Barry and Billy's gun store

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

In the IDW continuity, there is a gun store in Mutant Town operated by the identical-looking clerks Barry and Billy.


A decade before the events of The Cure for You, there was a robbery committed by Ivan, Silas and Jennika. Ivan killed a person and escaped with Sy, while Jenny was arrested for her part in the crime. As Ivan and Sy fled the police through Manhattan's East Side, they dumped their duffle bag of stolen money down an air vent on the gun store's rooftop, hoping that the police would not find it and that they could return and retrieve it later when the business closed, not realizing it was a 24-hour gun store that never closes. For a decade, the duffle bag remained unclaimed and unknown to anyone but Ivan and Sy.

In The Cure for You, part 2, the gun shop was located in what became Mutant Town, and both Barry and Billy along with much of the neighborhood around them had become mutants since the fallout of Old Hob's mutagen bomb. The now mutant Silas brought the now mutant Jennika back to the store's roof top in the hope that she could use her ninja stealth to enter the building's rooftop air vents and crawl through the air ducts to retrieve the money. When she flatly refused, Sy went alone, making a great deal of very conspicuous noise inside the building. Sy found the money, fled the air ducts while still inside the building, and escaped by crashing out the gun store's front window amidst a barrage of bullets. Barry and Billy, now mutant beavers, furiously pursued Sy out the store, paranoidly believing him to be an infiltrating government agent and that this event was part of a great roundup, and that all the pedestrians on the streets were also government agents. With this conclusion, the pair immediately started shooting the sidewalks with their automatic assault rifles, forcing random pedestrians to flee for their lives and take cover. Jenny, armed only with her ninja weaponry, was forced to subdue the two beavers before they could kill anyone.


  • The gun store has a name, but its full store sign cannot be read in-story as part of it is obscured by a perpendicular "24 HR" sign. What can be seen says "2 B[...] GUN STO[...]", with the the second word being at most three or four letters long.