pushing aside the bulletin board, Bishop orders a small robot to stand and as it does so, she introduces it as a Mechazoid. It is a bipedal, self-repairing AI with limitless applications. While she's speaking, Mechazoid 00 performs various functions. During her presentation, Bishop indicates a picture of herself with her sister Elena, who she explains was born without her legs.
Before she can continue, she's interrupted by Underwood, who wasn't actually talking to her, but to someone he's on a call with. He finally just asks Bishop what she is asking for and she answers that she wants an investment. Costs are astronomical and if she does have more funding soon, she'll lose it all. Underwood then turns to his son, Rod, and asks what he thinks. The younger Underwood is immersed in his phone and says he guesses it's cool. Underwood then says that's good enough for him and that he'll fund her project, but she has to give Rod Jr. a job. Both Bishop and Rod are stunned, the latter more so as he begs his father not to do that to him. He claims it will stifle his own ambitions. However, Underwood ignores him and tells Bishop that Rod needs direction in his life. He says that if Bishop takes Rod, he'll double to the investment she's asking for.
Soon, Bishop has a factory up and running with numerous in progress Mechazoids. As she makes the finishing touches on changes to Mechazoid 00, whom she calls Mechazoid Alpha, Rod breaks her concentration with an inane question and then says that his dad told him the FBI has a file on Bishop because her AI went berserk. Bishop says that was one time in college and that her code has come a long way since then. She turns her back on Rod and pasts a label on Mechazoid Alpha that says "For Elena". Bishop tells Mechazoid Alpha to say hello, and the robot replies that it is now online. It greets Bishop and she wipes away tears, happy that she's finally accomplished her goal. Rod again interrupts to ask about food, claiming the snack situation is lame. Bishop reminds him that for the last six months, he's been in charge of snacks and it's literally his only job.
He starts going on about robots fighting humans, and she asks if he has any idea what her prototype represents. There is a loud thud that shakes the building, but Bishop is still explaining that her prototype is an evolution in robotics. Suddenly, there is a reverberating roar and Bishop demands to know what is causing the noise. Something crashes through the ceiling and when the dust clears, they get a view of the doubly-mutated Superfly. Mechazoid Alpha tells Bishop that she is in danger and runs to her, pushing her out of the way. Superfly stomps through the roof again, crushing Mechazoid Alpha and destroying most of the lab.
Bishop wakes to the sound of sirens and helicopters. As she blinks to clear her vision, she sees the Turtles standing atop the debris. They are discussing the situation and how he'd destroyed the building, which Raphael declares was kind of impressive. Michelangelo says they have to try to talk to him and the Turtles leave. Bishop's small Mechazoid assistant lifts rubble off of her and Rod says that was kind of awesome. Bishop wants to know what it was and looking at his phone, Rod answers that social calls it some kind of giant mutant. Rod asks her not to take offense, but says mutants over robots, all day! Bishop stumbles over to the crushed Mechazoid Alpha and falls to her knees next to it. Tears streak down her cheeks and she looks up through the opening in the roof to see the Turtles on Superfly's back. Growing angry, she growls the word "mutants".
Sometime later, news reports paint the Turtles as heroes, saying that they saved the city. Inside Bishop's new lab, Rod watches the news reports that talk about the Turtles renting an apartment in the Bronx and going to high school. An angry Bishop stabs a picture of the Turtles with a screwdriver and then pins up a diagram of her new Mechazoids. She works on the robots, giving them things like sawblade hands. Meanwhile, Rod examines a device that projects a hologram of a strange mutant creature. He suggests making it a little bigger, like kaiju sized, but Bishop explains that the hologram is meant to lure the mutants to the shipyards, not panic the whole city. Rod wants to know what Bishop will do when the mutants show up. As a demonstration, she brings four Mechazoids online and tells them to eliminate the target, which is a stationary robotic figure wearing a yellow mask. Bishop begins ranting about mutants and restoring order, while the Mechazoids completely destroy the target and cause it to burst into flames. Rod has taken a seat and is looking at his phone, barely paying attention to her. At the end of her rant, he says she just wants revenge.
Bishop and Rod drive across the Brooklyn Bridge. Rod is staring at his phone while Bishop talks about the signal being ready, the Mechazoid's loaded and the mutants finally being destroyed. She notices he's paying no attention and asks what he's doing. Rod says he making a play list. At the shipyards, Bishop and Rod stand atop a freight container. After putting on a bullet proof vest, Rod asks what the plan is again. Bishop explains again how social media will be used to lure the mutants to their location, which Rod does not think is as simple as she intimated. Then a call from Rod's father comes in, but Bishop declines it. On her tablet screen, Bishop sees the four Turtles approaching and brags that mutants are not smarter than her.
An annoyed Raphael tells Leonardo that if a rampaging mutant doesn't show up soon, he's going to punch him. Leo assures him that there's still time to go to the party. He suddenly sees something and stops quickly, causing his brothers to plow into him. They stare at the hologram mutant, trying to figure out what it is, and Michelangelo is volunteered to check it out. He reaches to touch the hologram, and it immediately vanishes. A bright light flashes on from above, pinpointing them. Mikey asks if they can help the pair on the container, but Bishop says nothing. Rod tells her she should have prepared a speech, but she says they are there to exterminate the mutants, not talk to them. The Turtles can hear them and Mikey tries to explain that they are the heroes who saved the city. Bishop says they are heroes and that their mere existence is a threat. Rod interrupts to ask how they became mutants and if it was something to do with their blood, but Bishop hushes him.
Bishop then calls for the Mechazoids and four square objects fly out of her van. They land on the ground around the Turtles and expand into their robot forms. Donatello finds them to be cool, but then Bishop orders them to exterminate. The Mechazoids charge at the Turtles, who leap into the air over their heads, landing behind them. Each Mechazoid then targets an individual Turtle and continues the attack. Raph thinks it's the best day of his life to be able to fight someone he can really let loose on and goes to stab a Mechazoid, but hurts his hand. The Turtles discover that the Mechazoids are more difficult to beat than they originally thought and Leo says they need a plan. Mikey asks if that isn't his job. Raph says he's got a plan - beast mode! However, Mikey says that's not really a plan. Bishop is pleased that her plan is working, but is again interrupted by an incoming call from Underwood, Sr. She declines again and Rod asks if she's sure the Turtles are a threat to humanity. He says they seem like regular kids. She starts ranting at him about them being ticking genetic time bombs and stomps off. Rod says he thinks the orange one is his favorite and they should keep him alive, just in case they might need his blood or something.
Leo makes it to the top of a container and shouts for his brothers, saying they have to find a way out of there. Raph yells that he's open to suggestions. Leo looks around to see his brothers fighting robots and having a momentary reprieve, tells himself to think. He then spots a container hanging overhead and comes up with a plan. He tells Mikey to get up to Bishop, the person controlling the Mechazoids, and to distract her. Leo turns to see the Mechazoid coming at him, so he jumps and kicks it over the edge, then tells Raph to get the Mechazoids to follow him to the center of the yard. Leo then runs across the containers to tell Donnie to get to the crane. Donnie sees the overhead container and understands the plan. He starts running to the crane, with the Mechazoid chasing him.
Bishop tries to figure out what they are doing, but is then startled when Mikey says "hi". She and Rod turn to find the Turtle standing behind them. He asks if they're open to talking about this, but Rod says he's just in charge of the snacks. Meanwhile, Raph flings a pair of Mechazoids into some containers. Hearing Donnie's call for help, he flings shuriken at the robot holding onto his brother's ankle. The Mechazoid catches the shuriken, but is distracted enough to release Don. Leo warns Raph that he's got incoming just as a third Mechazoid joins the other two in surrounding Raph. The Mechazoids start pounding on Raph, but Donnie makes it into the crane control booth. He finds the control panel to be a bit more complicated than he expected, and then the Mechazoid grabs him from behind.
Rod asks Mikey if he's going to eat them. Bishop says he's an idiot and calls for a Mechazoid. One of the robots leaps onto the crate next to Bishop and scans Mikey, identifying him as a mutant. He also scans Rod, and because of his anisocoria, identifies him as a mutant too. The Mechazoid attacks, but Mikey manages to kick it off the container. Meanwhile, Leo has climbed up the the crane cabin and asks what Donnie is doing. As Donnie pushes buttons and pulls levers, he says what he's doing is freaking out. The shaking of the crane is keeping the Mechazoid off balance and when it hits the floor, Donnie uses his bō to bat it out of the cabin, right past Leo. All four Mechazoids are now in the center of the yard, attacking Raph. Donnie says he can get the crane in position, but the lever's jammed. Leo says he's on it and leaves the cabin while Donnie moves the crane.
Leo races along the crane arm, but one of the Mechazoids jumps up behind him, forcing him to fight. Bishop looks up and sees the crane moving. She lifts her tablet to scan the container labels, which warn of danger and that the container holds fireworks. She scans the other yard containers and sees that they all hold fireworks. Bishop asks if Rod checked the shipping manifests like she asked, but he says that doesn't sound like something he would do. Leo manages to knock the Mechazoid back to the ground and Donnie calls that the crane is in position. Leo leaps up to grab one of the container chains and calls for Raph to get out of there. Raph runs, Bishop yells "no!", and Leo slices the chain.
The container falls right on top of all four Mechazoids. Mikey leaps and grabs Rod, sweeping him out of danger as the fireworks explode. The four Turtles fall in different directions. A view of the skyline shows fireworks shooting into the sky. Splinter is asleep in his chair as news reports about the explosions at the shipyards come on. He doesn't wake, even when the newscaster asks who is responsible.
Bishop pushes aside some debris and stands up. She calls out for Rod, but she is alone amidst the continuing explosions. She limps back to her van and as she drives, cackles loudly, proclaiming that she did it. Back at her factory, she enters her control room and tells the computer to locate Mechazoids one through four. As she waits, her robot assistant enters with a ringing phone. It is a call from Roderick Underwood. Bishop grabs the phone and starts to ask Rod where he is, only to learn it's actually Senior who is calling. She tells him she's in the middle of something, but he says he doesn't care. He is investing millions in her work to make his son happy. He then asks how Rod is doing. Bishop says he's going and has had lots of input. Underwood tells her that's good, because if he's not happy, her funding goes away. He also tells her not to "miss" anymore of his calls before hanging up.
Four viewing screens then show real time images as the computer says that the four Mechazoids have been located. The smile on Bishop's face fades when she sees the Turtles. She throws the phone down and screams at seeing they are still alive. One by one, the visual scanners on the Mechazoids is destroyed. Bishop slams her hands down on the control panel, saying that they are coming for her and she can't let them destroy her work, not again. The assistant asks if it should power up the XS-1. Bishop walks up to a huge shrouded object and says yes, that it's time.
See also[]
- Bishop Makes Her Move/Animations
- Bishop Makes Her Move/Gallery
- Bishop Makes Her Move/Transcript
Underwood: What are you asking for? |