[Episode begins with Mikey reading a comic of Wingnut and Screwloose.] | |
Mikey | [reading] "Holy golly willikers, Wingnut!" "I see him, Screwloose!" "Skullface is a GIANT!" Run, old chum, run! Ha-ha yeah! |
Kitty | Meow? |
Mikey | "The Adventures of Wingnut and Screwloose. " These old vintage comics are the best! [chomps, then sighs] |
Leo | Wingnut and Screwloose aren't bad, but you can't tell me they're better than Arachnid-Man or Superb Man or even the Indelible Bulge. |
Raph | Eh, none of those even come close to the best comic ever "The Fantastic Four Food Groups." |
Mikey | You're kidding me. The "FFFG"? |
Leo | [teasing him] Ooh, talking food. So dark and brooding. |
Raph | Hey, that food has real depth and emotion, man. |
[Leo and Mikey laughing] | |
Raph | Get on the bus! |
[Meanwhile in Donnie's lab.] | |
April | I've been having headaches and weird nightmares about space and other galaxies. |
Donnie | I don't see anything physically wrong with you, April. You're probably just adjusting to life back on Earth. |
Mikey | I don't know, Donnie. My seventh sense tells me it's not that. It's that freaky crystal she never takes off. |
Donnie | I don't think a crystal could give you headaches, but let me take a look at it. |
[He reaches for the crystal but April slaps his hand away.] | |
April | No! Get away from it! |
[stunned about April’s weird behavior] Whoa, you're acting like it's your "precious." You're addicted to that thing, April. | |
April | I said back off.... me. Okay. Okay. It's just a crystal. No big deal. |
[She took it off and Donnie analyzed it.] | |
Donnie | Wow. I'm seeing particles and structures I've never seen before. I'm gonna try an experiment. |
[He used his bo until it reacted. A mist formed in the air.] | |
April | What is that, Donnie? |
Donnie | Trouble. |
[April, Donatello and Michelangelo watch in horror.] | |
[theme song.] | |
Mikey | Um, Donnie? Some sciencey explanation I won't understand would be cool. |
Donnie | I... I just don't know. |
Mikey | It's alive. |
[The mist floats around] | |
Raph | What did you do this time, Donnie? |
Raph | What did you do this time, Donnie? |
[The mist flies around the group and then vanish through the ceiling.] | |
Mikey | Ooh, tingly. |
Leo | Where the heck did it come from? |
Donnie | April's Aeon crystal. But whatever it was, it's gone now. |
[later, Mikey is reading the comic.] | |
Mikey | [reading] "Monoculus, let Screwloose go, or I'll have no choice but to use my Wingnut-a-Rang!" See? That's Monoculus of the planet Zoltagg. He's space emperor supreme of all floating eyeballs in the galaxy. |
[Raph knocks Mikey’s door] | |
Raph | [offscreen] Mikey! Sensei wants to see us. |
Mikey | Looks like comic book fun will have to wait. Come on, Ice Cream Kitty. |
Kitty | [meows] |
[Once they depart to the dojo, another energy arrives and sees Mikey's comics and consumes it. Meanwhile, Casey is bored and sees a missing poster.] | |
Casey | Maybe the Turtles are doing something fun. 'Cause the surface is feeling a little boring. |
Man | Run! |
[Casey laughs, ready to get some action. When Casey Jones goes to investigate, he sees that the people are still running away from someone, he realizes it....] | |
Casey | Whoa. What? Giant alien eyeball? From the Wingnut comics? Ha! My day just got wicked awesome. Wait till Raph sees this. |
[He takes a picture. Later, Raph looked and saw the photo] | |
Raph | What the heck is this? |
[Everyone looked at the photo. Mikey's eyes widen with shock when he recognize who it was.] | |
Mikey | No way! |
[Mikey heads to his bedroom and looks at his book. Monoculus is not in the comic] | |
Mikey | [gasps] It can't be. Monoculus! |
[outside,] | |
Casey | Hey, eyeball, eat Photon Puck. |
[He throws punk at the alien but it recovers] | |
Casey | Aah! Great googly oogly! |
[Something hit Monoculus] | |
Raph | Man, that is one huge eyeball. |
Mikey | Monoculus. It's so real. Just like from the comics. |
Leo | Snap out of it, Mikey. |
[They dodged its eye laser as Raph laughs] | |
Leo | Hit it from every side. Try and keep it off balance. Now! |
[They leap and dodge the alien. The alien started to fire lasers at them until Mikey poked it in the eye but he got hit by the laser. April arrives.] | |
Donnie | You took the crystal from my lab? |
April | It's mine. I need it. |
[She used her tessen and stabbed the alien. It disappears in a yellow mist.] | |
April | Man, that was weird. Is everyone all right? |
Leo | Okay, I give up. Anyone want to tell me what's going on? |
Mikey | I'll tell you what's going on. My comic book came to life. |
Raph | Okay. Any other theories? |
Mikey | It's the Emperor Supreme of space eyeballs. It used to be in my comic, but now it's vanished. |
Leo | Right. That's why there's no eyeball monster in your comic at all. Come on, team. Let's head back to the lair. |
Donnie | And I want to take a closer look at that crystal, April. |
[As they leave, Casey holds the comic book.] | |
Casey | I have this comic. They kind of look the same but that's impossible! |
Mikey | Unless... the crystal! The thing the alien dudes gave April. It must have magical powers, yo. It did the scan-y thing. And then I was all tingly. And then it brought a character from my comic book to life! [gasps] Whoa. It all makes sense! |
Casey | Yeah, sure if you're crazy! |
[Casey throws the comics and leaves. Mikey isn't sleeping, he has an angry and determined look on his face, wanting his beloved superheroes to come to life, he goes quietly to the lab while Donnie's asleep.] | |
Donnie | [sleepily muttering] Sodium phosphate hm... tryptamine.. ehhm... |
[Mikey stole the crystal and replaces it with the toy, before escaping. Outside on the rooftop, Mikey demonstrates Casey to the crystal.] | |
Mikey | April's crystal! It can bring stuff to life. |
Casey | Okay, then. Make it work, Merlin. |
[Mikey puts the comic and crystal down] | |
Mikey | All right. Make Wingnut and Screwloose come to life, crystal. Go for it! Do it! Umm… Come on, crystal! Stop messing with me! |
Casey | I told you it doesn't work, bro-mix. |
Mikey | No, wait. We got to poke it somehow, give it a zap. |
Casey | Like this? |
[He used the electric at Mikey. The crystal glowed and the main characters of the comic came to life.] | |
Casey | Whoa, you were right, Mikey. |
Mikey | Holy chalupa. |
Wingnut | We're back on Earth! Great galaxies! |
Screwloose | Golly gee willikers, Wingnut! |
Mikey | Wingnut and Screwloose! You guys are my favorite comic book characters ever! |
Wingnut | Huh? Well, if it isn't our old foe Tortoise-Man. Escaped from prison again, have we? |
Screwloose | Holy Terrifying Terrapin! But he's like three feet shorter than Tortoise-Man, Wingnut. |
Wingnut | Obviously another one of Tortoise-Man's cunning tricks! |
[He starts to battle but they dodge.] | |
Mikey | Wait, wait, wait. I'm not Tortoise-Man. |
Casey | And I'm not with him. |
Mikey | Way to have my back, bro. Whoa, these are real Wingnut-arangs! The second coolest Wingnut weapon, behind the Wing-zooka! |
Screwloose | Holy Anthropomorphic Amphibians, Wingnut! I told you they weren't bad guys! |
Wingnut | My apologies, citizen. I am Wingnut. This is my sidekick, the bug wonder, Screwloose. |
Mikey | My favorite comic book heroes in real life. And you decided not to peel off my face! Wow! Oh, I got to get you guys to sign my comic! Aw, man. They're gone. This is totally gonna ruin its collectability. |
Casey | Name's Casey. He's Mikey. We're about to go on patrol. Any chance you guys want to go look for crime? |
Wingnut | Indeed, young Casey. |
On super hero patrol with Wingnut and Screwloose. Time to look the part. | |
[He took on his bug custome.] | |
Mikey | Turflytle in the house! Buzz, buzz! |
Screwloose | Holy rip-off, Wingnut. |
Wingnut | Yes, I know, old chum. But we have more important matters at hand. Matters of justice. |
[Quickshots of the group fighting bad guys... In the lab, Donnie woke up to hear April searching around for her necklace.] | |
Donnie | What's wrong? |
April | [very furious] Where is my crystal? I gave it back to you. Now you've lost it. |
Donnie | Well, we'll find it, okay? Just relax. |
April | I don't want to relax. I want my crystal! |
[She looks around for her crystal] | |
Donnie | April? |
April | [reaches to livid and explodes] Just leave me alone!!! |
Splinter | You are not thinking clearly, April. |
April | But Master Splinter, my crystal- |
Splinter | You are too attached to that object. The crystal is a crutch. I recommend against using it. |
April | It's not a crutch. It's just very important to me, and now it's missing. |
Leo | None of us took it, and we're all here except... Mikey. |
[Outside, Mikey, Casey, Wingnut and Screwloose gaze at the city.] | |
Mikey | Coast looks clear. Buzz, buzz. No sign of any crime. |
Wingnut | [looking at a nearby alley] Alas, I think I've found some. |
[They head down to meat a skeleton villain] | |
Wingnut | Skullface McGillin. Criminal mastermind extraordinaire. |
Mikey | Skullface? Dude, he's straight out of the comics. |
Screwloose | Look out! He's aiming his Skeletonizer! |
Skullface | That's right, see. |
[Skulls begin to attack. Using his staff, Skullface turns a nearby trash into skulls that started to attack.] | |
Mikey | Booyakasha! |
[Casey and Mikey shoved the skulls with a dumpster. Wingnut then whacked the skull off of Skull Face but he bounced back to his head.] | |
Skullface | That's right, see? And you're gonna get zapped by me, see? Oh, no, see! |
[Mikey used his nunchuck to grab the staff.] | |
Mikey | Aw, yeah! No Skeletonizer. What you gonna do now, Skully? |
[Mikey had grabbed the staff with his nunchuck. Wingnut and Screwloose punched Skullface.] | |
Wingnut | Let's share the last punch, together. |
[In slow motion they punched the skeleton man. He crashed right into the back of the van as the doors slammed closed behind him.] | |
Skullface | Ugh, see? |
Casey | Yo, dog, I get how Wingnut and Screwloose came out of that comic, but how did Skullface escape? |
Mikey | No clue, brah. But at least there's no villains left in this issue. |
Wingnut | Let's get something perfectly straight, citizens. We did not come out of any comic book! |
Mikey | No. It's true, super dudes. You're just made-up characters. You're from the planet Dexion V of the Huanu system. Wingnut lost his family at the intergalactic movies, and later adopted Screwloose after a tragedy at the space circus. |
Wingnut | How.... How do you know so much about us? Are you working for Captain Confusion? |
Mikey | It was the power of the crystal, yo. See? |
Wingnut | Can you feel it, old chum? It's the source, the source of life and power itself. |
Mikey | Whoa. Are you guys feeling okay? |
Screwloose | Give us the crystal. |
[They charge at Mikey, then grab the crystal.] | |
Wingnut | Life and power and it's ours. |
[They transform into monstrous beings and fly off.] | |
Mikey | No! |
[In the lair, Donnie searched aroudn the lair[They start to attack.]key lost my crystal... | |
Raph | Mikey! Where the heck are you? |
Mikey | Dude! Me and Casey need help! |
[Mikey and Casey are chasing the | |
Mikey | Wingnut and Screwloose have gone all evil! We're tracking them across the city right now. Did I mention they're evil? |
Raph | You're tracking comic book characters across the city. And it's finally happened. Mikey's lost his mind. |
Casey | Wingnut and Screwloose are real, dude. They came from April's crystal. |
Mikey | But don't tell April I took her crystal. Or that I lost her crystal. Or that the bad guys have her crystal. Cool? |
April | Mikey! My crystal! |
Mikey | My bad. |
Casey | Raph, get everybody to the old cathedral. Fast. |
Mikey | They're in their Bell Tower Lair straight out of the comics! |
[They enter the bell tower] | |
Mikey | Dude, check it out, |
[They descended down.] | |
Casey | Whoa, this is from "Wingnut and Screwloose" no. 30. |
Mikey | And this is the squirrel from issue 35. Cool. Look, it's all their costumes. |
[They quickly hide.] | |
Wingnut | The crystal is a conduit of energy. It created us, old chum! |
Screwloose | I get it now, Wingnut. We don't really exist in this world. We're just images brought to life. It's a big bummer! What can we do? |
Wingnut | The crystal can sustain us. We can survive with its power. We can become more real than the beings in this world. I just have to discover how to tap its mystical energy. |
Mikey | [whispering] Do we make our move? |
Casey | Not yet. Wait till the time is - aah! |
[They fall and caused the display case to fall] | |
Wingnut | Intruders! |
Screwloose | They're after the crystal! |
[They start to attack.] | |
Casey | Come on, Wingnut. We don't want to hurt you. |
Mikey | You're not bad guys. You're heroes. |
Wingnut | Lies. You'll say anything to get the crystal. |
[Casey gets knocked off but gets saved by Raph.] | |
Raph | Got you, Casey. |
[The bat and bug snarl] | |
Raph | Mikey was right. We got to start listening to him more often. |
[Leo starts to battle Wingnut while Casey and Raph battle Screwloose.] | |
Screwloose | I'll destroy you, vile Turtle! |
[Raph falls but he saves himself with the grappling hook as Screwloose chases him. He fires the bazooka at him but he escapes to the top of the bell tower. Snarling, Screwloose begins to attack as Raph punches him. The grappling hook gives way, causing Raph to fall.] | |
Mikey | Hold on, Raph! I got your back. |
[He catches Raph. Once they are safe, Screwloose appears and snarls.] | |
Raph | This kind of thing would never happen with the "Fantastic Four Food Groups. " |
[They attack the mosquito. Wingnut pins Leo as he struggles to attack] | |
Leo | What's wrong with you, Wingnut? In the comics, you're a hero. |
Wingnut | I still am! |
[He discharms him and he follows after him to the top, battling.] | |
April | He's got my crystal! It's mine! |
[April furiously shoots the trash balls at Wingnut as revenge for stealing her crystal. They accidentally ring the bell, causing them to cover their ears.] | |
Mikey | Casey, I've got an idea. It's not great, but it's an idea. |
Casey | Just do it already!! |
[MIkey heads to the stop and starts ringing the bell. Everyone covered their ears.] | |
Donnie | This is as close as I can get. Now, April, focus your powers. |
[The crystal removed Wingnut. He tries to get it but gets restrained by Raph.] | |
Donnie | Now reabsorb the energy that brought them to life. |
April | Finally back where she belongs. |
[Wingnut and Screwloose are back to normal.] | |
Screwloose | Golly. Did you hear that, Wingnut? They're gonna send us back to being pictures on a page. |
Wingnut | No, old chum, They're going to send us back to where we're supposed to be. I'm sorry for all the trouble we've caused here, Tortoise allies. We don't belong here. |
Mikey | [sniffling] Sorry everything got so messed up, Wingnut. Thanks for coming on patrol with us. |
Wingnut | Anytime, old chum. |
Screwloose | Holy good-byes, everyone. |
[They disappear into the comic.] | |
Leo | Don't be sad, Mikey. They were never real to begin with. |
Mikey | [crying] I know. It's cool, bro. |
Donnie | April, when we get back to the lair, I think I'd better run some more tests on that crystal. |
April | No, Donnie |
Donnie | [concerned] April, are you all right? |
April | [menacingly] It's my crystal. I'm never gonna take it off again for anyone or anything ever again. |
Bat in the Belfry/Transcript