
Billy Jim Bob McJames is a character who appears in the episode Unidentified Flying Leonardo of the 1987 TMNT cartoon. He assists April O'Neil and Leonardo in High Falls in Upstate New York.

While trying to escape from a "spaceship," Leonardo runs into Billy Jim Bob, who mistakes the Turtle for an alien and hurries into town to tell the people what he saw. Since he had previously made assertions about seeing a UFO, the townspeople doubt his assertion until they realize that a green individual is lurking outside the diner.

Despite his initial fear of Leonardo, the kind-hearted Billy Jim Bob worried for the safety of his "Martian" acquaintance and rescued the Turtle from a mob of townsfolk. Though still convinced that Leonardo was an alien, he gave him a great deal of information on the strange events going on in High Falls, including that the UFO has been seen mostly around Dr. Davens' farm[1]. He rescued Leonardo a second time from enormous vines, and apparently learns of the Turtles' true nature just as they are leaving town.

