Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups. |
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Bearing the Burden [Raphael stands in an sewer tunnel, sai in hand as he practices with them.] Raphael: He rocks slowly on the balls of his feet, and his blood begins to sing with expectation. With a low chuckle, he flexes his hands, ready to grasp this new challenge in his steely grip. He will overcome. [He changes his grip and stands straight.] The sai are his friends. His brothers. These prongs have saved him again and again. Raphael recalls them flashing against Shredder's goons. But they can't help him now. [Raphael bares his teeth.] The others can't help him. He stands alone. Raphael likes it that way. |
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[Leonardo stands with his eyes closed, a katana in hand. He holds it straight up and down.] Leonardo: The cool tide of calm catches him in its ebb and flow. Another day, another challenge. His life is an endless ladder of such obstacles, each aiding in the rise of his spirit. Whatever life casts towards him, he will rise above it. [He shifts positions and contemplates his blade, touching his thumb to its razor sharp edge.] The secret of steel is known to him. The pounded, folded layers of metal are the days of his life. The keen edge is how he's lived them. Though the sword cannot help him now, its lessons will serve him well. [Leonardo's face is turned towards the reader.] High-tech aliens have fallen before his primal weapon. But in his soul, he knows they fell before him. By himself. He will deal with whatever comes. Alone. |
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[Donatello stands ramrod straight, his bō held vertically in front of him.] Donatello: He likes the feel of his bō. The hardness and texture of the staff is a comfort to him. It has supported him through many a nasty scrape. In fact, it has become part of him-- in his mind, almost another appendage. The extended reach, the crushing sweep of its striking arc has been a shield of wooden fury. [Donatello changes the grip on his bō, holding it horizontally.] To think, he's even fought dinosaurs with this stick. But this timber of vengeance will not strike for him in this situation. [Donatello appears grim.] None of his friends can protect him. There are things a turtle must do for himself. |
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[Michaelangelo stands poised with his nunchaku at the ready as smoke from a ground pipe billows around him.] Michaelangelo: He would shirk this responsibility if he could. Unpleasantness comes with the territory. In fact, the road he walks is paved with brutish incidents. But he's always strode forth willingly. But not this time. He'll do the deed because Splinter wills it. [Michaelangelo changes his grip, relaxing his stance.] If only he could smash out at this problem, as he's smashed down oh so many foes in the past. He'd rather face down Savanti Romero again than do this thing. But he won't let Splinter down. He'll try to maintain his dignity. [Close-up of Michaelangelo, wide-eyed, mouth open.] Dignity may be the first thing to go when this incident begins. Michaelangelo shudders at the thought of losing face before his friends. But Splinter is calling. |
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[The Turtles climb the stairs to a combination lab/infirmary inside the lair. Splinter, wearing a lab coat, is waiting for them.] Michaelangelo "Aw Splinter, do we have to?" Splinter "Bear up, students." [Splinter holds up a hypodermic.] Splinter "Didn't you know that shell fungus is the major cause of death in turtles like you? I mean, aside from somebody killing you, of course." Raphael "No way!" Splinter "Don't worry. My vaccination will protect you." Donatello "Needles-- yuck!" Splinter "If you're going to walk and live as men, then you will have to bear some of the burden." [The Turtles all grimace and Splinter grins.] Splinter "Now, all of you, bend over." END. |