
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


After a fight, Bebop and Rocksteady split up and travel separately to different time periods. The Dark Ages, WWI, the Future… no time period is safe!


A human and mutant Bebop sit in the front seats while a human and mutant Rocksteady sit in the back seats of their car, careening down a tunnel through time. The Bebops and Rocksteadys continue arguing with each other, accusing the other party of being unreasonable. Soon the two Rocksteadys decide to depart with their time scepter and they leap out of the car and head down a separate time tunnel. The two Bebops decide they’re better off without them.

Mutant Bebop and human Bebop wind up on Earth in the year 2110. The city is populated with mutants and aliens, mostly Utroms. Bebop and Bebop sit at a bar and drink beer. Mutant Bebop tries to tell human Bebop about his future adventures, but then remembers that since the past versions of Bebop and Rocksteady split up those adventures will no longer happen.

Walking through a foggy field in Verdun, France, the year 1916, mutant Rocksteady and human Rocksteady complain about Bebop. Future Rocksteady admits to Past Rocksteady that when he and Bebop weren’t talking he went back to his awful ex-girlfriend Stacy. Suddenly a French soldier sees the pair and fires a shell at them, sending them flying.

In the future, Bebop and Bebop are deep in their cups and still complaining about Rocksteady. A group of Utrom guards arrive and demand that they turn over their unauthorized transdimensional travel device. The Bebops taunt the guards and then begin bickering with each other, before fleeing from the guards’ superior numbers. Bebop and Bebop jump back in their car but their way is quickly blocked. The two attempt to come up with a plan. In the past, Rocksteady and Rocksteady find themselves pinned down in a trench with some German soldiers. Both mutant and human Rocksteady pick up weapons and begin shooting at the people shooting at the soldiers trapped in the trench. Another shell crashes down on top of them, sending them reeling again. Human Rocksteady is severely injured and as he lays dying, he laments that he’d have to go back to his ex-girlfriend instead of hang out with Bebop. Mutant Rocksteady tears up and the two both wish they had apologized to Bebop and quit their old gang with him. Suddenly another mutant Rocksteady emerges from a time portal, clutching a SWAT officer and asking the other Rocksteadys if they’ve seen any rock soldiers. Another portal opens up and rock soldiers begin pouring out, and the Rocksteady who was comforting the human Rocksteady as he lay dying hands a gun to the newly arrived Rocksteady and then departs in search of Bebop to mend things.

In the future, Bebop and Bebop are driving down a bridge, the way ahead blocked by Utroms and several more hot on their tail. Mutant Bebop opens a time portal for them to leave through but he accidentally opens one immediately behind them, causing them to rear end their own car and fall off the bridge. The car lands and explodes, killing human Bebop. Mutant Bebop says that it’s not a big deal because he was pretty annoying. Bebop sets off in search of his Rocksteady, the timestream now littered with debris as a result of all their tampering. In 2012 at the Stockgen labs, the anglerfish mutant fights some of General Krang’s rock soldiers. Bebop is about to open a time portal and start pushing people through it when a portal opens up and Rocksteady flies out, knocking over a Bebop and Rocksteady. The two fall into a puddle of mutagen and fuse together into a grotesque abomination. Rocksteady is unfazed and continues to search for Bebop, ignoring three other Bebops fighting in the lab as they aren’t the right one. Rocksteady opens a portal and departs, followed by the mutant anglerfish.

People run screaming from Bebop in Florence, Italy, the year 1490. Bebop spots Slash, who was accidentally set free during the fighting at Stockgen and pushed through a time portal. Bebop, mistaking Slash for a disfigured Michelangelo, asks him where Rocksteady has gone. Slash, still animalistic in nature, merely roars in response. Bebop leaves through a portal just as another one opens up above Slash and a car with more Bebops and Rocksteadys, dressed in clothing from various time periods falls out and crushes Slash. At the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, 1969, the Apollo 11 shuttle launch is reviewing its checklist for launch. The guidance technician urges them to abort the launch when he sees that two monsters (Rocksteady and the anglerfish) have appeared on top of it and begun fighting. Rocksteady shakes off the fish mutant and with a wave of his time wand both he and the rocket disappear.

Bebop falls out of a time tunnel into a strange landscape. He sees other time tunnels with other versions of himself and Rocksteady traveling to various time periods. A robed man sees Bebop and decries his appearance the fulfillment of a prophecy. The man asks why Rocksteady isn’t with Bebop and Bebop tells him that he’s been searching all over for him as some other robed ones present a roast pig to Bebop. The cultists, who apparently worship Bebop and Rocksteady as deities, despair when Bebop leaves again in search of his friend. The head cultist laments that they will have to face the sea horsemen and their forces on their own for another fifty years. A female cultist spots an opening portal and a Bebop/Rocksteady/rock soldier fusion-mutant coming through, and it begins terrorizing the cultists. One Million Years B.C.: Rocksteady and the Apollo 11 space shuttle fall out of a time portal and crash amongst a herd of wooly rhinos and mammoths.

At the site of Stockgen labs in the year 2012, Bebop steps out of a time portal and sees that the entire landscape has been transformed into a shanty town in a barren wasteland. Bebop calls out for Rocksteady. Other Bebop and Rocksteadys, the inhabitants of the shantytown, spot the newly-arrived Bebop and rush him to see if he still has a working time scepter. Bebop flees from the horde of desperate mutants. Somewhere, at some point in time, Rocksteady still searches for Bebop in a medieval castle, although he begins to think his search may be in vain. All around him other Bebops and Rocksteadys and mutants escaped from Stockgen fight and run from each other, time portals opening and closing everywhere.

In the 79th Dimension, outside of time, Renet and the Turtles watch in horror as they see the timeline fracturing spread further and further, threatening to destroy all of time.

“Bogus,” says Michelangelo.

See also[]
