Baxter Stockman is a mentally unwell criminal scientist who often attacks New York City with his inventions and runs afoul of the Ninja Turtles. Eventually, he is conscripted into the Foot Clan and becomes a mutant fly.
Stockman attacks downtown New York in a giant robot spider (which Mikey comes to call "Podzilla"). The Turtles witness his attack on the news and go to confront him. After Stockman trounces his brothers, Mike attempts to subdue him with a pen, which he had assumed to be a gadget invented by Donnie, despite the latter's insistence. Since the pen was just a normal pen, he too, is knocked down by Podzilla.
Stockman begins gloating, but then realizes that his enemies can't hear him with the windshield up, since he forgot to build a speaker system. When he rolls it down to continue mocking the Turtles, Mikey nails him with a water balloon, enraging Stockman. He rolls the windshield back up and the Turtles attempt to knock Podzilla over by wrapping grappling hook ropes around the legs, but the legs are too powerful and it simply flings the Turtles around. One of Podzilla's pedipalps sprouts a blade and it cuts the Turtles loose, sending them crashing in a heap.
Stockman uses Podzilla to lift the Turtles up and begins gloating again, forgetting that they cant' hear him. When he rolls down the windshield again, Mikey breaks the pen and squeezes it so that ink spurts Stockman in the face, covering his glasses and blinding him. Podzilla drops the Turtles and topples off of the rooftop, striking the street below.
Number One Fan[]
After failing to secure a ticket to the 20th anniversary showing of Space Heroes: The Movie, Stockman arrives to the theater in the Stockman-Pod to attack it and cancel the screening in revenge. Upon seeing Leo on an adjacent rooftop, he assumes he's there to stop him and attacks. Refusing to believe Leo is an actual Space Heroes fan, he challenges Leo to rounds of trivia as they fight. When Stockman's missiles go awry and hit them both, they call a truce and Stockman says he finally believes him. Unfortunately for Baxter, the movie is already over and he has missed his chance. He begins flying off in anger, and Leo tells him to watch out for a billboard. Stockman thinks he's finally proven himself the better fan since that's not a line from the show, only to actually crash into a billboard.
Stroke of...Genius?[]
Now a mutant fly, Stockman tries to convince Shredder that his henchmen are inferior to his inventions. After Shredder handily destroys his Cyber-Raccoon of Doom and Baxterbot of Doom, he is impressed by the Robo-Samurai of Doom after it easily beats six . Stockman sends out the Robo-Samurai and it proves to be superior in combat to the Turtles... until Baxter's ego gets the best of him and he tries controlling the samurai himself. Without the robot's pre-programmed martial arts expertise, the Turtles have no problem beating it. Shredder lambastes Stockman for fouling up, and threatens him. Baxter flies away, attempting to curry his favor by suggesting a robot badger next time.
Robo Rumble![]
When the Turtles attack one of Stockman-Fly's warehouses, the villainous inventor escapes with just one item, a Cyber-chip. Raphael shouts that he is getting away with some sort of gizmo. Leonardo quickly throws a shuriken and knocks the Cyber-chip out of Stockman's hands. It lands on top of an ice cream truck and a computerized voice inside the chip announces that it is commencing reconfiguration. This reconfiguration turns the ice cream truck into a War-Bot and when Raph laughs that it's the stupidest looking War-Bot he's ever seen, the robot sets its sights on him as a target. The truck fires an ice cream cannonball, catching Raph full in the face and freezing his head.
Leo leaps atop the War-Bot and attempts to smash the Cyber-chip, but it is protected by a force field. He does manage to pry the chip loose, but it flips away from him, bounces along the street, and then attaches to the undercarriage of an oncoming firetruck. The firetruck is immediately transformed into a War-Bot, with firehose tentacles that shoot pressurized water. Donatello realizes that Stockman is controlling the War-Bot with a joypad, and rushes over to the destroyed ice cream truck. While the other Turtles distract the War-Bot, Don scrounges until he finds a radio unit, which he uses to upgrade Michelangelo's T-Phone. As a master gamer, Mikey is able to steal the control of the War-Bot away from Stockman and blast the mutant fly out of the air. The Cyber-chip soon overheats and explodes, which puts an end to the War-Bot.
The Gloom[]
Baxter sends out a fleet of drones which deliver a neurotoxin gas that induces depression and apathy, as well as boxes of a snack food called Happi Snax!, which temporarily counter the effects and leave the subject addicted enough to keep attempting to acquire more. Raph, Don, and Leo inhale the gas and become miserable unless they are eating Happi Snax!, while Mikey is left the only normal one (relatively). When the free boxes of Happi Snax! run out, the victims are encouraged to download an application to their phone to buy another box at $10 each. This is part of Stockman's plan to keep the Foot Clan's coffers filled while Shredder recovers.
When the snacks end up sold out, the other Turtles get angry again, leading Mikey to formulate a plan to follow one of the drones. He convinces the others to follow him, as it should lead them back to the warehouse where the snacks are coming from. They arrive and Mikey sees Stockman inside, and accidentally falls through the skylight. He prepares to inject a super version of the neurotoxin into Mike, but the other Turtles arrive to save Mike and get more snacks. They beat up Baxter and Fishface, then hightail it out just before the gas pipe containing the neurotoxin explodes. Baxter and Fishface are left drenched in the neurotoxin and cry over their misery.
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His appearance as Stockman-Fly is a mutant housefly with a very huge head with bulging green eyes sprouting long antennae-like eyelashes on the sides of the nose, a vertical mouth and his afro completely messed up to look like an arrow. He has a slightly shriveled claw for a right hand and extremely long fabric-like wings sprouting from his back. He still wears the pink sweater and blue jeans, which have many small rips made by the prickly body hair.