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[It all began in a warm sunset.]
RAPH: "Guys, guys! Get a photo of me dropping a hibernate on big spikey and big blinky and jolly green torch guy-" [yells and falls, knocking over a trash can]
APRIL: "This family needs to learn more about his hometown which is why I entered us in a city-wide photo scavenger hunt. And we're gonna win."
MIKEY: [checking list] "So that do we win when we win?"
SPLINTER: "Secret. The only currency that matters in this city."
LEO: "And we'll do it with our special brand of teamwork where my brothers do the work but we share equal credit."
DRAXUM: "Can we hurry this along? I left Sloppy Joseph in charge of my kitchen."
APRIL: "Yeah, that's on you, Barry."
[The sky began to darken as an object floating in the air. Red thunder flashes as the sky suddenly turns red.Tentacles started to sprout from the darkness and lunged at the humans. The elevator doors opened up as the group stepped outside.]
RAPH: "Okay, team- what? Wait a second...."
[The city was very abandoned. There are no humans and all of the objects laid there.]
LEO: "Donnie, what did you do?"
[A familiar woman's laughter echoed as a screen showed up.]
TURTLES: "Big Mama!"
BIG MAMA: "Ladies and gentlemen, it's the moment you've been waiting for. My long promised fantastic wizbang. Battle Nexus New York."
DONNIE: "I'm sorry. Wizbang New York what what what?"
BIG MAMA: "Smile turtley boos. My bloodthirsty audience is paying top didgeridoo to watch you get destroyed by Battle Nexus champion."
LEO: "Uh, we didn't sign up for this. Did April sign us?"
MIKEY: "April, did you-? [realizes April wasn't there] Wait, what have you done with April and Draxum and dad?"
[Donnie and Raph shrug]
BIG MAMA: "Not to worry. The people of New York are in the palm of my hand, all properly pacified inside this mystic thingamajig."
[We zoom in on the orb. Inside we see that the people of New York are on a cruise ship with no memory of how they got here.]
APRIL: "I can sit by this pool forever and not ask a single question about how I've got here."
DRAXUM: "These rays. Where does one procure a pendulous cranial shield?"
TODD: "Howdy, stranger."
[Draxum flinches in surprise]
TODD: "Would you like some lemonade? I always make enough for new friends."
DRAXUM: "Thank you, shaggy rodent."
[He tasted it, and mind flashed the time Todd offered lemonade to the league of mutants. He spits out the drink.]
DRAXUM: 'This lemon liquid. Your Todd! I remember you! Wait, I know this mind pacifying magic. Big Mama is behind this."
BIG MAMA: "Your task is simple: defeat my champions and you win your city back. fail and you lose it all."
TURTLES: "What?"
DONNIE: "I have only one question. How dare you.."
RAPH: "It's okay, guys, We got this. As long as the Mad Dogs are together, we can team work through anything well."
BIG MAMA: [chuckles] "Well, of course you silly billies can work together just not how you think."
[As she said this, blue vortexes appear around their bodies and disappear. They tried to run but they are gone forever, leaving only nothing but silence. Raph opened his eyes and found himself chained to someone on his arm.]
RAPH: "Ghostbear?"
[He tried to tug it but it was no use. A club slammed down the road and they looked to see a giant figure. Big Mama appears on the screen.]
BIG MAMA: "Each of you is linked to an enemy and you need to work together to complete a challenge against one of my battles. Enjoy wrestling my troll. Lose and I'll add your flutter body booth to my hotel rug collection."
[A massive muscular troll smashes a car with his club.]
RAPH: "I'm tag team partners with Ghostbear? Thank you, Big Mama!"
[Ghostbear tries to use his powers but he gets electrocuted.]
BiG MAMA: "Oh, Fluffy poo, the only way to break your bones is to win or die."
[Mikey was chained with Meat Sweats in the shoreline where they are faced with an orange two headed snake.]
BIG MAMA: "You two must satisfy my two-headed snake's endless appetite or it's you chefs who become lunch."
MIKEY: [squeals] "I get to team up with my favorite celebrity chef! Thank you, Big Mama."
MEAT SWEATS: "Did you not hear the handsome granny in the sky?"
MIKEY: "Sure did, We're in trouble, baby."
[Leo and Carl are chained together in the Statue of Liberty Island. Sprite is a blue and tiny fiery pixie which is not much smaller than a mouse. Leo began to laugh, poking her.]
LEO: "This is your champion? You forgot to add water. Burn! Nailed it!"
[The fairy flies into the statue of liberty's head and takes control of the statue. They let out a fearful scream as Carl held Leo.]
CARL: "Eat the turtle! He's crunchy."
BIG MAMA: "My sprite has never smiled and has a wicked temper. Make her laugh or she'll burn you worse than a well-timed joke pun intended."
LEO: "Make her laugh? That's my thing. Um, right. You know why sharks don't eat clowns' They taste funny?"
[Donnie and Hypno are chained together in central park in front of a Kraken yokai.]
BIG MAMA: "Cortex is the smartest yokai in the Hidden City and the cruelest. Lose and he keeps the turtle in his collection of game pieces."
DONNIE: Scooch over Hypno chest is my domain. [he transformed into a chest piece.]
HYPNO: "Oh no.'
DONNIE: [squeaky voice] "Well played, Big Mama."
HYPNO: "Oh no.."
BIG MAMA: "If any of you somehow come to my hotel and set your people free. to be sporting chat and put on a fantastic show for us. My subscribers are paying me a fortune to watch you all suffer. Now on with Battle Nexus New York."
[The yokai cheered as Big Mama giggled evilly caressing the orb in her hands.]
APRIL: "Wow, Todd. This is the best lemonade ever."
DRAXUM: "You all must stop consuming this citrus paradise and wake up! This is an illusion!"
SPLINTER: "I don't know. Todd's lemonade especially tastes pretty real to me."
FOOT RECRUIT: [slides up] "And magical as promised."
DRAXUM: "No. We are trapped inside Big Mama's mystic orb. Look at where we are and who we're with. How did we get here? Where are the turtles? Who even likes Foot Recruit?"
APRIL: "Well, I guess now that you mention it it is a little odd."
SPLINTER: "Stop trying to ruin a good thing Draxum. I'm a parent of four teenage boys. I need this."
DRAXUM: "Then let us cheer to fun in the sun. Observe!"
[Draxum lifts his glasses to the others and pulls up the images of what was happening in New York.]
APRIL: "My friends!"
SPLINTER: 'My sons!"
FOOT RECRUIT: "My enemies!"
[Everyone starts to panic.]
DRAXUM: "Told ya."
RAPH: "Okay partner, here's our plan."
[Ghostbear screams and gets pulled back and crashes into Raph.]
RAPH: "Hey Ghostbear, why'd you push me?"
GHOSTBEAR: "Lady said that the game ends when troll squishes you, not me."
[The troll raised his climb and Raph pushed Ghostbear away from the troll.]
[Meat Sweats turned on the oven as Mikey cut a bunch of fruits and veggies.]
MEAT SWEATS: "It's time to eat!"
[He flings food onto the snake's head, Mikey hasn't filled his snake's head since he is testing him.]
MEAT SWEATS: "You might hurry up, laddie. Your snake is beginning to look hungry."
MIKEY: "I'm blending as fast as I can! A dash of dill weed, a pinch of parsley flakes, just a touch of olive oil."
[The snake grows very impatient.]
MEAT SWEATS: "Just feed the beasties! They don't know their palette of fine cuisine."
MIKEY: "Uh uh uh. It was your old cooking show that taught me flavor manners."
MEAT SWEATS: "You know, it was just to sell my own cook books!"
LEO: [holding a microphone] "So my sheep chiropractor told me I should try sleeping on my baaaack."
CARL: "I've disappointed enough women in my life to know that face. Oh, we need to help our game here."
LEO: "Come on, I'm trying my best here."
CARL: "Wow, your best is terrible. If my brother were here, we would have made her laugh by now."
[Sprite begins to prepare a blue laser.]
LEO: "Well, he's not. And neither are my brothers because Big Mama tied us up to jerks like you! And if we don't work together, we're all toast."
CARL: "I don't care about your brothers. They're stupid."
LEO: [gasps sharply] "For Donnie's honor."
[He's about to attack until the laser starts to fire at them. They dodged.]
[Hypno is staring Cortex in the eye since the game hasn't started.]
HYPNO: "Hey, just quietly, full disclosure I don't know the laws of the sport."
DONNIE: "Oh, for the love of-"
[The chest pieces jump around in exasperation.]
RAPH: "We have to work together on this!"
[The Troll jumps and attempts to squash them. Ghostbear drags Raph and runs away. Troll used his club like a bat and knocked a piece of concrete ar Raph. It hit the turtle in the back and they rolled to the ground. The concrete hit a truck and it exploded, sending them flying.]
GHOSTBEAR: "We are doomed. it's time to tap out."
RAPH: "Hey, I don't have any posters of Ghostbear given up, remember when you won Noble Knockout 5? It's where you introduced your famous move the Hibernator. You know what I'm getting at?"
GHOSTBEAR: "That idea is how you say Cowabunga!"
[They exclaim in unison but the Troll knocks them back with the club. The two mutants fell into the water and splashed. The crowd cheered as Big Mama smiled.]
BIG MAMA: "Oh. We finally have our first victim. Raph and Ghostbear aren't only eliminated. They're destroyed."
[Leo, Mikey and Donnie are horrified to see that Raph is gone.]
LEO: "No."
MIKEY: "Ohmigosh..."
[Back in the orb.]
SPLINTER: "Oh, my gosh! My son lost and is gone forever."
APRIL "Barry, whatever you got to do to get us out of this mystic trap, now's the time. We got butts to kick."
DRAXUM: "This ship is surrounded by a powerful mystic membrane. I cannot unlock an exit from here. But perhaps if we reach the bottom...."
[Recruit yells, not taking this any longer. She ran forward and jumped.]
FOOT RECRUIT: "Leap of faith!" [jumps and falls off the boat]
DRAXUM: "Oh, look, a ladder."
[Carl is tackling Leo into a fight.]
LEO: "Mikey is harder than you."
CARL: "You're terrible!"
LEO: "Your hair is a disaster!"
[The Sprite snickers a little bit as Leo bites Carl's leg. Leo throws a crash can at his face and slips on a banana peel and they fall to the ground.]
LEO: "That's it. Physical comedy pain is always funny. Carl, follow the lead."
CARL: "Never!"
LEO: "Then hit me for any old peepers with your pointy pincers!" [shoves his fists]
CARL: "I was already gonna do that before you even said it! What?"
[Leo grabs his claws before Carl could even touch.]
LEO: "Right?"
[He sprays water into Carl's mouth and spits it out and flies past the beaming Sprite. Leo runs around, wearing a baseball bat.]
LEO: "I got him, I got him I..don't caught him."
[Carl lands nearby hard.]
CARL: "What is this, improv? That the bargain bin of comedy."
[He steps on a bear trap that Leo planted and gets a pie to the face.]
LEO: "You're hilarious.. And a cherry Louis on top. [smacks pie on Carl's face] We had fun, huh?"
[Sprite ends up bursting in laughter]
LEO: "Made ya laugh. Good bye now."
[Leo and Carl disappear into a blue vortex.]
MEAT SWEATS: "Laddie, stop with that dilly dallying, will you? Feed your monster because it eats us both. Oh no, I'm out!"
MIKEY: [slams down a fish and cuts a tomato.] "We need to work together and satisfy their appetite. Trust me, one satisfying dish is all we need to win this challenge, Oh no, I forget how to spice it. Help me!"
MEAT SWEATS: "The sprinkle of paprika should unleash the flavor."
MIKEY: "Genius."
[Mikey takes the fish and throws it to his snake head, but the other one eats it. ]
MIKEY: "What?"
[The snakes started to eat each other out of existence.]
MIKEY: "I knew it. just like me and Raph fighting over the last slice of pizza,"
[They both disappear as well.]
[Hypno is still waiting as Cortezt slammed on the board.]
CORTEX: "Come on!"
DONNIE: "You explain your own king! You surrender, We are victorious, Hypno!"
HYPNO: "I'm the king of checkers!"
[They both disappear as Cortex groaned. They appear in front of Big Mama's hotel, the chains freed from their arms.]
HYPNO: "Oh look."
[There, Mikey and Leo had been freed from their chains from their opponents.]
MIKEY: "Donnie! You made it!"
[Mikey and Leo rushed forward and tackled Donnie in a hug.]
LEO: "It's good to see you brothers."
HYPNO: "Brotherly love. Yeah, that's what I've been talking about."
CARL: "Put that away. You're embarrassing yourself, Hypno."
[The doors opened as Big Mama stepped in.]
BIG MAMA: "Hello, victorious finkle beasts."
MIKEY: "Oh no."
BIG MAMA: "Congratulations on defeating my champions. Or three of them, at least."
MIKEY: "Raph's hibernator move."
DONNIE: "We played your dumb dumb game, now give us your dum-dum orb so we can go back to our dum-dum lives. Wait, that last part wasn't right. Sorry, from the top. We played your dumb dumb-"
[Big Mama spits go onto Donnie's mouth and shape shifts into her spider form.]
BIG MAMA: "Silence! The thing is, my dearies, I don't like how clever you've all been. So I'm altering the terms at the last second. I only visited your home to play my little game. But I rather like this place and I think i'll be keeping it. New York City will be my new Battle Nexus arena and its people my expendable contestants."
LEO: "Think again, Big Mama, New York is our house and we got you outnumbered six to one."
[But it turns out that the villains ditched them.]
CARL: "So long, jerks!"
LEO: [chuckles] "Villains, am I right? You get it."
BIG MAMA: "Pity you three alone could never defeat me. But you'll be easy weasley."
MIKEY: "Yeah, the thing about that is us four work together even when we're apart."
LEO: "See, for as long as I can remember, we've endured Raph's obsession with pro wrestling. So we know that his all-time favorite special move is a classic fake out where he pretends to lose and just when the opponent's distracted he swoops in like a boss with his..."
EVERYONE: "Hibernator!"
[No answer. Big Mama looked around in silence as the boys blinked awkwardly. Leo cleared his throat again.]
ALL: "Hibernator!"
[Still, no answer.]
LEO: "Come on, Raph! You're making us look bad in front of Big Mama."
BIG MAMA: "Awkward..."
[A loud ear piercing scream burst out of the ground behind her. The orb slipped out of her grasp.]
BIG MAMA: "My orb!"
RAPH: "We're not done yet! Get the orb."
BIG MAMA: "The red one survived? NO! I will have this city! Shadow Fiend!"
[Shadow fiend knocked Raph out of the way, breaking the aura on him. The demon catches it until his claws stab the bottom.]
[At the same time, Draxum, Recruit, April and Splinter saw the crack.]
DRAXUM: "A weak spot. That's our exit. Stand back!"
RAPH: "Raph was expecting more of a fight. So after I faked losing at the bridge, Ghostbear ditched me. I swam to the land and grabbed your stuff. Now let's show Big Mama why you don't mess with New York City."
BIG MAMA "You'll never take the orb from my champion. but I'll enjoy watching you try."
[The orb started to shake until a purple vine burst from it.]
SPLINTER: "We're free!"
RAPH: "Dad?"
MIKEY: "Draxum?"
DONNIE: "April?"
LEO: "Foot Recruit?"
SPLINTER: [kicks Shadow Fiend away] "The people of New York is still in there!"
[The Shadow Fiend let out a roar at them. Leo started to portal Raph's phantom aura fists to punch the Shadow Fiend as Mikey used his whip to lift up a bus to crush him.]
MIKEY: "Guys, what's our plan?"
DRAXUM: "Retrieve me the orb and I can free your people."
BIG MAMA "I don't think so!"
[She began to flung her web at the orb. Recruit tried to catch it but she fell.]
FOOT RECRUIT: "Intercepting!"
[Leo throws his sword and slices the web off from the orb.]
APRIL: "I got it! Barry, Heads up."
[April tosses the orb to Draxum.]
DRAXUM: "Buy me some time!"
SPLINTER: "We'll cover you!"
[Draxum starts to run as Raph comes in and punches Shadow Fiend a few times, Donnie throws his staff and Mikey flings his whip on the Shadow Fiend. An explosion occurred as Draxum spinned the orb.]
DRAXUM: "Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on!"
[Explosions encountered as they dodged. Raph and Reika start to punch him a few times while Draxum runs.]
DONNIE: "Cowabunga!"
[Donnie throws his staff and spins it around again firing April's mystic bat. She catches it and throws it at the Shadow Fiend, hitting him in the face. That bat spins as Mikey hits him with his whip. Leo comes around with his sword and uses portals to hit him. Recruit jumped into the air but the Shadow Fiend blocked it with its arm and then her eyes grew wide when she saw a familiar demon face flashed in front of her.]
[She gets punched in the face and the demon slammed his fists, sending everyone in the air. Draxum tumbled into the elevator.]
BIG MAMA: "Ignore the turtles. Follow the warrior alchemist!"
[Recruit watched and saw the ring on Big Mama's finger. It must be the one controlling her master.]
FOOT RECRUIT: "So that's how...."
[Draxum slides back and looks up to see the Shadow Fiend appearing in front of him.]
[He creates more vines to grab his arm, only to get punched so hard he goes flying up the building. He ended up on the very top as the crowd evacuated. Big Mama rushed over firing her webbing. He jumped away and used his vine to push her back. The ring on her finger slipped off and landed on the ground. Leo's portal appeared and everyone in Raph's phantom aura emerged.]
RAPH: "Hey Shadow Fiend, you mess with the wrong family."
ALL: "This is hot soup hibernator!"
[Another explosion occurred, causing the windows to break. ]
BIG MAMA: [moves rubble out of the way.] "You stubborn-buglies think you've won, don't you?"
RAPH: "I thought that was obvious."
[Recruit doesn't look happy until she spotted the ring offscreen. She smiles and leaves them unnoticed.]
RAPH: "It's over, Big Mama. Your bodyguard ain't here no more."
BIG MAMA: "Ha! My champion can never be beaten! Shadow Fiend! [Gasps, realizing her ring is gone] No..."
[Recruit laughs as she puts on the ring.]
FOOT RECRUIT: "There is no shadow fiend... only..."
[A low familiar growlis heard.]
RAPH: "What? Uh, oh."
[The cloak was torn off to reveal Shredder.]
FOOT RECRUIT: "The Shredder!!"
[Everyone was horrified.]
FOOT RECRUIT: "Master Shredder, destroy your enemies."
[Shredder's eyes glowed green.]
SPLINTER: "Blue, quickly, make a portal!"
[Shredder roared and started to break Raph's aura, causing them to hit onto the floor. The demon steps on Raph's shell and Leo cries out.]
LEO: "Dad!"
SPLINTER: "My sons!"
[He finds Leo's sword and begins to make a circle around everyone. The portal opens up and everyone falls in.]
SPLINTER: "Come with us, Big Mama! There is still good in you!"
BIG MAMA: "My cuddlelumpogous!"
(Big Mama shoots a web string to Splinter, and he catches it as he goes through the portal. Big Mama gets dragged closer to the portal, but then Shredder steps on Big Mama's hand and the portal closes.)
FOOT RECRUIT "The turtles are of no concern to us, but you enslaved my master. Now you will lose everything! I'd run if I were you."
[The Nexus Hotel explodes as Recruit flies off the Shredder.]