Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
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>Run and gun! Run and gun!< BWOOM BWOOM Ch'rell "Look at them scatter." CHKOW CHKOW BADOOM BADOOM "As if escape were an option." BADOOM Jonathan Bishop "Who—?" Leonardo "It's Ch'rell." Man Ray "Who's Ch'rell?" Michelangelo "At least he's shooting at the E.P.F. dudes." Raph "...And get busy kickin' butt!" |
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KRAK Bishop "No." BISHOP Bishop "It's time to end this once and for all." Bishop "All E.P.F. forces—contingency plan Alpha Juliet Bravo is in effect." Bishop "Ground units, return to shore immediately—leave all wounded and K.I.A. behind." Bishop >Air elements will provide cover.< WOOSH WOOSH BWOOM BWOOM Ch'rell "That's right—flee, you cowards!" Ch'rell "Run away from the might of Ch'rell!" Ch'rell "Oh, how I've missed this!" Mikey "Gahh! Bishop's gonna kill us all!" Donatello "Pretty sure that's the point, Mike!" Leo "We need to get to cover! No way we survive this kind of airpower!" Old Hob "Wrong." Hob "Sally..." Hob "...Now." |
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WADOOM WADOOM Sally Pride "Yah-hooo!" Sally "Ear your heart out, Han Solo!" Pete "Hi!" Pete "I'm Chewie Pete!" |
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Sally >We've got things handled up here, Hob. You do you.< Hob "Roger that, Sally." Donnie "How the...?" Hob "What? Did you think we only scrounged up these bad boys after your little war in New York?* Nah—we got all kinds of fun stuff." [*See TMNT: Invasion of the Triceratons — B.C.] Hob "Now, come on. We're wastin' time." Bishop "Yes. We are." Bishop "Initiate override code Delta Tango Alpha." Bishop "Engage autopilot." "The Slash weapon will complete its mission." Bishop "But not before I finish you." |
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Ch'rell "It appears we'e been joined by unexpected allies. On the land and in the air, no less." Sherp >Commander Zom, this is Corporal Sherp...< FZZZASH Sherp "...We've got a new threat inbound! Say again, a new thre—" Zom "Damn! This battle is not yet won." Ch'rell "Why so sullen, Commander?" Ch'rell "I, for one, look forward to a real challenge at last." |
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Bishop "Did you really think a handful of meddling mutants had any hope of derailing this mission?" EPF THOK Bishop "With one simple airship?" Mikey "What the—" WHOMP Bishop "And a few puny guns?" Bishop "When we came here prepared to destroy an entire alien army?" Herman the Hermit Crab "Oh, no you don't." Bishop "Yes. I do." BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA |
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Raph "Crap! I'm gettin' sick of this guy!" Hob "You ain't the only one." Hob "Sally, it's Hob!" Hob >What's goin' on with Slash?< Sally "He's movin' like some kinda zombie bulldozer towards the Technodrome..." Sally "...But he's about to run into some big-time problems." Hob "Damn! Bishop's still controllin' Slash." Donnie "It has to be the goggles. If we can just get them away from Bishop, maybe—" Hob "Maybe nothin'. There's only one way to stop this nutjob." Leo "Hob, wait." Hob "Forget it, turtle..." Hob "...I'm done playin' by your rules!" Herman "Offa... Me...!" |
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KZAPP SHMMP Mikey "He... Killed him." THUD Slash "What... Where..." Slash "...Where am I?" Ch'rell "You are in my territory, creature." Slash "Who...?" Ch'rell "And you were not invited." CHKOW |
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Mikey "I think I'm gonna barf." >Hob! Sally!< >Slash is in trouble!< Hob "C'mon, Mutanimals—let's get our boy!" Herman "On your six, sir!" Donnie "Maybe we should follow them." Raph "Why?" Mikey " 'Cause Slash is our friend, too, dude." Leo "Wait—look!" Bishop "Your friends are doomed, mutant." SHRIIIP |
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(Bishop reveals himself to be the diminutive human pilot of his own exo-suit) Bishop "As is everyone on this contaminated island." Raph "How in the hell...?" |
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"And you're certain he's as big as he'll get?" Wayne Bishop (flashback) "No chance for any sudden spurts down the line, Doctor Yuhasz?" Yuhasz (f) "No, we're quite certain, Agent Bishop. We've runa plethora of tests and they're all conclusive—" Yuhasz (f) "—Your son has reached his full growth potential, physiologically speaking. Psychologically, his mind and intellect will continue to mature at a normal human pace." Yuhasz (f) "And according to our most recent data, at an advanced rate in some categories." Wayne (f) "Yeah, John's a smart one, all right—" "—He's nearly finished that puzzle and he'sonly been at it, what? Fifteen minutes?" Yuhasz (f) "Fourteen minutes, thirty-two seconds, to be exact." Wayne (f) "And barely six years old. Amazing." Wayne (f) "I knew if we kept him alive he'd be special." Wayne (f) "And speaking of special, how are things commencing with the other project?" Yuhasz (f) "Excellently, sir. Now that we know John has reached his maximum physical stature..." |
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"...We can finalize modifications to the chassis." Yuhasz (f) "We should have a fully functional—and comfortable—cockpit within weeks." Yuhasz (f) "At this point, it's really just a matter of a few minor engineering conversions to make the unit 100% human compatible." Wayne (f) "But not very human-like." Wayne (f) "As much as I want my son to benefit from these mechanical enhancements, I don't want him looking like some crash test mannequin-robot when he operates the suit." "His deformities are already bad enough, and I want him to look as normal as possible, under the circumstances." Yuhasz (f) "Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Yuhasz (f) "Our aesthetics team is standing by to complete the exterior design as well, and they wanted me to ask if you had anything specific in mind, sir?" Wayne (f) "As a matter of fact, I do." Wayne (f) "Call me old-fashioned, but I've always thought a son should look like his father." Wayne (f) "Give your design team this—" (photo of Wayne holding John) Wayne (f) "—It's the only photo I have." |
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"Tell your people to make my boy a chip off the old block." (John) Bishop "Stare all you want, mutants. Marvel at the true reality of what I am." Bishop "It will be the last thing you ever see." SKHSSSH (Bishop's cockpit ejects from his exo-suit and starts flying away) Bishop "But if you think for one second that you see a monster, you are mistaken—" Bishop "—Because the monsters are you." Bishop "Despite my appearance, I am still human. Still your better. Something my father understood from the very first time he laid his eyes upon me." Bishop "He'd seen the real monsters and knew my life—all human life—was worth preserving, if only to ensure our race could defend itself against the unearthly invaders." Bishop "You look at me and see horror. But my father saw hope." Bishop "He was truly a man ahead of his time... I am liing proof of that fact." Bishop "And you..." Bishop "...You are expendable, just like all your pathetic ilk." Bishop "And as for the Slash creature, even now, deep inside, it carries my most lethal weapon." Bishop "Sometimes all that remains to ensure victory for the righteous..." Bishop "...Is the nuclear option." (Bishop has flown away) Donnie "Oh, no." |
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FZAKK Slash "Graah!" Sally >Back off, ugly!< Hob "Ray! Herman! Help Sally!" Hob "Mondo, with me!" Herman "Sir, yes, sir!" Slash "Hob... Mondo... Is it really you?" Mondo Gecko "It's really us, dude." Hob "And we're gettin' you the hell outta here, pal." Hob >Sally, it's Hob. Quit screwin' around and land that thing. We're goin' home.< Sally "You got it, cat man!" Pete "Yayy! Home!" Hob >Man Ray! You and Herman fall back to Slash. Our ride's on the way!< Ray "Roger that, Old Hob." |
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Tragg "The mutants are shooting at us!" Ch'rell "Well, then, that simplifies things, Lieutenant Tragg." Ch'rell "Destroy them all." Zom "Wait, Colonel Ch'rell!" Zom "The big mutant is not an enemy." Leo "He's our friend." Raph "Yeah..." "...And you really don't wanna be shootin' at him right now." Slash "I don't feel well, Old HOb." Hob " 'Course you don't, pal—you've had your brains scrambled for a while." Hob "But you're back now, and we are gone." Slash "No... Something's wrong." Donnie "Slash is right—" Donnie "—Something is very wrong." Slash "Mikey?" Mikey "Hi, big guy." Hob "What the hell are you sayin', turtle?" |
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Donnie "What do you feel, Slash?" Slash "Something... Inside. Something that doesn't belong." (flashback of Slash being surgically operated on) Slash "A bomb!" Hob "What?" Donnie "Bishop's plan all along. He's implanted Slash with a bomb... A smash nuke, if he wasn't bluffing." Donnie "The E.P.F. didn't come here to invade—they came to annihilate." Hob "Then what are you waitin' for? You and those other eggheads fire up that magic door of yours and get us outta here now!" Donnie "You don't understand, Hob—" Donnie "We can't teleport Slash back to New York. Not if he's carrying a nuclear bomb..." "...The casualties would be catastrophic." (Slash remembers being forced to kill a Triceraton) Triceraton (flashback) "Nngh!" |
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Hob "But... Maybe Bishop was lyin' and there ain't no bomb." Ch'rell "He did not lie—I've already run a scan." Ch'rell "The beast carries high explosives inside." Hob "Then you alien freaks can fix him. You've got the tech we need, right?!" Ch'rell "Nonsense. I will not allow a walking time bomb into any Utrom facility." Zom "I... Unfortunately, I agree—" Zom "—There are too many lives at stake to risk it." Slash "Guh!" Mikey "You okay, big dude?" (Slash remembers being forced to kill Wayne Bishop) Slash "How... How much time left do you estimate, Donatello?" Donnie "I don't know, but I doubt Bishop would detonate until the E.P.F. was out of range of the blast." Hob "What do you mean? What blast? We're gonna stop this, right?" Slash "No, Old Hob—it's too late. I ned to go so everyone can be safe. I won't hurt anyone else... Ever again." Hob "But... That wasn't you before. It was Bishop... He was controllin' you!" Slash "Yes. But I'm in control now, and I know what to do." Slash "Sally, how fast does this thing fly?" Sally "Fast as you need it to, big fella. Why?" Slash "Because I want you to drop me off somewhere—and then get away from me as quickly as you can." Sally "Can do." |
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Hob "No—you ain't goin'. Not like this. I won't let you. I..." Hob "...I can't." Slash "Yes, you can." Slash "Because someone needs to lead the resistance." (Slash takes off his black bandana) Slash "You were right all along, Old Hob—about the humans." Slash "They have to be stopped." (Slash hands his bandana to Hob) Mikey "Here,big guy—I brought this for you. Just in case... We got you back." Mikey "Kinda mushy now, though. Sorry." Slash "Candy?" Mikey "Yeah..." (Mikey embraces Slash) Mikey "...For a hero." Slash "Time to go. I'll miss you all." Slash "It's been an honor to be your friend..." "...And your brother." |
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(Sally pilots the craft with Slash inside) (Slash has chocolate on the edge of his mouth) Slash "Thank you, Sally." Slash "Good-bye." Sally "Godspeed, my friend." (Slash jumps out of the craft into a skydive, holding Mikey's half-eaten candy bar in his hand) (Slash detonates in a nuclear explosion over the Atlantic Ocean at a safe distance from anyone else) |
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(the turtles, Ch'rell, Hob, Ray, Herman, Pete, Mondo and Zom are witnesses) (Zom appears dejected) (Leo appears dejected) (Pete leans against Mondo, both weeping with expressions grief) (Ray appears dejected) (Donnie appears sad) (Mikey weeps with an expression of grief and a thousand-yard stare) (Raph appears angry and frustrated) (Herman weeps with an expression of sadness) (Ch'rell appears stoic) Donnie "April... It's Donnie." (Hob stares at Slash's bandana in his hands, appearing to be sobbing with an expression of grief) Donnie "Bring us home." |