In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, an unnamed baseball stadium in New York City serves as a recurring location. Its home team is the New York Drakes.
The stadium first appears in the season one finale "End Game", when the Kuroi Yōroi-clad Baron Draxum along with his then-allies, the Foot Clan, drilled up through the ceiling of the Hidden City's cavern and into the middle of the playing field of this above-ground stadium during a baseball game in front of thousands of human witnesses, and declared his hostilies to the human world; a panic resulted as humans started fleeing the stadium. The Mad Dogs, April O'Neil, Mayhem and Splinter intervened, leading to a major confrontation between them and Draxum. When they learnt from eavesdropping on the Foot Clan that there was a flaw in the Kuroi Yōroi, the Mad Dogs managed to dislodge a Jupiter Jim action figure that had long been lodged inside the dark armor's face plate; once it had been dislodged, the now fully restored armor suddenly drained Draxum's energy within an inch of his life and expelled him, allowing the Shredder to awaken within the armor for the first time in 500 years.
In the season two premiere, "Many Unhappy Returns", Draxum, who was actually only being used by the Foot Clan to help reawaken the Shredder, barely managed to escape through his own portal. There in the stadium, Shredder attacked the Hamato Clan, but phased out of corporeal presence before landing his blow, appearing to vanish. The Foot Clan made their own escape when it was clear that the Shredder had still come back wrong, even with the fully restored and repowered Kuroi Yōroi.

In "Repairin' the Baron", the Hidden City's Council of Heads decreed Baron Draxum guilty of crimes against the Yōkai, including damaging their veil of secrecy through his actions. The guardsmen who had formerly worked for Draxum, Garm and Freki, were offered leniency for their complicity in Draxum's crimes if they would hunt Draxum down for the Council. Later in the episode, the guardsmen visited the now-closed stadium, which was still heavily damaged and now cordoned off with police tape, and the giant hole from the Hidden City that Draxum had earlier poked through the middle of the stadium's playing field had not been repaired. There, the guardsmen found some shriveled remains of the mystic vines Draxum had left behind during the events of "End Game" and "Many Unhappy Returns".