
Biocytes being used to heal Ch'rell

Biocytes are worms of extraterrestrial origin utilized by Utroms to heal most severe of injuries in conjunction of a liquid-filled healing pod in which the recipient recuperates throughout recovery process.


So far Biocytes only appeared in 2003 TV Series of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise as well as its related works.

2003 TV Series[]

In 2003 TV Series, although Ch'rell managed to survive the destruction of TCRI building via. implosion timebomb he ironically activated [1], injuries he sustained were so severe biocytes were required as part of the procedure of his recovery. In the meantime, Shredder's presumed death sparked a conflict among the mob,Purple Dragons and Foot Clan all wanting to gain control of New York's criminal network. It takes the uneasy alliance between Karai and the Turtles the conflict eventually ended. By that point however, Ch'rell has regained much of his strength, eager to avenge his defeat at hands of the Turtles.[2]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus[]

Biocytes appear after stage 9-1 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus, sharing the same role as with in 2003 TV Series; being used as part of the procedure to heal Ch'rell of his severe wounds.


See also[]

Notes and trivia[]

  • Biocytes's usage as part of Ch'rell's recovery procedure can be compared to that of special colony of worms for reviving Shredder in Mirage comics. The difference is whereas the former restore the recipient from otherwise most severe of injuries to the extent they never happen at all, the latter consume them outright and form a clone who inherit the original's memories.

