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[It started with the kraang holding a gun in their arms.]
Donnie: That's a sub-spatial endo particle disruptor.
Leo: Gonna have to explain if that's "oh, no" or "yay."
Donnie: In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite "oh, no."
Mikey: Why? What does it do?
Donnie: The disrupter can de-synchronize subatomic resonances, which invert polymolecular structures, causing them to implode.
[Mikey stares at him with a face that says, "What?".]
Raph: It makes things go boom.
Donnie: Technically, it makes things go: Zwee-choo...*POP*!
[The others look at him weirdly.]
Donnie: It's important to be accurate.
[Meanwhile, we see Stockman, Dogpound and Fishface on the rooftop.]
Stockman: With that endo particle disruptor in our arsenal, we'll be unstoppable. All right, men, we move on my signal.
Dogpound: [Grabs Stockman] Your signal?
Stockman: [Praying.] Please, don't hurt me.
Dogpound: [Angrily threatening.] You do what we say, and then you thank us for letting you live. Got it, Stinkman?
[He then tosses Stockman.]
Stockman: [Angry that his name is mistaken once more.] Stockman. It's Stockman.
Fishface: [Kicks Stockman on the shoulder.] What was that?
Stockman: Nothing.
[Fishface growls at Stockman.]
Stockman: [Nervously.] Thank you for letting me live.
Fishface: Screw this up, I'll finish you myself. Remember that. [leaves]
Stockman: [vengeful] Just you wait, freaks.
[Stockman clenches his fist in anger and revenge.]
Leo: Okay, guys. Get in position.
Dogpound: On my mark.
Leo: Ready...
Dogpound: Set..
Raph: Let's just do this.
Fishface: Enough talk.
[They jumped to the street and the Kraang took notice.]
Raphael: Kraang and Fishface and Dogpound?! I must be dreaming, pinch me! Ow!
[Raph pounds Mikey on the head.]
[They started to battle the Kraang and the Foot clan. As everyone fight the Kraang and Fodo clan below, kicking, punching, and spinning. Stockman watches the fight. The Kraang blaster hits the roof and Stockman narrowly manaages to evade it. He tries to go through the door but it is locked. He tries and fails to push the door open.]
Stockman: [frustrated] Oh, you gotta be kidding.
[Mikey had already finished fighting until a Kraang fired. Donnie pushed Mikey out of the just as a laser struck, making the car disappear.]
Mikey: Whoa. Donnie, you totally called it, bro.
[The Krang escaped and drive off.]
Leo: Guys, we gotta move. Raph, now.
Fishface: Yes, run along now, boy.
Raph: This isn't over, Fishface.
[Everyone leaves. Stockman is still on the roof, all alone.]
Stockman: Hello? Anyone? I'm kind of stuck up here. Hello?
[Theme song]
[At the dojo. The turtles are practicing how to avoid a weapon. Splinter whacks Donnie before he could escape.]
Donnie: Aw, man.
[Splinter then goes next to Mikey.]
Mikey: Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging, ri-
[Mikey gets whacked. Splinter then went to Raph next. Leo managed to dodge the stick in time.]
Leo: Yes!
Raph: What is the point of this, anyway?
Splinter: Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention.
Raph: I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei to take me down.
Splinter: Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Raph: Hai, Sensei.
[At Shredder's lair.]
Dogpound: We had the alien technology in our grasp, master.
Fishface: Unfortunately, Stockman's plan was flawed.
Shredder: Is this true?
Stockman: Well, um, yes. They're right. It was my fault. I'm sorry. And I'd like to make amends. That is, if you'd allow me. You see, I've designed a trap for the turtles, a foolproof trap. But I'd need the help of my good friends here to lure them into it.
Shredder: Very well. Consider those two at your disposal.
[Shredder leaves, the dog and fish glare angrily at Stockman, but they are not aware that Stockman shoots an evil eye at them. We cut to the rooftops, where the turtles are running, until Donatello stops to see someone from off-screen.]
Donnie: I got eyes on one giant dog and fish. 6:00.
Mikey: [Giddily and unaware.] Where?
[Now he realizes who Donnie is referring to one second later.]
Mikey: [Disappointed.] Aw, man. It's just Fishface and Dogpound.
[Dogpound and Fishface are seen on the streets, not hiding. This causes Leo to look at them suspiciously.]
Leo: [Suspicious.] What are they doing out in the open like this? I think we should proceed with caution, guys. Guys? Oh, man.
[The turtles are already fighting the dog and fish mutants.]
Raph: Where were we? Oh, yeah. I was turning you into fish sticks.
Fishface: Actually, I believe I was turning you into turtle soup.
[Raph kicks Fishface as Leo pointed his sword at Dogpound.]
Leo: Stay. Good dog.
[Dogpound knocked his sword away.]
Mikey: Look. We got 'em on the run.
Raph: Oh, they aren't getting off that easy.
Leo: Raph, wait. Something's not right.
Raph: Yeah, you talking while they're getting away.
[They follow them. Meanwhile, April is training with Splinter.]
Splinter: Very good. Again.
April: Sensei, not that I don't enjoy running ukes six thousand times, but when do I get a weapon?
Splinter: Ah, but April, you already possess the kunoichi's most powerful weapon, the mind.
April: When was the last time you saw someone hit a guy over the head with their mind?
Splinter: True. Let's find you a weapon.
[Meanwhile with the turtles]
Raph: This way.
[The turtles appear in the dark building.]
Dogpound: All right. You got us.
Leo: This is way too easy.
Raph: Why are you always worrying?
[Suddenly, a red circle surrounded the turtles, Dogpound and Fishface and a black and white striped wall rose up.]
Raph: Oh, I see.
Mikey: Careful, guys. This may be a trap.
Stockman: [voiceover] Welcome, contestants. I'm so glad you could join us tonight.
Leo: Blister Stockboy?
Stockman: It's Baxter Stockman. I'm your archnemesis.
Mikey: I can totally think of five nemesises way archer than him.
Stockman: You'll be playing for the ultimate prize: your lives in the all new, family-friendly, incredibly deadly maze of doom.
[Fireballs rain down from the ceiling, causing them to dodge. Fireballs nearly hit Fishface and Dogpound, but they quickly dodge them and were visibly surprised to see what Stockman doing.]
Fishface: [angry] You fool. What are you doing?
Stockman: [vengeful] I'm sick of you freaks. You treat me like dirt, threaten me. Well, Baxter Stockman doesn't make threats.
Fishface: [shocked] Have you gone mad?
Stockman: Mad? [laughs maniacally] I'm full on mega crazy!
Dogpound: [enraged and betrayed] You traitor!
Stockman: And even if you make it through my maze alive, you'll still have to face my monster of-
Leo: [uninterested] Doom? Is it a monster of doom?
Stockman: No. Uh, monster of, uh... Uh... Oh, the heck with it!
[Baxter pushed a single button and the hatch opened up and the rest started to fall deep below and right into the maze screaming in horror. They landed on the floor.]
Raph: Where in the-
[Dogpound and Fishface follow.]
Dogpound: Where were we?
Fishface: Total turtle takedown.
[They tried to attack the best they could. Red axes began to form.]
Leo: What is… Uh-oh. This can't be good.
Raph: Watch out. [pushes Fishface away from the Axes] I saved you why, calamari boy?
Leo: Everyone, I suggest a fight rain check.
Dogpound: Never. We do this now. Huh?
[Leo used his knife and cut the ax, costing half of Dogpound's fur.]
Leo: If we keep fighting, we are never going to get out of here alive.
Donnie: The exit. There.
Dogpound: Follow me.
[They began to avoid the axes.]
Raph: Leo, you don't think we can trust them, do you?
Leo: It's our only option.
Raph: Well, what do we do when they turn on us? Because they will turn on us.
Leo: We'll just have to trust that we'll see it coming first.
[Meanwhile, Splinter is showing April a stick and chain and how to use it.]
Splinter: Remember, April, your weapon chooses you as much as you choose it.
[April tried to use it only to get the chain stuck on the tree.]
April: I think it chose the tree.
[Splinter gives her a battle mace. She tried to carry it, but it was too heavy.]
April: Almost got it.
[She pulls it but she falls over. She tried twin blades but one of them slipped out of her hands. Splinter managed to catch it before it could hit her.]
Splinter: Perhaps we should keep looking.
[Back at the maze.]
Fishface: I have my eye on you, turtles.
[Dogpound sniffs the air.]
Dogpound: Fresh air. Coming from that direction.
Fishface: Uh, please, after you.
Leo: No, no, you go ahead. I insist.
Fishface: What's the matter? You don't trust me?
Raph: If you think we're going to turn our backs to you, you're nuts.
Mikey: I know. We go like this Turtle, turtle, jerk, turtle, turtle, jerk. Wait, no. Jerk, turtle, jerk, jerk No, too many jerks.
[Four silver balls of blades emerged from the ceiling.]
Leo: Balls! Of doom.
Dogpound: What are those?
Leo: Not good. Let's move it.
Fishface: Me first.
Leo: Doom balls! Run!
[They began to run as the orbs tried to attack MIkey. Mikey dodged and swat them back. They tried to run but the orbs kept running. One got stuck on Donnie's bo. Raph threw the ninja stars at them and exploded. Donnie then removed the ball blade out of his staff. The ball blade rolls to Fishface’s legs. Once they leave, Dogpound sniffs the air and realizes…]
Dogpound: Wait. We've been here before.
Donnie: He's right. We've been going in circles.
Raph: Donnie, are you sure?
[Suddenly, the door shuts, separating Raphael and Fishface from the turtles and Dogpound.]
Raph: Hey! [bangs the door]
Stockman: Time to split you boys up.
[Raph is extremely angry and glares furiously at Fishface, realizing that he now has to spend his time with Fishface, who smirks at them.]
Fishface: Looks like it's just you and me.
[Leo tried to slice the wall, but there was no luck.]
Stockman: You're wasting your time, Leonardo. Those walls are magnetically sealed.
[Don tried to use his phone.]
Leo: I tried that already, Donnie. There's no signal.
Donnie: I know. I'm reconfiguring the T-phone's internal magnet so that it can detect ambient A/C current. We can use it to trace our way back to Baxter.
Leo: You two, keep Stinkman talking.
Mikey: No problemo. Hey, Boxton!
Stockman: [From com, annoyed.] It's Baxter.
[They began to walk through the maze.]
Mikey: So I was wondering, what made you interested in a career in super-villainy?
Stockman: Well, since you won't be around to read my autobiography, I'll tell you. I was a frail and delicately sensitive young child.
[Michelangelo and Dogpound are annoyed.]
Dogpound:[annoyed] Well, there's a surprise.
Stockman: That's when I decided to develop my greatest power, my technological genius.
Mikey:[uninterested] Oh, good grief.
[April is given by a nunchuck.]
Splinter: Remember, keep your movement fluid.
[April accidentally lets go of the nunchuck and crashes on the photo frame.]
April: Oh, master Splinter, I am so sorry. [looks at the picture] Who are they?
Splinter: That is me, my wife, and daughter, before Shredder...
April: The baby… She was beautiful.
Splinter: Yes. Miwa would have been about your age now. I would like to think she would have turned out as well as you have, my child. Which reminds me, wait here.
[Meanwhile, Raph and Fishface are alone and walking down the tunnel.]
Raph: The world's longest tunnel of doom.
[The door closed in front of them.]
Fishface: What?
Raph: We're trapped.
[Great air started to get stuck between them like a fan and started to suck them in. Fishface held on but Raph got blown through. One if the tiles broke off as Raph started to fly off. The fish mutant managed to grab his foot. and pulled him up, saving his life. Then he managed to kick through the floor and into a black room.]
Raph: Well, that makes us even, huh, Fish Sticks?
Fishface: You think I'd let Baxter do away with you? Ha. That is a pleasure I am reserving for myself.
Stockman: And I built a science fair volcano, but with actual molten lava. Burnt down the whole gymnasium. I was expelled. And I vowed revenge on those who wronged me.
Mikey: You poor, poor man.
[Suddenly, a turret appeared and started to fire a huge laser. Leo leaped onto the ceiling and cut the turret from the ground. More of them appeared as the lasers shot. Everyone dodged smashing the turrets. Raph and Fishface continue their journey. Long silence. Raph looks at Fishface, feeling interest in his enemy. He broke the silence.]
Raph: Tell me, Xever. What's a nice fish like you doing with a guy like Shredder?
[Surprised that Raph called him by his real name, as well as being respectful towards him, Fishface looks at him in shock, then sighs as he tells the story of his life.]
Fishface: In many ways, it's all I've ever known.
Fishface: At a young age, I learned a very simple rule: You want something, you take it. I was the best thief, until one day, my luck ran out. They would have left me to rot there. Fortunately, the owner of that briefcase found my skills useful.
Raph: Shredder.
Fishface: Yes. And he employed me for many of the foot's dirtier jobs. Most recently, the destruction of you, your brothers, and your Sensei.
Raph: So you do all this because you owe Shredder?
Fishface: Eh, mostly I like having a job where I get to crack skulls every day.
Raph: Okay, I can relate to that.
Fishface: Yes. We are of a kind, you and I.
Raph: Well, maybe. But I'm still going to whip your butt when this is over.
[The turtles and Dogpound are exhausted fighting the lasers. They panted for breath, until a turret appeared. Leo sliced it in half. This was the final straw for Dogpound, who furiously throws a temper tantrum.]
Dogpound: [angrily] Skunkman! I know you're in here somewhere!
[Fishface hears Dogpound's voice on the other side and put his ears through the wall.]
Fishface: Hey, it's coming from the next room.
[Fishface kicks the wall and they see the other group.]
Leo: You enjoy your play date?
Raph: Ha. Very funny.
Donnie: A strong ambient A/C current is coming from underneath this cannon.
[Dogpound removes it and they fall into Stockman's lab.]
Stockman: No! You were supposed to destroy each other, not work together. No matter. You may have made it to the end of my maze, but now it's time for-
Mikey: The bonus round?
Stockman: Yes, the bonus round of doom! Kneel before the awesome power of my monster-
[Stockman gets into his robot suit which he had upgraded back when the turtles first met him.]
All: Of doom.
Stockman: You all think you're so clever. Let's see how clever you are when you're hit by my missiles of -d... When you're hit by my missiles.
[He fires missiles, making them dodge. Mouser bots were shout out by the suit and they start to attack. Snake-like robot heads attacked and started to fire lasers.]
Dogpound: How do we stop this thing?
Leo: Mikey, Dogpound. Draw it under Baxter.
Stockman: Ha. Nice try. But you'll have to be faster than that.
Mikey: Yoo-hoo, monster of doom. We're over here.
[The robot turns around as the dog and turtle split up..]
Leo: Raph, Fishface. There.
[Fishface and Raph go after him.]
Fishface: Ready?
Raph: Three, two, one.
[Raph leaps and stabs the platform.]
Stockman: No! Stop helping each other!
[It explodes, setting the Stockman Pod to explode.]
Mikey: Where's Dexter?
Stockman: Fools! You haven't seen the last of Dexter…
[Realizing the name he just said, Stockman clears his throat to correct himself.]
Stockman: Baxter Stockman!
[Stockman flies away. Meanwhile, at the lair.]
Splinter: I had intended to one day pass this on to my daughter, but I would like you to have it.
[He gives her tessen, a fan]
April: It's beautiful.
Splinter: Yes, and..
April: I think we found my weapon.
[The turtles exit the lab. They are all exhausted.]
Fishface: The truce is over.
Dogpound: Let's finish this.
Mikey: Booyaka [yawn]
[Michelangelo tries to attack with his nunchucks at the mutants, but due to this hard fight, he feels exhausted and tired, he falls and yawns in exhaustion.]
Dogpound: Ah, forget it. Next time.
[Everyone leaves in their separate directions.]
Mikey: You know, Raph, you and Fishface actually made a pretty good team back there.
Raph: He's still our enemy, Mikey, and he'll take us out the first chance he gets.
[Fishface secretly throws one of Baxter's balls with laser shredders (which he actually managed to pick up somewhere in the maze) at Leo, but before it can hit him, Raph extends his Sai to pierce into it.]
Raph: Trust your senses. You'll see 'em coming.
[Fishface glares deviously at Raphael as the turtles look at the mutants leaving for a night as an episode ends.]