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Leo Captain's Log, star date no idea. The evil Triceratons, a race of aliens from across the galaxy, invaded Earth. They wanted to wipe out their ancient enemy, the Kraang, so they unleashed a black hole weapon that destroyed both the Kraang and their secret hiding place, Earth. We lost our friends, our allies, even Master Splinter. We were only saved at the last second by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid.
[The others are still mourning the loss of their friends after the destruction of Earth. For a moment, Leo turned to Fugitoid and spoke.]
Leo All right, Fugitoid, or whatever your name is, what just happened?
Raph This has got to be some kind of sick joke, right? RIGHT?
[Fugitoid slaps him away.]
Fugitoid Calm down, Raphael. First things first. I have a job to do. Now, please, I've got a ship to fly while you all stand about gawking.
April That's not good enough. Where are you taking us?
Fugitoid All questions will be answered in time. Hold on to something! Oh, too late for that. Apologies.
Mikey Not cool bro!
[Theme song]
[They screamed trying to hold on. Everything went completely fast; they nearly dropped to the ground until they stopped.]
Raph What... What just happened? We're actually alive?
Donnie I think we... we went back in time, about six months, based on where the Earth is in its revolution around the sun.
Leo Six months? Then that means everyone's back? Including Master Splinter?
Fugitoid Yes, Leonardo, but only for six months, and then, the Earth is doomed once more. Apologies.
April I get it. We stop the Triceratons before they ever get a chance to use the Black Hole on Earth.
Fugitoid Indeed. The Triceratons are spending this time searching the universe for the three fragments of the black hole weapon. Many years ago, the Utroms broke the machine into three pieces, hiding each fragment in the safest parts of the galaxy they could find. We must find them before the Triceratons find the fragments and reassemble them.
Mikey And if we mess up, we just time travel back, right?
Fugitoid No, no, no, no. A Black Hole prevents repeated localized time travel because even time is subject to its attraction. If we fail, Earth is lost forever. But on the bright side, whoever gets a second chance?
Casey So why do you care, alien robot dude? Why are you helping us?
Raph Yeah. Who are you anyway?
Fugitoid My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. I'm a friend to the Utroms. It was Bishop who sent me. And, plus, I've always wanted to see Earth. Have I mentioned I'm both scientist and a [glitch]-cyborg. Observe.
[He opens his head with a human brain inside.]
Casey Dude, I wish I was a robot with a human brain!
Mikey Ooh, what if we had robot brains? Bitty-bitty-bitty-bitty bop.
Raph I just wish you guys had normal brains.
Fugitoid Everyone hold on to something.
[The ship takes off light years away and enters the galaxy.]
Leo [amazed] Wow. It's so incredible.
April Look at that. Are those comets?
Mikey So awesome!
Fugitoid Wondrous, is it not? Titanic gas giants, neutron stars on the verge of collapse, swirling cloud nebulas where baby stars are being born.
Mikey Aww, baby stars are so cute.
[Crash! Something hit the ship.]
Donnie Um, Professor?
Fugitoid [groans. annoyed] Wonderful. Could you assist me on damage assessment, my friends? I've plenty of space suits to wear.
Mikey Space suits?
[Later, Fugitoid takes them to a room where it was held with space suits.]
Mikey Dudes, I think we just hit a level nine Booyakasha!
Raph No way!
[They head over and pick a few gear and begin to wear them.]
Donnie Amazing! This is like a full-on geek explosion!
Fugitoid Astro-Suits equipped with oxygen convertors, grav boosters, and even alien language translators.
[They begin to wear suits, helmets, new weapons and others.]
Leo Mr. Crankshaw, set phasers to destruction.
[Casey finds a black helmet]
Casey Whoa, this old helmet is dope, yo. Ooh, photon pucks. They must play hockey in space. Wicked! Looking good, Red.
[April is seen wearing a yellow jumpsuit.]
April Okay, you guys are creeping me out.
Fugitoid Everyone ready? Ah! Do not stray too far from the ship. Seriously. This is my stern face. See it?
Mikey I call first!
All :[speaking at once.]
Casey Excuse me.
April Out of my way!
[They shove Fugitoid out of the way, who falls down and enter space.]
Mikey Cowabunga!
Raph Whoa. [gulps.] Why did I think this would be cool? Please don't hurl. Please don't hurl.
Casey Woo-hoo! Yes!
April Whoa. So amazing! It's like a huge, black ocean that goes on and on forever. It's like a dream!
Leo This is nuts! Look at me, I'm flying! I'm Captain Ryan, hero of the galaxy! Oh, yeah!
Raph Huh? Oh. I'm gonna hurl again!
April I don't ever want to go back into that ship. I just want to float off into the stars.
Fugitoid Is anyone going to join me in damage assessment? You should learn these things, people.
[They begin to find the source of the damage which is on the wing]
Fugitoid Well, this is pants. I could easily fix the hole, but we've lost too much hyper-charged hydrogen... That, coupled with a tachyonic jump, it looks like we'll have to-[something hit him] Oh no.
[They look to see huge rocks coming their way.
Donnie Asteroids! Big... huge... asteroids!
Mikey Language, Donnie!
[They begin to dodge the flying rocks.]
Leo Look out!
[He fires one at the rock. Mikey catches Raph.]
Mikey Got you, brah!
Raph Ah! Behind you!
[Mikey shoots one while Casey yells out of control.]
April Casey, hold on! Oh!
[April saves Casey.]
Casey Thanks, Red. This stupid jetpack keeps quitting out on me!
Leo Come on, guys, hurry!
Fugitoid Into the ship! Everyone, to their stations!
Casey What station?
Fugitoid I don't know. JUST PICK ONE!
[They get into their stations and begin to activate the spaceship.]
Donnie Look out!
Others Whoo-hoo! Whoa! Whoa!
April Left, Professor. Now, down! Down!
Raph Ugh, get me off this boat ride already.
Mikey Whoa, dude. How about I drive?
[They continue yelling as two giant asteroids crash together.]
Casey That was so metal!
Fugitoid Hahe! A couple of near misses with a few dozen planetoids won't deter us! Am I right or am I right?
Leo Are you kidding me? We almost bought it back there!
Fugitoid Exactly. Almost. "Almost" is a beautiful phenomenon, isn't it?
Donnie We still need to refuel, Professor. What are we gonna do?
Fugitoid Drop by an alien space port, of course. I mean there's one right there. No biggie. Planet Varanon.
Donnie Your computer's data says the planet is home to space pirates, rogues, thieves, and smugglers.
Raph I like it already.
Fugitoid Lovely place. Never been, but I've heard it's gorgeous in the spring.
[They arrive at Varanon.]
Fugitoid This space port is not a part of the Federation, so do be careful.
Casey No problem, Fuge. We're out like Vanilla Ice. Peace!
[They begin to explore the town.]
April Now, this is completely incredible!
[There are alien people all over the down,]
Leo All right. Let's split up and check out the place. We'll meet back at the ship in twenty minutes. Cool?
[They went into separate places. Mikey looks and finds a restaurant.]
Mikey Food, food, food. I need food! Space travel makes me so hungry!
Alien cook Welcome, my friend. We have many delicacies from across the galaxy. Raw Merusian meat, Ovuuan doughnuts, sweet and sour Viffurisioids.
Mikey Aww, man. Ooh, pizza! Ah, man! So hungry. Ooh, what's this? Looks normal enough.
[He picks one cake and tries to eat it but it roars and attacks.]
Mikey Whoa! Aah! Face muncher!
Casey Dude, check out all these wicked weapons.
Robot Greetings. Please feel free to browse, but do not touch anything. Repeat. Do not touch anything.
Raph It's like I've died and gone to a giant, beautiful armory in the sky.
Casey You don't want to mess with this bad boy, Raph.
Robot Do not touch anything.
Casey Flicker, flicker, woop, woop!
Raph Please. I've got a giant laser ax!
[They started to use the weapons while the robot kept saying. "Do not touch anything."]
[April and Donnie are looking at a collection of crystals.]
April Wow. Look at all of this. I kind of want one of everything.
Donnie Check me out, April. [chuckles.] Two for the price of one.
[April finds a crystal, that changes into brilliant colors and shapes]
April What is this? Is it some kind of space crystal?
Alien It's a Tallik gem from the Vox System. It changes shape and color based on emotion.
[Nearby, Leo is talking to a female alien.]
Leo So…Uh… So, uh.. let me guess. Capricorn, right?
Valaxina Let me guess. First time you've been off your home planet, right?
Leo Is it that obvious?
Chupo [roar.] Who's this Bleeb? What's the deal here, Valaxina? I thought you were my Trebuton.
Valaxina This stupid Bleeb is bothering me, Chupo. Could you stomp him for me?
Leo Stomp him? Whoa, no. This is just a big misunderstanding. I was asking for directions. Yeah and could you guys know where- aah aaaaah!
Mikey Get off of me, cake!
[Mikey struggles to get the cake off and stomps them up to death.]
Alien cook What have you done? That Jovoxian Cake was the last of its species! It costs 240 Zemulaks! Pay me now!
Mikey Um, I'm all out of space bucks, dude, but I have some moldy pizza you might be interested in.
Alien cook You pay or you suffer!
[Mikey gulps. Meanwhile, Raph and Casey are still using the weapons.]
Robot If customers do not comply...
[Raph accidently knocked the robot's head.]
Raph And that was that.
Casey Raph, that was just wrong, but so, so awesome!
[Drones appeared and started to attack them. They run away. Leo ran past April. Due to the shaking of the giant alien, April accidentally drops the crystal. It breaks into pieces.]
April [horrified] Oh, no. I am really, really, sorry.
Alien No problem, ma'am. That gem is on sale for only nine hundred Zemulaks.
April That sounds like a lot of Zemulaks.
Donnie Maybe the professor has some kind of space credit card or something?
April Aah!
[They begin to run away.]
Alien Come back here, you thieving Bleebs!
[Donnie and April hide until they meet Mikey.]
Mikey Oh, hey, guys! What up?
All Aah!
[They run away from the alien cook. Casey and Raph join in.]
Raph Move it!
Casey Hurry, Red! Come on!
Leo A little help?
[Raph and Casey charge at the giant alien while the other pull Leo out.]
Donnie Um, guys, we got to move. Right now!
[They run away. Meanwhile, there was a purple wasp alien who was given a strange vial with some green men.]
April This way! Faster!
[They crashed into the purple wasp.]
Leo Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Let me help you.
[He knocks Leo away.]
Lord Dregg Do not touch me, sub-creature! Do you fleshlings know who I am? I am Lord Vrinagath Dregg, ruler of Planet Sectoid, Lord of all insect life in the universe, and bringer of your deaths!
Raph Uh, could you hang on a second? I just got a phone call here from someone named "I don't give a flying-"
Donnie [sarcastically, stopping Raph from saying a swear word] That's great. Thanks, Raph! Nice diplomacy there.
Casey We've taken way tougher dudes than you, bug head.
[Dregg grabs him by the leg.]
Dregg Then you clearly have never heard of Lord Dregg.
[He opened his mouth to eat him]
Casey Aah!
Raph Casey!
April Let him go, you freak!
[They knock him down, causing the vial to slip loose and break into pieces.]
Dregg My Maraklovan Star Spice! That was worth five million Zemulaks! You… you primitive buffoons! Vreen! Battle mode.
[The Vreen behind Dregg shapeshift into their guard form.]
April Okay. I sense we're gonna get our butts kicked in kind of a big way.
Dregg Attack!
Leo Get him!
[They begin to battle the Vreen but they are much stronger]
Leo Raph, take the head!
[Raph jumps on it and stabs it. Donnie is pinned down by the Vreen until Mikey pulled its arm away from Donnie.]
April Eat this, roach!
[She shoots the vreen dead.]
Casey Aw, yeah! Woop, woop!
Dregg My Vreen gone! You stupid, arrogant creatures! I'm not a being who forgives such insolence.
[Raph charged but Dregg punched him.]
Dregg I will make your end swift!
[Leo and Mikey charge but he knocks them down and punches them together. He began to fire spore like bombs from his chest.]
Casey Heads up, D!
[The bombs explode, sending Casey and Donnie flying. April tries to shoot Dregg, but to no avail.]
April Okay. I was just shopping for a map because I'm completely lost in this part of the galaxy...
[Dregg's spider hands started to wrap April in their string, causing her to fall.]
April Whoa! Let me go, freak! Stupid spider hands!
[She gets dragged and was pulled toward.]
Dregg What are you, some kind of Terran?
April I'm human! On my planet, we squash bugs like you!
Dregg You kill insects?!
[He roars in anger and April breaks free, shooting the string with her blaster. Leo then kicks him in the face.]
Casey Come on, girl! Let's move!
[They begin to run.]
Dregg You cannot escape Lord Dregg! A hologram?
Leo Fugitoid, start the ship! Start the ship!
[They get into the ship.]
Fugitoid Aw, great! I can't believe you ticked off half of the known intelligent races in the entire universe!
[They retreat into the tank.]
Fugitoid Come to me, Hornetron! Now, to have some fun.
[The robot Hornettron followed after them.]
April He's following us!
Leo Step on it, Fugitoid. Come on!
Fugitoid We need a few nextons for the Tachyonic Jump.
[Dregg began to summon out alien shaped eggs.]
Raph Ugh, I think it just laid some eggs.
Donnie Eggs? Okay. Now things just got really weird.
[Vreen hatch and begin to attack.]
Casey Don't you got lasers or plasma rockets or something destructive?
Fugitoid Well, we do have minor defenses against space pirates.
Raph Then what are you waiting for? Fire up those minor defenses!
Mikey I'm on it, dudes! I learn quick.
[The lasers started to shoot the Vreen. The insects appear in front of the window.]
Fugitoid Leonardo, press the button on your right!
[Leo presses the button, electrifying the Vreen. One of the Vreen burst right in green gas billowed out..]
Leo It's inside!
[They begin to attack the alien bug.]
Donnie I got it!
Leo Try to get around it!
Mikey Booyakasha!
April Donnie, look out!
Casey Casey Jones shoots..
[He kicks a proton puck into the Vreen's mouth. The vreen's head explodes.]
Casey Aw, yeah! He scores!
Fugitoid Brilliant! Everyone, ready for tachyon warp!
Dregg I swear by the Elder Vraal, I will hunt these creatures down and eradicate them slowly, feeding them to my children piece by piece by piece!
Leo Yes! We made it!
April Ooh! Okay. What did I say about group hugs?
Raph All right!
Mikey Booyakasha!
Fugitoid Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...
[They are surrounded by the Triceraton fleet.]
Mikey Aw, space apples.